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‘One. Two...’ He gave her a quick smile. ‘What matters is that, yes, I owe you an apology.’

‘Let’s have it, then.’

Dare caught her small, slow grin and his deepened. ‘You’re enjoying yourself.’

‘I’m enjoying finally seeing you squirm, yes.’

He tapped his fingers on his chest as if to say, Who, me? ‘Who said I was squirming? I can admit when I’ve been wrong.’

‘Happens often, does it?’

‘No.’ Usually he was bang on the money about people. It came from learning from the best shyster around.

‘But it did happen this time. And I apologise for jumping to conclusions about your relationship with my grandfather.’

He watched her throat bob as she swallowed.

‘It’s fine. I might even have jumped to the same conclusions myself if our positions had been reversed.’

Dare gave a mock frown. ‘You mean you would have thought I was sleeping with my grandfather?’

Carly’s spontaneous burst of laughter made him grin.

‘Okay, maybe not,’ she conceded.

God, he wanted to kiss her. He’d lied when he’d said he’d stopped by only to talk. He’d stopped by because he’d wanted to see her. Needed to see her.

‘Is that why you’re really here?’


‘To apologise.’

Dare let out a slow breath. ‘Maybe you intrigue me, Dr Evans. Maybe I just want to know your story,’ he said softly.

She moved to stand behind the antique chair and all Dare could think about was shoving the chair aside and throwing her onto the waiting bed behind her.

‘My story is boring.’

‘Shouldn’t I be the judge of that?’

That was just it. She didn’t want him to judge her at all.

‘If you must know, I had a very normal childhood, with a sister and two parents, and...and I lived in Liverpool up until a year ago.’

‘Don’t give away too many details, Red.’ He smiled. ‘What happened a year ago?’

‘Why does something have to have happened?’

He shrugged. ‘You must have left for some reason.’

‘I wanted to travel.’

‘That’s it?’

Carly narrowed her eyes. He was starting to sound a lot like Daniel during one of his interrogations. Should she tell him that? Tell him that she had been hurt and she should have known better? Tell him her sister had died and she...? Carly swallowed. No, he didn’t need to know about Liv.

‘I thought I was in love once,’ she admitted. ‘We dated, and he...cheated. End of story. Happy now?’

No, he wasn’t happy to hear she had been in love with another man. Nor was he happy she had been hurt.

‘So you left town because of him?’

Her eyes flashed in annoyance. ‘Yes, and no, I... I don’t want to talk about it.’

‘Because you’re still in love with him?’

‘That’s very personal.’ Her eyes flicked away. ‘But no, I’m not in love with Daniel.’


Dare hadn’t wanted a name. He didn’t want to be able to picture the idiot she’d been with. And now he was also wondering why she hadn’t looked him in the eye when she’d answered him. Was she lying?

Agitated, he absently smoothed his hand along the mantelpiece, accidentally dislodging her handbag and spilling the contents in the process.

‘Damn.’ He glanced at the array of feminine-looking items scattered at his feet.

‘It’s okay.’ She laughed, kneeling in front of him. ‘I’ve got it.’

Feeling like a fool, Dare crouched down beside her. He handed over her purse and noticed a long velvet box beneath. Curious, he picked it up. ‘May I?’

She glanced at the box and blushed. ‘It’s the necklace I nearly lost.’

So this was where it was.

Slowly opening the box, Dare stared down at the expensive little number twinkling up at him. This had certainly set someone back a pretty penny.

‘Who gave you this? Your ex?’

She finished stuffing the things in her bag and straightened. ‘No. It one important.’

Dare knew an evasive answer when he heard one. His brow rose. ‘Does he know that?’

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