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“Excuse me?” I asked. I was naked, lying on my back with my arms crossed under my head, staring at the ceiling and contemplating what the hell I was going to do about all this. Bobby was right, Hannah was poison, and I had to find some way to get her out of my life once and for all.

“I saw you at Pub 32,” Hannah said, squinting at her reflection in the window as she played with her hair, trying to get it to look at least a little decent and not like she had just had the fuck of a lifetime. “I followed you when I saw you leave with that girl. I thought, there goes Andy again, taking another college girl home and thinking he could slip h

er past me.”

She turned to me and winked. “Lucky for you, no one was here when you opened the door for me.”

That was it.

I was furious. For starters, I didn’t need to explain myself to someone who had explicitly made it clear that we weren’t supposed to be exclusive. Secondly, following me home was just creepy, and bordering on sociopathic. What was she going to do next? Buy night vision goggles and follow me around town?

This had to end. Now.

“Get out,” I hissed, although not loud enough to sound the least bit convincing. The rage was eating me up, and it was taking every ounce of strength I had to reel it in and keep it under control.


“You heard me, Hannah,” I said, rolling out of bed and pulling my boxers on. I grabbed my jeans and pointed out to the hall. “I want you out of my house. Now!”

She smiled, a quick look of confusion plastered across her face. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Following me?” I spat. “Seriously? At what point did you actually think that following me home was a good idea? Are you out of your fucking mind?”

The confusion left her face and was quickly replaced with a scowl that mirrored just how insane she could get. “You did this,” she said. “If you’d keep your cock in your pants, I wouldn’t have to follow you around making sure you weren’t sticking it in places it shouldn’t be.”

“You don’t control where I stick my cock and when!” I yelled. “I do. Only me. Me!”

She walked up to me and stabbed my chest with her finger. “You gave up that privilege the minute I spread my legs for you,” she hissed. “You don’t have a choice anymore, you hear me?”

“Get the fuck out, you crazy bitch!” I yelled, stressing on every word I let out. “Get out of my house, out of my life, and leave me the fuck alone!”

She took a staggered step back and glared at me. “You’re ending this?”

“There is no this to end! We’re not a thing, Hannah. We’re two single people who like to fuck, and we just happen to be living in the same town. Other than that, you mean absolutely nothing to me, do you understand?”

Her eyes were wide in shock, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. The vein in her forehead was popping out the way it always did when she was too furious to express her feelings in words and would much rather grab something and hit me with it. Luckily, though, I was looking right at her, and was ready for anything stupid. If she even tried to reach for anything, I’d have her by the arms and throw her out myself.

“So that’s it, huh?” Hannah seethed. “You want to be free to fuck around, pick up slutty college girls and show them a good time. Well, you know what, go ahead! You’re never going to be satisfied. The only way you’ll ever get off properly is with me, and none of those girls is going to fill that need the way I do.”

“If getting rid of you once and for all makes me want to screw every living thing in a ten-mile radius, then I’m all the better for it,” I shot back.

“You’re going to regret this, you son of a bitch!”

“Hannah, I’m going to say this one last time,” I replied, pointing at the door again. “Get. The. Fuck. Out!”

She glared at me, her hands balling into shaking fists that I knew she would use if given the chance. She was just as furious as I was, and that made me just a little bit more satisfied. I wanted her to go home thinking about how I kicked her out of my house, and hopefully it would drive her crazy enough to drive her car into a tree. Then the whole world would be rid of the craziness that was Hannah Baker.

I was half expecting her to attack me, try and maybe claw my eyes out, but she surprised me. Her anger seemed to defuse, her fists unclenching and the vein in her forehead disappearing completely. A sudden calm fell over her, and she just stared at me, a look that scared me a lot more than when she had been outraged.

“Screw you, Andy,” she said. “I’m going to make damn sure you pay for this.”

And with that, she stormed past me. I watched her grab her heels, open my front door, and slam it hard behind her. I let out a sigh of relief.

That went pretty well.

I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be the last I saw of her, though.

Chapter 9: Andrea

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