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We got ready and Riley got her phone to take a picture tonight. We walked down the stairs and watched Ella running across the sand as I smiled. It hit me that I’d been inside of her since the last time that we were down here. Things had changed even though we were dancing around that, and I touched her hand with mine briefly.

Riley looked up and her face was beautiful in the light. I smiled at her before looking back at Ella, taking this moment in.

Chapter 11: Riley

I wasn’t sure how to act. I’d slept with men before, but it was different. I was in relationships with them at the time and it felt natural, but never explosive. It would eventually end, and I moved on without a lot of thought.

I was living in Nathan’s house. I was his employee. Yet, I allowed him to fuck me in his bed last night, weakened by my desire for him. Was it the right decision? I’d been worrying about that the entire day. I didn’t know how to act in the morning with him since we weren’t together. I wasn’t his girlfriend that slept in his bed every night and didn’t know it we would ever be that way.

I knew that he didn’t look at me as casual sex. This was tricky given our professional relationship.

When he touched my hand on the beach, I felt the intense heat between us. It was undeniable.

We walked along the sand and I caught him up further on the day. Ella was an incredible child. She was active in a curious way, always wanting to see more. I knew that it would be wearing on me to feed that, but I wanted to show her the world. I was falling for the girl as much as the father and a flicker of hope burned inside of me, hoping that we could all learn to be a family.

Shit. I was jumping ahead of myself.

I focused on the beach and sand, always watching Ella along with Nathan. The sky was changing again with a hint of purple this time and I stared at it in between glances at Ella. Nathan held her as the sun went down and I snapped a few pictures of the beautiful sight before we headed back up the steps.

“Do you want me to give her a bath?” I asked him as he sipped from a bottle of water.

“I missed her today. I’ll do it and give you a break.” I nodded. I longed to be around them, feeling his heat, and watching the way that she looked at him. I went to wash the plates from dinner as he murmured to Ella in the living room. I reminded myself of my place here and looked outside to remind myself how beautiful it was.

When I was finished with the dishes, I made my way to my room. I didn’t even sleep in here last night and I blinked at the memory of being in his bed. I walked over to the chair by the window and looked out into the darkness as I considered finishing my current project. Ella wasn’t the kind of girl that I could work around, and I had a quick job. I was going to cut back on them given the demanding job I now had and the generous pay, but I needed to phase out some clients before then.

I warmed up the computer and opened my spreadsheet. I had their information minimized and would pull it up as needed, humming along to the soft music playing from my speakers. I settled into the work, knowing that I appreciated these quiet moments to myself. They used to be constant when I was home but not now. They were precious even if I did miss the father and daughter combo just upstairs.

I sensed movement and noticed that Ella was walking into the room, followed by her dad. He was smiling at me and I pushed down the urge to jump on him. I smiled at the toddler, clean and fresh in her pajamas.

“Did you have a good bath?” I asked as she moved into my lap and snuggled against me.

“She likes you,” Nathan spoke softly as I smiled.

Ella started chattering at me and I got that she wanted me to read her a book. I laughed and saved my work to return to later, standing up with her in my arms. We all walked to her room, with Nathan securing the house before he followed us up the circular staircase. I settled Ella in her small bed and sat against the pillows, asking her what book she wanted. She picked a

fairy book, and I smiled, loving her innocence. I read it in my usual voice, making voices for different characters as she seemed to like me to do. When I was done, Nathan took his turn, and I kissed her cheek before leaving the room. I didn’t want to assume that anything was going to happen. I wouldn’t be that girl.

I headed back downstairs to make some tea before I got started, going into my room to pull up the document as the water heated up. I sat on the chair, waiting for the sound of the tea kettle as I took in the next set of numbers.

I was antsy as I waited, hating that I wanted Nathan the way that I did. When I heard the whistle, I stood and walked to the door to see him walking towards me with a hungry look in his beautiful eyes.

“Is she asleep?” I asked as he stalked towards me.

“Like a rock.” He paused before he reached me, glancing back at the tea kettle. “Did you need that?”

“I was going to make some tea,” I replied as he nodded and stepped over to turn the stove off. I had my cup with the bag in it already and he poured the hot water into it, setting the red pot back down on the stove. He lifted it and carried it towards me as I turned with a small smile. I walked back to my chair, knowing that it would give us some space.

Nathan raised an eyebrow as he set the cup on the coaster and took a seat across from me, leaning in close.

“Working?” He asked as I quirked my brow at him.

“I have a deadline for tomorrow,” I replied, feeling his hot gaze on me.

“How much do you have left?” He asked as I licked my lips.

“Maybe half an hour? It’s just an expense sheet.” He leaned back, and I glanced at Nathan in his pajama pants and fitted shirt. He looked good, but he also looked sexy in his shirt and tie for work. Nathan exuded success and raw sexuality and I felt a pang of jealousy as I wondered who else noticed it as much as I did.

“Mind if I wait?” He asked as I shook my head. My thighs started burning at the idea of him inside of me again, tasting me and making me feel incredible. He moved to turn on the monitor and my heart jumped as I glanced at my bed. I kept working, and he asked if I had a good day with Ella softly, seeming to not want to interrupt me.

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