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I let him have time with his daughter most of the day, keeping myself busy. I set up my laptop at the kitchen table to work on my project while dinner cooked so I could hear if I was needed. I had to admit that when I called about this position, I’d have more of a hands-on job. I never would have guessed the true circumstances or that he’d be such a great father, making him that much more appealing.

I wrote some content for a website for a couple of hours, smelling the soup cooking throughout the house. I felt content despite the butterflies in my stomach and smiled as I came up with a great phrase. I finished the job in record time and submitted it, grateful for the money that the job would bring me. I was going to collect my final paycheck from the coffee shop as soon as I was nearby, and I was certain that she’d add a little to the amount, since Maura was an amazing boss. It didn’t need the money for rent of the typical bills any longer, but I felt better if I had some in my account.

I checked through my other deadlines, knowing that I’d have to set some type of schedule to keep up with them. I knew all too well what happened when you procrastinated, and Ella was going to keep me busy when it was just us. I wouldn’t ignore her or set her up in front of the TV, so I could have some time to myself. He wasn’t paying me that much for me to do that as much as others might take advantage of him. I glanced around the room, expecting there to be cameras here. He wouldn’t do it to spy on someone as much as to keep his daughter safe. I couldn’t blame him.

I started working on the soup when everything was cooked through, mashing it together gently. I put everything that was good for us into this soup and hoped that Ella loved it. Kids could be tricky when it came to food. I knew that my nieces were. I stirred it up again and added a handful of brown rice to the broth to thicken it, hearing someone come into the room.

“That smells incredible,” Nathan told me as I smiled.

“It will be done in about an hour. I am going to heat some French bread to go with it.” That was one of my favorite meals.

“Ella fell asleep in the middle of her dolls. I think we wore her out today.” He came to stand beside me to look at the huge stock pot that the soup was in. “That’s a lot of soup.”

“I can freeze it for another meal or even Ella’s lunch. You can take some with you to work if you’d like. I always make a lot of things like soup to store for later. It’s relaxing to me.” Nathan chuckled as I looked questioningly at him.

“I can just imagine eating leftovers at the office. That might cause gossip.”

“You have had a chef all this time. You don’t take her food to work?” I asked as he shook his head.

“There is a lot of ordering in there when I don’t have boring lunches or dinners with potential clients. It is fast paced.” He said thoughtfully as I remained quiet. “Maybe I should change that.”

“I will always make extra food. It’s better for you than eating out, though you seem healthy to me.” That was the understatement of the year. Nathan was in excellent shape and managed to work out on the regular.

“I have a gym in the basement. I added it to the house immediately since I already knew how busy I was going to be. You’re welcome to it anytime, Riley. It’s my favorite pastime when I am wound up from work or whatever.” I imagined him there working out, sweaty and half-dressed. My body responded, and I blushed as I felt my nipples pebble underneath my camisole.

“That sounds great. Thank you. I was thinking that I’d at least like to take a walk on the beach before Ella gets up in the morning. I want to be awake when I am with her.” I laughed. “I will still make coffee every morning.”

“I like to go into the gym when Ella’s asleep, with the monitor of course. I keep it close to me, so I can hear it above the music. Everything is secure here, so I don’t worry about that. I’ll be alerted to anything suspicious in any room in the house and on my phone. Don’t worry about that, okay?” I smiled. “You’re welcome to join me downstairs at any time, Riley. I have all the equipment that you could need.”

“Perfect.” Riley told me with a beaming smile as she stirred the soup before turning towards the fridge.

Chapter 8: Nathan

I saw the flush to her cheeks and wondered if she was imagining us in the gym as well. I was picturing her naked on a weight bench as I tasted her, making her cry out my name and my cock jerked in my pants. I was horny as fuck but not for a woman at a bar. I wanted my nanny.

That sounded like a book or a porn to me. She pulled out a loaf of French bread and sliced it into several pieces before arranging it on a cooking sheet.

“Are you hungry? I could wait until she wakes up. I wasn’t thinking.” Riley chattered on as I touched her arm, feeling her heat.

“It’s fine. Lunch feels like a long time ago and I’m sure that she’ll be up soon.” She nodded and smiled gently as if to herself. Riley turned on one of the ovens to heat up the bread and I watched her for a moment.

Just checked on Ella to make sure that she was still sleeping, expecting that I’d pay for this later. I always let her sleep when she was tired, knowing that would probably stop in the next year. Let her sleep. I wished that I could more during the day. I tucked a blanket around her and returned to see if Riley needed any help in the kitchen. She was pulling the bread out and set it down before pulling some heavy soup bowls from the cupboard. She ladled the thick broth into them and I helped her carry them to the table before grabbing the bread and some butter from the counter. I glanced outside to see the sun would be setting soon and wondered if I should take her out back to watch it. I didn’t do that as much as I’d like to since things had been so hectic.

I got some wine glasses after asking her if she’d like some, pouring a good white from the wine fridge. That was Carli’s idea, but I liked to relax at night sometimes myself. I t

ook them to the table where she was waiting for me and looked at her full lips, a deep pink in color. They made my pants tighten, and I clinked my glass to hers in a silent toast, vowing not to attack her yet. I took a piece of the bread and dipped it into the bowl, inhaling deeply.

“You’re going to spoil me,” I warned her as she looked at me through her thick eyelashes.

“I think you deserve that, Nathan.” I was hard as fuck in an instant and I took a bite of the dripping bread to forget about it. “Like it?”

“Shit, this is delicious,” I said as I glanced around. “Oops. It’s really good.”

“I’m glad you like it.” She laughed around her spoon and her eyes crinkled. “I make soup a lot. It’s my favorite comfort food.” We were alone for about twenty minutes before Ella wandered into the room, calling for both of us. I picked her up and snuggled her as Riley got her some soup to cool while she came back to life. She placed a piece of bread on the plate with the soup and returned to her seat to keep eating as she watched us. Eventually, Elle got into her seat and started to eat as I glanced through the window again. We had time to finish dinner and hit the beach.

When we were done, Riley stood to clean up the table. I held up my hand as she looked at me.

“Hold on a sec. Let’s take her down to the water to watch the sunset.” Riley smiled and nodded instantly, and I hurried to the closet to get a sweatshirt to put on Ella before we went down. Riley got her own, one that hung down to her hips and covered her gorgeous body. I zipped one up and we walked to the back door after securing everything in the front. Elle ran to the stairs as I told her to slow down and wait while Riley rushed ahead to catch her in her arms. She carried her down the stairs and then let her run as we both walked quickly to keep up with her.

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