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“I mean, you can present a case that suggests you will make things better, but you need a lawyer for that to work and I’m not sure that’s something you can afford right now…”

“I’ll do it.” A ray of hope, that’s all I need. A small ray. “I’ll sort it, don’t worry.”

“I don’t know if that’s what I would advise. You’ll need the best of the best.”

My computer is already rebooting, I’m doing this. Even if it’s a last ditch attempt then I have to try. I can’t give up, that will never be me. And if I can do this in a discrete way so no other businesses work out what’s going on, even better. I already fee

l happier knowing that I’m trying.

“Yeah, thanks, Barry.” I’m already pulling the phone away from my ear, distracted. “Bye!”

I slam the phone back down and I flick through the Internet at the speed of light. I’ve used various law companies during my time as a business man but there’s only one that I remember really impressing me. Harrison and Associates. I had a young lad representing me then and he did an incredible job. I think they’re the only company I would trust with this.

Once I find the number I put in the call without even considering the time. It’s nearly seven PM, so there’s a chance that I won’t get a response, but any law firm worth anything tends to work through the night. I’m sure Harrison and Associates counts in that.

“Hello, Harrison and Associates, Deborah speaking.” She sounds professional, not exhausted. She must be a secretary. I’m impressed! Deborah isn’t out the door at five! “How may I help you?”

“My name is Evan Debroils,” I begin. “I have used your law firm in the past…”

“Ah yes,” she replies warmly. “I remember. I spoke with you a lot then.”

I feel horrible that I can’t remember, but that’s because I’m usually pushing forwards, never pausing to stop in the present to consider the past. Maybe that’s what got me in such a mess in the first place.

“You worked with Grant then, didn’t you? Back when he first started at the firm.”

“Ah yes, Grant. Can I speak to him?” It sounds like he’s still there, which is perfect.

“He’s actually with another client at the moment.” Of course, he is. Busy as always! This is the sort of thing that makes him the best, his dedication. “But if you give me some details about what you want, then I will pass the message on and get him to call you back at his earliest convenience.”

“Ah right.” I feel nervous. I don’t know if I want to share such details about my current situation with Deborah, but I suppose I have to. There’s a high level of confidentiality anyway, so I really shouldn’t worry. I just don’t like it, it hurts my pride. “Okay, well here it is…”


A long hour passes before I get off the phone, but after the call I feel much better. Deborah has reassured me that Grant will speak with me soon so I know where I stand when it comes to him. She was kind as well, I didn’t sense even a moment of judgement in her tone which is what I need right now. Once I have finally ended the call, I rub my eyes and let out a deep sigh of relief.

“Right,” I mutter to myself. “Time to go.”

Just before I leave, I find myself drawn to the photo of my parents that I can stand to look at. Since I lost them three years ago, maybe I should be more over it now, but I’m not at all. The senseless, needless way they were stripped from the world still crushes me painfully every single day. I grab the photo off the shelf and I run my finger idly along my mother’s face. She has dark hair, just like mine, and a bright, beaming smile. I recognize a lot of myself in her, which only makes me miss her even more. My mother was warm, kind hearted, and would do anything for anyone. There’s no reason at all her wonderful soul should have been taken from this Earth.

Then there’s my dad. I don’t look much like him, aside from the green eyes and tall stature, but I get my fierce ambition from him. That’s why all of this failure hits harder and why I definitely can’t take the easy way out and get a buyer. I inherited this business from him, before then I was merely an employee, and I need to make it a success. When I got it from him, it was a low level start up tech company and I made it explode. Of course, as Barry said, I pushed too hard and I expanded too quickly, but that’s all come from a good place. I just want to make this work for him. I want him to see that I’m worthwhile. Maybe that’s why I’m such a control freak about it. There’s been so much happening in my life that I’ve had no power over. This I need to control.

“I’m sorry, Dad,” I mutter to the picture. “I didn’t mean to make such an epic fuck up of things. That was never my intention. I just want to make Debroils Enterprises a name that means something, you know?” I sigh loudly, knowing that I probably sound like a crazy person right now. “That’s why I’m doing everything that I can to keep it. I won’t give up. Never ever!”

He stares lifelessly back at me from the picture frame, like a constant reminder that he’s gone. If he was here with me, I just know that he’d give me the absolute best advice that I could ever want. He would know the answer much better than me. That’s probably why he kept it small because he was wiser than me, he could always see the much bigger picture that however hard I try, I just can’t. But he isn’t here. He’s gone, and I’m in a mess of my own making. The only person that can get me out of this is me. And Grant. Good old Grant, get me out through this mess.

Just before I make another move to go home, I pull out a bottle of Brandy that I keep stored in the locked drawer at the bottom of my desk for emergencies just like this one. There’s a small tumbler in there as well so I can only pour myself a small measure. I don’t want to ever get wild at work. That’s the last thing this company needs. Once poured, I spin in my chair to look over the city as I take a big swig of the cool, delicious liquid that warms me up as it slides down my throat.

I can’t lose all of this, it just isn’t possible. I can’t let go of the last thing my father left for me. I know that Barry understands and I can also see that he only has my best interests at heart, but this is something I need to do. I have to keep fighting, right up until the very last moment. I’ll throw my heart and soul into it, I’ll give it all I’ve got, I’ll be willing and open to change, I’ll even stop being a stubborn control freak and I’ll listen. Whatever Grant tells me, that’s what I’ll do. I have to. For Mom, for Dad, for their legacy and for myself too.

Chapter Four – Katy

Nerves cascade through my system as I make my way down town to the Debroils Enterprises office for an emergency meeting with the owner there because his company is having some serious financial issues and they need a new plan. I wasn’t intending to take on any more clients until after the partner decision meeting, but since Grant asked me in front of two of the senior partners, including Doug Harrison himself, I felt like I couldn’t say no. To be honest, I don’t know if that was an intentional thing. I don’t know if he meant to throw me under the bus like that in a way to sabotage me, but here I am, doing it for him, wondering how I allowed myself to get railroaded.

It doesn’t matter now, I tell myself firmly as I step much quicker. I just need to do a good job, that’s all that matters. Screw Grant, screw worrying, I just need to prove myself.

Maybe I can use this as a way to make myself look even more suited to the position. After all, it isn’t me who said I didn’t have the time, it’s Grant. That won’t exactly look good, will it? I mean, I might end up pulling a lot of all nights, but again it’ll all be worth it.

The only night I absolutely cannot back down on is Friday. I can’t be in the office then no matter what. It’ll be the absolute last straw with Robyn since she’s been planning a low key night out for my birthday ever since last year. I promised, and after the double date nightmare I cannot do it again. I just can’t. No matter what, Friday is to be kept free.

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