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Aria didn’t want to have anything to do with him, and Will would just have to suck it up like a man and keep the promise of not bothering her again.

His phone suddenly rang and he felt ashamed by how quickly he snatched it, but the hope that sparked in his chest, quickly vanished when he saw that it was Jenna, a woman he met a few days before in a meeting, who was calling. He was acting like a silly little school girl waiting for some guy to call and Will hated himself for it.

Jenna wanted to know if he was up for a drink or two, and the word ‘no’ was already on his lips when he stopped himself.

He realized that he was about to turn down a beautiful woman, who was by the sound of it, interested in him and all that because of what?

A girl, more than a decade younger than him who wasn’t even interested in him, so much so that she refused to return his call if just to tell him off for bothering her.

He shook his head at his own stupidity and accepted the offer, all the way ignoring the persistent voice in the back of his mind, telling him that he was making a big mistake.


William listened as Jenna prattled on about this or that, not really paying attention to any of it, as his mind kept going back to the girl at the other side of the club that he only caught a glance of before making his way to the VIP booth.

Meg was surprised when Will appeared with Jenna in the beginning, having heard nothing about her until that moment, but she soon warmed up to her, and they now appeared to be the best of friends, by the way they kept trying to talk over each other and laughed about it.

But Will felt nothing.

Sure, Jenna was gorgeous, and only a month ago William would have been all over her, but now, all he could think about, as Jenna sidled closer to him, ending up in his lap, was how he wished Aria was there instead.

Will was still lost in thoughts when none other than the girl currently on his mind appeared with their drinks.

She was talking to Meg, seemingly not even noticing that he was there and then, just when she was about to excuse herself, she froze on the spot.

William could see her checking out Jenna and then saw her eyes traveling slowly up to his face and connecting with his.

He willed every ounce of his being to appear nonchalant as he looked at her coldly, but he soon regretted that decision when her blue eyes filled with unshed tears and her bottom lip started to tremble slightly, before she looked away, excusing herself and did the thing she seemed to love doing; she ran.

William felt guilty for a moment because he knew that from her point of view it looked like Jenna was his new girlfriend, but then he got angry because he had absolutely nothing to be guilty about.

He had been trying to talk to the girl for the past couple of weeks and all he’d gotten in return was silence.

But still, the crushed look on Aria’s face kept repeating in front of his eyes, until he found himself standing up and going in the same direction that she did, leaving Jenna and his sister confused by his behavior.

Just as he turned around the corner, he saw Aria going into the bathroom and slamming the door shut, so he quickly followed her to the door and knocked. There was no answer, not that he had been expecting one, so he knocked a couple of times more, but when his attempts were once again met with silence, he felt the anger return in tenfold.

“Aria, open the fucking door!” he shouted in the harshest voice he could muster and waited for a couple of seconds without an answer. Just as he was about to leave and be done once and for all with the infuriating girl, the door opened an inch.

He immediately went inside and slammed them shut, turning to find Aria crying silently and backing up in obvious fear. He instantly regretted shouting at her, since the last thing he wanted was to scare her, now that he had finally managed to get her in the same place with him.


p; “Are you all right?” he asked and started to approach her but the glare Aria threw his way stopped him in his tracks at once.

“As if you care! Why don’t you go back to your girlfriend and leave me the hell alone!?” the girl shouted out loud and if Will had been just a bit less angry, he would have stopped to gawk at her unexpected reaction, since he didn’t think he ever heard her raise her voice. But he was angry, so much so that he felt his control snap and all the things he wanted to say bubbled up to the surface.

“She is not my girlfriend, but even if she were that would still be none of your business! You made sure to let me know that you didn’t want anything to do with me, or did you forget that little fact? I kept calling you, trying to talk to you. And what did I get in return!? Nothing! So, don’t you dare blame this on me, since I am not the one who had a fucking meltdown over a stupid kiss. That was all you!”

William felt livid and all he wanted at that moment was to bend the girl across his knees and spank her ass until it was blue.

But then he looked at her and instantly regretted bringing up their failed date, especially in the way that he did; belittling something that was obviously a big issue for her. Meg’s words from what felt like forever ago, about her reluctance to be in a relationship flashed through his mind and he shook his head at his stupidity.

Aria was looking at the ground and silently crying before she finally collected herself and looked up.

“I am sorry. You are right, it is my fault. I am sorry for ignoring your calls, but it was the right thing to do. We could never work out William. You are you and I am nothing. I am a broken, silly little girl that doesn’t deserve you. I’m sorry for reacting this way and I promise you that this will never happen again.” she said as Will watched her in complete shock, feeling beyond confused with every word that came out of her mouth.

“What makes you think that you are not worthy of me?” he managed to say, as his head continued to spin.
