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“I didn’t mind it at all,” she whispered. “Probably because I wanted it so bad.”

She glanced down at my cock that was, at that point, rock solid and throbbing. Instantly, my mind went somewhere else. I pictured her walking around the desk and kneeling out of view, unzipping my pants and putting those luscious lips around my cock. Without a doubt, she knew what I was thinking and let go of my tie, winked and turned, sashaying out of the office. I watched her ass move back and forth in her skirt, and I leaned back in the chair, rubbing my hand down my hard cock. If it wasn’t a day full of meetings, I’d lock the door and jack my cock right there, bringing her in to watch, but I knew that was something we would easily get caught for. I was the owner of the company, but I didn’t make a habit of fucking people in the office, well not very often at least.

I sat for at least fifteen minutes trying to get my cock to go down. I had several more meetings to get through that day, and I didn’t want to do it with a raging hard-on the entire time. When I finally emerged from the office, I didn’t even look over at her room, but I could hear her giggling as I walked past. I did the best to hide my smile and then went into the meetings, immersing myself in the information that was being given, even though I knew it all already. I was, after all, the one who wrote the schedule for the meetings. When the last meeting was over, I went back to my room and found that Ava had already left for the day. I was disappointed until I saw a note on my desk that read, “Check your phone.”

I picked my phone up and looked at it, not sure what she was talking about. There were no new messages, no missed calls, nothing. I had left it in my office while I was in the meetings, more by accident than on purpose. I sighed, not sure why, unless she hadn’t sent me anything yet. I looked at the note again but that was what it said. I scratched my head and put it down, gathering my files and putting them in my briefcase. As I piled the files in the bag, I stopped, thinking about the other places something could be left on my phone. I pulled it back out and went to the camera roll. My mouth dropped open as I stared down at the photo. Apparently, Ava had come into my office and snapped a pic of her tits and left it as a gift for me on my phone.

I stared down at those perfectly round firm breasts, and my mouth started to water. I sat down in my chair and shook my head. This girl was crazy, and she was completely messing with my head. I wanted to screw the hell out of her, and it wasn’t easy keeping myself straight, especially when she did shit like that. Part of me really wanted to keep it, knowing I was going to be alone later and that would get me going to finish what she’d started earlier. But knowing how much of an imagination I had, and how I didn’t want anyone accidentally looking at her breasts on my phone, I deleted it, feeling almost a loss when the message disappeared. I opened my texts and sent her back a shocked emoji face and then the one with sunglasses. I laughed and grabbed my bag, happier than I had a right to be with how my day had gone so far.

I left work in a daze of happiness and horniness, hoping I would get to spend some time with Ava before the weekend, though I didn’t expect anything. Now that I knew Dean was going to be at the polo match, I wasn’t looking forward to it as much as I thought I would. Even if Ava was there with him, I would only be able to watch her from afar. The last thing I want to do was get into an argument with his ass. He was hard-headed and wouldn’t back down from an argument. I didn’t want to disrespect Ava’s father in front of her, but that might end up proving harder to do than I’d originally thought.

Either way, she was sauntering away, and I was standing in my office with a giant boner.

Chapter 8: Ava

The polo match was only a few days away, and I was freaking out about it. I couldn’t go with my coworkers because my parents would find out I’d lied about my job. I told my parents I would go with them, but what if someone from work recognized me? I was starting to think it was a better idea to just stay home and relax, especially since everyone else would be there, giving me ample time to get some rest and relaxation. I didn’t know, though. It was almost impossible for anything to be that simple, especially when it came to my father and interrupting family time. I knew with my mother’s constant need to gossip and talk with her friends, I was my father’s only escape. While that was great, it was also a serious liability for me and keeping my secret. Why had my life become so darned complicated? I guessed I’d done it to myself with all this sneaking around, but my father’s past was taking a definite toll on my future.

I had several days to think about it. It was only Wednesday, but I was having a hard time concentrating on my work. Hiding this from my dad seemed a little bit more stressful than I thought it would be. Not to mention there was this insane sexual attraction between Tanner and me, and that did not help my stress levels at that moment. It was strange that as much as he was part of my stress, I almost felt better anytime he was around. All morning, when he would come to my desk to talk, drop something off, or whatever, I could feel my nerves begin to go from boiling to just a simmer in about thirty seconds flat. It was stupid, and I knew I couldn’t read into it, but it was helping for now.

As if he could read my mind, I glanced up to find Tanner looking across the hal

l at me, leaned back in his chair as if he were contemplating something. I smiled and looked back down, realizing that it was almost time to break for lunch. He got up and walked toward me, smiling as other employees passed in the hallway.

“Hey, there,” he said, ducking into my doorway. “Wanna go grab lunch together?”

“Um, sure,” I said, cheerfully. “Give me five minutes to get my stuff together?”

“Sure,” he said. “Just grab me when you are ready.”

It had been the first time we would have lunch since the second day I worked for the company. Every day, I waited patiently, hoping he would ask me out again, but he was trying to keep quiet the fact that we were somewhat, in a weird way, seeing each other. He didn’t want the others to see us together alone too often because they would immediately start rumors. I realized when I came to work in the real world that the office drama was like being back in high school, except we got paid for it. The last thing I wanted was to be the topic of the rumor mill with the women in the office who had nothing better to do with their time. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t turn out too well for them since Tanner didn’t seem like the kind of guy who would put up with that kind of thing. Either way, first and foremost, I was there to do a job and rumors of a personal relationship would get in the way of that.

When I was ready to go, we walked nonchalantly to the elevator, no one really noticing at all. We walked three blocks south to a small organic deli and ordered some sandwiches. I sat at a small, round table watching Tanner wait for our order at the counter as I sipped on my tea, thinking about how handsome he looked. That was exactly one of the biggest problems. I couldn’t get my mind off him to even start to think of a solution. When he finally sat down, I forced a smile through my trance and sat back, taking a deep breath.

“What’s up? You seem distracted,” he said, picking up his sandwich.

“I’ve just been thinking about the polo match a lot,” I replied. “I don’t regret taking this job at all, but I also didn’t realize how complicated things would get. It’s been more stressful than I thought it would be. I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me making things stressful, but either way, it’s on my mind.”

“I can understand that,” he said.

“I think I’ve decided to not go to the polo match at all,” I replied. “I’m going to tell my parents I’m sick and just take the day and be home.”

“But I wanted to see you,” he said with a pouty lip.

“You see me every day.” I chuckled at his frowny face.

“I know,” he replied. “I meant outside of work, just being whoever Ava really is.”

“I’m pretty much me all the time,” I said, a little flattered that it mattered to him. “Nothing really different except maybe not a skirt and heels.”

“I like the sound of that,” he snickered. “Can’t you just come with work, and we’ll make sure you don’t leave the special tented area for us.”

“I’m sure you do like the sound of it.” I shook my head at how easily his mind was led into the gutter. “I would go with you guys, but that isn’t a very big space, and its way too close for comfort.”

We sat there for several minutes, eating our lunches, thinking about the problem at hand. I knew Tanner was trying to come up with a solution, and it was kind of sweet, but it was still completely impossible. I had already racked my brain for days trying to decide what I wanted to do, how I could get around all this, but it wasn’t going to work any way I looked at it. My best course of action was to stay home and deal with it.

“What if—”

“Tanner,” I said, cutting him off. “I have thought of all the different options, and it just seems too dangerous for me to do. If I go with you, someone could recognize me and tell my father they saw me. If I go with him, someone from here could completely blow my cover. It is just too complicated.”

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