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Andy only nodded, looking down at me with a mischievous smile.

“That place’s been abandoned forever,” I said. “You know that, right?”

He winked at me and led me towards the Coventry side of the lake, where a few fishing boats were strung up. “It pays to hang out with a small-town celebrity.”

I shook my head in disbelief as I followed him around the dam and towards the fishing boats. Three men sat in beach chairs under a small umbrella table, playing cards and drinking beer. One of them looked up as we approached and flashed us a wide smile.

“Andy Stetson,” he greeted, slowly getting to his feet and stretching before shaking Andy’s hand. “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Been a long time, Jack,” Andy agreed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder again and brought me forward. “Jack Baxter, meet Andrea Canfield.”

“Bobby’s sister?” Jack frowned, squinting at me as if he were trying to find something to recognize me with.

“The one and only,” Andy chuckled.

“Well, I’ll be damned,” Jack smiled. “I heard you left Mansfield a long time ago. A smart girl like you should know not to come back to this dead-end town.”

“Thanks, Jack, really,” Andy laughed. “Jack’s from Coventry. We never see eye to eye on whose town is better.”

“Mansfield’s nothing without that university,” Jack argued, shooting Andy a challenging glare that didn’t seem too menacing coupled with his smile.

“And Coventry’s just as hospitable as ever,” Andy grinned.

I smiled at the two men as they took shots at each other, and briefly let my eyes wander back to the lake. The Manor sat on a small island dead center of Eagleville Lake. Rumor was, it belonged to a rich farmer who had once owned most of the farmland in Mansfield and Coventry before he lost it all after his wife died. People say he broke off ties with the mainland ever since and was finally carried out of his house when he died. Alone. For a while, it had been a bit of a tourist trap for both towns, but eventually lost its appeal when the stories of ghosts and hauntings died down. Someone bought it years later and closed it to the public, reviving the mysteriousness for a while, but not long enough. The last I remembered, no one had set foot on the island in decades.

“So, I was hoping I could borrow your boat,” Andy was saying.

Jack looked from me to Andy and back again. “I’m assuming you want the keys as well.”

“Nothing like that, Jack,” Andy said. “Just want to show her around. I’m kind of pulling the big cards here.”

Jack laughed and fished into his back pocket, pulling out a ring with a set of keys in it and tossing it to Andy.

“You know which drives the boat and which opens the house,” Jack waved. “Nice to see you, sweetheart. Give my best to Bobby.”

“I will,” I said, and let Andy pull me away and down to the fishing boats.

“You’ve been to Eagleville Manor?” I asked in surprise as he helped me into one of the boats.

“Several times,” Andy said. “Very few people know this, but Jack is the groundskeeper. He let me in on his secret when I saved his house from burning to the ground. Since then, he lets me take the boat out whenever I want.”

“And exactly how many girls have you tried to impress by bringing them out there?”

“Just you,” Andy smiled.

I quickly turned away to hide my smile.


Eagleville Manor felt like it had never been abandoned. I had to hand it to Jack; he was doing a great job at keeping the place alive. From the minute we docked the boat to the gravel walkway up, the entire island looked like it was ready to once again be opened to tourists. The grass was mowed, the trees looked luscious and alive, and all around were beds of flowers that no doubt took a lot of energy and time to maintain.

The Manor itself looked like it had just been freshly painted, and the windows seemed to smile down on us as we made our way up the walkway and to the front door. Andy fiddled with the key a bit, struggled to turn it, and then opened the door and let us in.

The furnishing was extravagant. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling with crystals that glistened in the sunlight coming in through the large panel windows. A magnificent staircase led up from the foyer to the second floor, wide enough for a dozen people to walk up side by side without ever touching shoulders. Large carpets lay across the hardwood floors, and paintings the size of my bedroom wall hung in strategic places, the faces gazing down at us in silent welcome.

It took my breath away.

“This place is beautiful,” I gasped.

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