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I woke up when I heard Ella crying, moving quickly to make my way upstairs on auto pilot. I stumbled through the gate and pushed open her door, seeing her curled up in her bed.

“What’s wrong, baby girl?” I dropped beside her and stroked her hair back. My heart was so full of love for this girl and she looked at me.

“My stomach hurts, Daddy.” I thought back quickly to what she ate tonight, wondering if dinner messed with her. She wasn’t exposed to other kids too much and didn’t get sick.

“It’s okay. Try to sleep,” I told her, lifting her up to take her to my room. She wouldn’t sleep otherwise. I thought back to Riley down in her bed and walked into the master bedroom, settling Ella under the blankets.

“Is she okay?” Riley asked from my door as I looked up in surprise. She was dressed in a robe and I smiled at her messy hair.

“Upset stomach. I know she won’t sleep without me.” I replied as she nodded. “Get some sleep. I think I might stay home with her tomorrow if she’s still feeling this way.”

“You’re a good dad.” She looked us over and turned to go back downstairs as I watched. We needed to slow down and not sleep in here as a family because we weren’t. Not yet.

I snuggled Ella and stroked her hair, so she’d fall asleep again, enjoying how little she was. She was going to grow up and away from me, making me think that it was a good thing to find someone else. I would want to move on and I thought of Riley above me, riding my cock.

I woke up with Ella, feeling her forehead gently. She was a little warm, and I walked into my bathroom to get the touch thermometer I bought. She was a couple of degrees hotter than she should be and I sat in the edge of the bed to check my phone. I had a few conference calls today, and I glanced back at Ella for a moment.

“Is she doing any better?” Riley asked from the door, wearing leggings and a t-shirt.

“She has a fever. She slept all night, but she was restless.” I looked at her hair, pulled back in a messy bun as she held a cup in her hand.

“I brought you coffee.” Riley walked across the room and set it down. “What does your day look like?”

“I have conference calls,” I replied, picking up the cup. “Thank you.”

“Can you make them from home? That way, you can still be here, and I can watch her for you. Best of both worlds.” Riley moved to sit beside Ella, feeling her forehead with her fingers.

“I could. The staff could handle a day without me.” They proved that to me when I was out so much dealing with Brenda.

“I’ll make some chicken soup for her to eat. That always made me feel better when Mom made it.” I heard her accent as she spoke, aware that it happened when she was feeling particularly emotional.

“Great. Thank you, Riley.” I met her gaze and considered kissing her for a moment before she turned to leave the room. I called my assistant and told him what was happening. I explained that I’d take my conference calls in my office if her forwarded them to my office phone. I looked back down at Ella, seeing her stir under the sheet. I went downstairs to get her some juice in a sippy cup, prepared to hang out in the bedroom all day. I grabbed my computer on the way back, telling Riley that we’d be up there. She was already starting the soup and smiled in my direction.

Ella woke up and drank some juice as I turned on Moana for her, working on some emails. Ella was only calm when she was sick, and I found a way to make it work. She asked for some toast and I got that for her, bringing it back upstairs. Riley sliced up some grapes, adding them to the plate as I smiled gratefully at her.

We were a good team. She came upstairs when I had to go take the calls, assuring me that the soup was simmering. It smelled great as I went down to my office, pouring more coffee before I settled into the leather chair. The phone rang, and I began the first of three, chatting with clients as I listened for anything upstairs. Two hours later and no interruptions, I emerged back into the living room and wandered to the kitchen. The soup was cooking; full of vegetables, chicken, and noodles. I inhaled deeply, hearing my stomach growl. I didn’t eat yet.

“Hi. How were the calls?” Riley asked as I looked up. “She’s sleeping again.” She clicked on the monitor receiver on the counter and walked over to the soup to stir it.

“Great. She was so quiet.” I remarked as she shrugged.

“She just wants someone that comforts her to be with her.” She leaned forward. “I think this is ready. Are you hungry?” My stomach growled, and she laughed. “I guess so.”

Riley reached for some large bowls and stirred the soup with the ladle before serving it. We carried them to the table and sat down.

“You make this single parent thing a lot easier.” Riley grinned. I took a bite of the hot soup and nodded appreciatively. “This is great, Riley.”

“Mama’s recipe. I called my sister to make sure it was right. I think I love your chef. She has everything in the fridge that I need.” Riley smiled and spooned up some chicken and carrots in broth on her spoon.

“Just make a list for her. Anything you want.” I felt her gaze on me and I went for another bite. I swallowed and sipped my water quickly. “You don’t need to shop.”

“I’ll get there.” I laughed, and we kept eating. Ella woke up as we finished, and I excused myself to go check on her. Riley stayed downstairs, and I assumed that she was cleaning up again. Ella looked refreshed, and I told her about the soup, relieved when she smiled. We walked downstairs together, and Riley smiled as she saw Ella. “Hi, sweetie. Are you hungry Ella-Bella?”

I grinned at the nickname.

“Soup,” Ella said, and Riley grabbed a small bowl from the cupboard. She filled it with some soup and mashed it with the potato masher a bit before sticking a spoon into it. She carried it to the table asking Ella if she could sit up. I got her secured in her seat and stirred the soup before checking the temperature. Ella took a bite and Riley went to get some juice for her. Elle ate half of the bowl and asked to go back upstairs, and I carried her as I mouthed a thank you to Riley.

Ella rested the rest of the day, eating a bit more soup before going to sleep for the night. I went downstairs for a beer, needing to decompress as I looked at Riley’s door. It was cracked, and the light was on and I walked over. I tapped on the door and she told me to come in, looking up from her laptop as I walked in.

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