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I’m so glad that Evan and Liam didn’t want me to go. If they had I would be sad at home now working myself up into a state of panic about everything. I’d be freaking out about my lack of career, all my confidence about being able to start up a business of my own would be gone, and I would also be panicked about where my relationship stood… instead I’m having a calm and relaxing day, one that’s filled with promise, and I love this version of myself.

“Hey, do you think you can get a babysitter one night?” I ask Evan in the spur of the moment. “I would love you to come and meet my friend at some point.”

“Uh oh, will this be the Spanish Inquisition?” I laugh and nod, with Robyn he might be right about that one. “Okay, fair enough. I don’t see why not. It actually might be fun.”

Chapter Twenty Seven – Evan

It’s been a very long time since I’ve been inside a bar for fun. For work, yes, for business meetings and smoozing, but not just to have a good time. It actually feels a little strange, I don’t know why but I feel a bit out of place. It’s not that I thought I was missing out on a lot by not being out every single night, but now I know for sure that I haven’t been. Being at home with my boy is a much happier place, being with my family in the warmth of my life makes me much happier than this ever could.

‘How is everything?’ I text anxiously to Nancy. She was so keen when I asked her to babysit again, I think she assumed all my new life changes were down to her and the accident. I tried to explain that it was something I’d been planning anyway, but I’m not sure she believed me.

‘All fine, Liam is tucked up in bed,’ she reassures me, which makes me breathe a sigh of relief. I know that I can’t control every aspect of Liam’s life, that will only make him pull away as he gets older, but it’s still hard for me to think of him anywhere except for safe at home. He hasn’t been in a car since, but I’m going to have to let him eventually. I need to find a way to let go of my insecurities.

‘Great, thanks. See you soon! We won’t be late, I promise.’

After I send that final message I tuck my phone away and refocus on the friends that Katy wanted me to meet. There’s Robyn, who from what I understand is Katy’s best friend, the woman who has always been there for her, and her boyfriend Jon. Then there are some other people, but I haven’t been given the chance to learn their names yet because they’re too busy dancing, mingling with other people, and standing at the bar. I don’t think they’re too important to Katy anyway, so I’m not bothered about them. I think she lost a lot of her friends when she dedicated something to her work, which is something I can strongly relate to, so the only people that matter are the ones who stayed.

“You seem very good for Katy,” Robyn tells me quietly as her friend heads to the bathroom. “I’ve seen a real change in her since she met you. She’s much happier and more vibrant.”

I nod happily, knowing what Robyn means. This Katy is nothing like the woman I first met. That Katy was confident in her work, but nothing else. The person we see now seems to understand that she’s actually an important person, which is wonderful. She needs that.

“Well she’s changed me for the better too,” I confide in Robyn. “Before I met Katy I was always very private and closed off. I didn’t know how to open up to anyone about anything. I certainly wasn’t in the right place for a relationship… but then she came along and I just wanted to be better for her. I wanted her to see me in a way that others don’t. She cast a spell over me.”

As Robyn smiles at me, I can see approval there. “Well good, I’m glad. Does that mean I don’t have to give you the standard warning about losing your balls if you hurt my friend?”

“You definitely don’t.” I shake my head rapidly. “I have no intention of ever hurting her.” I pause and bite down on my bottom lip, wondering if this is something I should say. “I love her, you know?” Yes, I decide to just go for it. Katy knows how strong my feelings are, so why shouldn’t her friend? “I really do and I’ll do anything to keep her around.”

“Good.” Robyn pats me on the back. “Well, it looks like you’ve passed the test and I haven’t even really started it yet. Usually when my friends bring around new boyfriends I have a list of questions about their past that I grill them about, and I always thought that when it was Katy I’d be even worse because she needs so much protecting… but with you I don’t think I need to. I feel like you have my friend’s best interests at heart. I feel like you really do care about her.”

I don’t know if this means that Robyn already knows about me losing Victoria or not, but I don’t push it. I don’t want to ruin tonight by talking about all of that anyway. That’s in the past now. It isn’t something that I’ll ever forget, but I don’t want to only exist in that moment either. I want to move forward with the bright new future that I can have with Katy.

“I do, I really do. You don’t have to worry about Katy with me. I can promise you that she’s in good hands. All I want to do is spend every single day making her happy.”

“God, happiness, I don’t think that’s something she’s used to since she’s given so much of herself to that hell hole, so I really hope you can do it.”

At that moment, my cell phone starts ringing in my pocket. It must be Nancy, I’m sure she’s the only person who would call me this late at night which means I need to

take the call instantly. Even knowing that Liam is safely tucked up in bed isn’t enough, my panicked brain starts concocting the most horrific images that I can barely deal with.

“I just have to take this,” I tell Robyn regretfully. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

I run from the bar and suck in a couple of deep, cold breaths once I get outside. It’s only when I actually look at the screen of my phone and I see that it’s Barry’s name written across it, that I begin to calm down just a little bit. Of course, it’s Barry, my accountant has no idea of time. He needs to get a life outside of work, honestly!

“Hello, Barry,” I answer wryly. “Is everything okay?”

As soon as he starts talking I can hear an edge to his voice which gets my back up. I don’t know what this is going to be about but I immediately start panicking. “Evan, sorry for ringing you at this time, I just thought you might like to know right away…” The pause is agonizing, it makes me want to scream. “The investor you met with on Friday is very interested in you and your new, restructured business. He wants to be a part of the company.”

“Oh my God.” I reel as I realize what this means. I’m saved, really saved. Now, I can pay back the banks, get out of debt and have some money to move forward with… but in the right way. With Archie’s help now the company is much smaller and more stream lined. Everything is working out even better than I’d hoped. “Barry, that’s incredible news. Thank you for ringing me and letting me know. That’s just…” I rub my forehead in shock. “That’s wonderful.”

“Yes, well you can thank your lawyer friend for that. Also, you might want to consult with her again to get all the paper work drawn up quickly. You’ll want to move fast with this one.”

I glance towards the door of the bar, glad that I can tell her right away. Barry doesn’t know that me and Katy are involved, and he doesn’t have to. He isn’t actually someone that I see on a regular basis, we just talk a lot. He probably wouldn’t be happy about it, but I don’t care because I have everything that I’ve ever wanted and more.

“Yes, I will speak to her about it. Thank you, Barry. Keep me updated.”

As I hang up the phone I do a little fist bump in the air. It wasn’t that long ago that I knew the company was going to be put up for auction. I was going to lose control of the one thing that my father left for me. But now I have even more control than before… just control from a distance which suits me better. This is the next thing that I needed to get all the worries off my chest. I just know that I can make things profitable again, and I can’t wait to get started.

I push the door of the bar open, embracing the warmth as it circles me. Now I actually want a drink, I need it to celebrate, and I’m going to buy all of Katy’s friends one too. This is a moment that I want to commit to memory, and while I might not know these people I want them all the join in with me. If only for this second.

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