Page 17 of If I Can't Have You

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Page 17 of If I Can't Have You

She grimaced. “We can’t leave Royal out here by himself.”

“I’ll send you with him and walk back.”

She grabbed the lapel of Graeme’s greatcoat and shook it. “You are not staying here by yourself. It’s too dangerous.”

“Och, lass, no need to panic,” he gently said, taking her hand. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’m not panicking, but I’m not letting you risk your life.”

Sabrina had gone dead white, and her pupils were huge. Not once had she shown signs of being scared for herself. But for his sake? She looked frightened to death.

“Lass, it’s my job, remember? I’m supposed to protect you. That was the deal.”

“It was a bad deal, and I rescind it.”

“Not to worry,” Royal said. “Rescue is on its way.”

Bobby was trotting down to meet them, leading one of the runaway horses. Wilson was leading the other.

“Mr. Wilson was riding back from the blacksmith and saw the commotion,” said the groom. “Is all well now, Mr. Graeme?”

“Well enough to get back to the house.” Graeme led Sabrina to her horse. “Royal, you ride on the other side of her. Bobby, you and Wilson take up the rear. And we’re going to ride fast, all right?”

Wilson sighed. “Trouble, I ken. Them Barr fellas?”

“You knew about them?” Sabrina asked in a disbelieving voice.

“Everyone knows about them, my lady.”

“Then why—”

“Later,” Graeme said.

He boosted her into the saddle, then swung up onto his horse. Royal moved into position on the other side of her.

“I don’t think my horse is built for speed,” Sabrina doubtfully said.

“Old Nellie will ken she’s going back to her stall,” said Wilson.

Sabrina looked at Graeme, then flicked the reins and broke into a canter. Quickly, she accelerated to a gallop. He and Royal kept pace on either side of her, with Graeme prepared to take her reins or sweep her out of her saddle at the first sign of trouble.

But she rode fast and had an excellent seat. Within a few minutes, they were sweeping under the stone arch to pull up into the courtyard. Only then did Graeme let out a breath he imagined he’d been holding for ages.

He swung down and went to assist Sabrina with her dismount.

“That was surprisingly easy,” she said with a smile.

“There was nothing easy about any of that.”

“You know what I mean.” She twirled a hand. “It could have been much worse.”

Now that she was out of immediate danger, Graeme had the luxury of getting angry again. He’d been angry before they’d been shot at, and now he felt like a volcano about to blow.

He took her by the elbow and marched her to the staircase fronting the house. “It was bloody bad enough, Sabrina. This nonsense has to stop.”

“There is no need to manhandle me, sir,” she protested.

“Apparently, there is.”