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“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Dennis hissed.

All hell broke loose then.

You could almost hear the whistling of Andy’s arm flying through the air, and the sickening sound of bones cracking as his fist slammed into Dennis’s face. If people were expecting a fight, they definitely hadn’t expected the speed with which Andy would attack. It took Dennis completely by surprise, throwing him back. He let go of me, trying to keep himself from falling over, and Andy quickly followed through with another punch.

“Andy!” I screamed.

Andy wasn’t listening, though, the rage on his face terrifying. He threw a third and fourth punch, and Dennis fell back onto the hood of a parked car, rolling out of the way. He quickly got a hold of himself and threw his entire body against Andy, sending both men down.

“Andy, stop it!” I screamed, but no one was listening to me.

Bobby grabbed me by the arm and hurried me away. “Let’s go!” he shouted. “Andy’s got this!”

I fought back, wanting to rush in between Dennis and Andy to stop the fight. Both men were kicking and punching at each other with such ferocity, I was sure they would end up killing each other if no one stepped in.

Bobby pulled at me again. “Now, Andrea!”

I watched in horror as Andy rolled on top of Dennis and began to frantically throw punches at him, just to find himself being flung to the side and attacked with the same ferocity. It was like watching wild animals tearing at each other.

Bobby pulled me harder, almost throwing me off my feet, and pushed me into the passenger seat of his truck. He slammed the door and rushed around to the driver’s side.

“Help him!” I shouted.

“Trust me,” Bobby said, turning the ignition and pulling out of the parking space with a screech of his tires. “Right now, Dennis is the one who’s going to need help.”

I looked back as we pulled away, the crowd now getting involved and pulling both men away from each other. From this far, I could barely tell who had gotten the worst of the beating, but I could hear Dennis clearly swearing at me, yelling for me to come back, that he’d find me and kill me.

My body shook uncontrollably, and I gasped for air, the panic attack hitting me hard as Bobby sped away.

“Hold on, Andrea,” he was saying, his voice coming from far away. “We’re going to be home soon!”

I slammed my fists against the dashboard, finding it harder and harder to breathe, tears racing down my cheeks.

“We’re going to be fine,” Bobby kept saying.

I didn’t believe him.

Chapter 14: Andy

I spent most of the afternoon in the police station.

The crowd outside the coffee shop had been able to keep me away from Dennis long enough for the bastard to get away, which pissed me off a lot more than the fact that I was the only man standing when the police arrived. A part of me had wanted to kill him, beat at him until his blood filled the gutters and his face was unrecognizable. I had never felt that much rage in my life, and although I was still riding an adrenaline high, it scared me.

Jeremy took my statement, making me promise over and over again that I’d pass by the hospital and get my hand checked. It throbbed, but the pain still hadn’t hit. I constantly flexed and relaxed my fist, making sure nothing was broken. A part of me just wanted the assurance that if I saw Dennis again, I’d still be able to use the hand to finish what I had started.

“Okay, so we’re letting you go with a slap on the wrist,” Jeremy said, slumping into his chair and signing his name at the bottom of the statement I had just given. “Consider yourself lucky.”

“Seriously?” I scoffed. “You do know I’ll probably kill him if I see him again, right?”

“I’ll pretend that I didn’t hear that,” Jeremy scolded, shooting me a frustrated glare. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”

“You want to do something for me? Find that son of a bitch and arrest him.”

“We’re trying,” Jeremy said.

“Mansfield’s a small town, Jeremy,” I sighed. “How many places could he be hiding in?”

“Have you forgotten what the woods look like?” Jeremy asked, leaning back in his chair. “We used to get lost in there when we were kids, remember? He could park his car anywhere and just disappear for as long as he wants to.”

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