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“But what about your job? Don’t you have work to do?”

“Perks of being the boss.” he said and winked, while stretching which brought him closer to her, making her stop breathing.

They were so close, just an inch separating them, and Aria could help but glance down to his lips, remembering the last time they were this close.

They haven’t kissed since the night of the date and Aria would be lying if she said that she hadn’t imagined it happening again.

Will looked torn as he sat there on her bedroom floor, a mix of emotions swirling in his troubled eyes, and for just a moment he started to lean in, making her breath hitch, before he cleared his throat and stood up.

“I’ll make breakfast. Eggs okay?” he asked from the doorstep and Aria nodded, feeling slightly disappointed, before she too got up and went to the bathroom.

After breakfast, they watched TV, although feeling embarrassed to admit, Aria may have spent more time watching Will.

They talked and laughed and Aria realized that she had never felt more relaxed and comfortable in another man’s presence.

The thoughts of Brian and what he did to her stayed firmly in the back of her mind as the day flew by. She knew that she would have to deal with him soon but that didn’t matter at the moment. All that mattered was how good it felt to spend the entire day with Will, chilling on the sofa, eating junk food and watching movies.


The next few days flew by in the same fashion.

They would get up in the morning, eat, and then spend the rest of the day in each other’s company. Sometimes they would talk and sometimes they would sit in comfortable silence and read.

Aria liked that they got on so well; in some way, it almost felt like they were an old married couple. But there was just one thing that kept bugging her; the fact that Will kept her at a distance.

The only time he touched her was that first night when she had asked him to stay, when he had held her hand until she had fallen asleep. After that night, he went to sleep on her sofa, and she felt too embarrassed to ask him to stay with her.

So, they would go to sleep separately, and then Aria would lay there in the dark for hours cursing herself for being a chicken until finally falling into a restless sleep filled with dreams of Will.

It was stupid, of course, since Will was doing exactly as she had asked him that night; he was being her friend. But as the days went by, and she got to spend so much time in his presence, Aria was beginning to regret her decision.

Will was wonderful. He was smart and funny, not to mention absolutely gorgeous and with each new day Aria fell more.

She kept picturing what it would be like if he was hers, the memory of their short kiss invading her every waking thought so much so that she was barely able to look at him without going Nura.

They were currently seating at the couch, watching some comedy, and she couldn’t keep her eyes of him. She tried, she really did, but every time she started getting into movie, he would laugh out loud, a deep, rich sound that made her toes curl up, his eyes crinkling in the corners and his smile so wide and beautiful, and just like that she was once again back at the beginning.

“Why are you looking at me?” he suddenly asked, making her realize that she had been sitting there staring at him like a fool not even noticing that the movie had ended.

“I… I wasn’t looking….” she stuttered, looking down and letting her hair fall over her face as she blushed in embarrassment.

“Look at me.” he said quietly, the couch dipping as he scooted closer. She shook her head, feeling slightly silly at acting so childish, until she felt his fingers beneath her chin urging her to look up.

“Hey there.” he said, a worried frown on his face, his eyes so green that it made her breath hitch.

“Are you okay?.” he asked, his brows scrunched up in confusion, and that’s when it finally hit her.

What was she doing? Here was this great guy, who obviously cared about her, and who liked her for some crazy reason and she kept him at bay simply because she was scared.

But that’s just it. That’s what love was; scary and overwhelming and yet the most beautiful thing in the world.

So, instead of answering him, she did something she had been only dreaming about for the past months. She grabbed his sweater with her hand and pulled him closer, before she kissed him.

How do you know?

“Is everything okay, Meg?” Will asked his sister as they ate their weekly lunch at Meg’s house. Meg had been distant and lost in thoughts for the last two hours, which made Will worried because Meg never acted like that. She was usually cheerful and relaxed, so to see her like this raised several red flags.

Meg looked up at the sound of his voice, but Will could see that she hadn’t heard a word that he had said.
