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“Meg doesn’t like to talk about that part of her life. She’s had a tough time while she was in foster care, until she was adopted but not even I know to what extent.”

Aria just nodded with a sad smile on her face and something told him that the girl now felt even more connected to his sister with this new revelation.

Once Will realized that they were the last ones in the restaurant, he quickly paid the bill, leaving a hefty tip, and then they left.

Once in the car on their way back to Aria’s apartment, they sat in comfortable silence. Aria was looking through the window with her head pressed against it and a relaxed smile on her face. Will kept glancing at her, Aria’s face pulling him in like a beacon that he barely managed to avoid crashing them a few times.

When they finally arrived, he stepped out of the car and quickly jogged to open the door and offer her his hand, prepared to be rejected due to her obvious wariness of being touched but she surprisingly took it without a second thought.

“Thank you for letting me take you out tonight. I had a wonderful time, and I hope you did, too.”

“I... I did.” Aria whispered while peeking through her long lashes, her cheeks reddening by the second.

Will couldn’t help but step closer to her as if possessed, invading her personal space and wrapping a hand around her small waist. His fingers ran gently up and down Aria’s back, coaxing shivers out of her. With her cheeks still blushing hotly, the girl glanced back up into William’s eyes as he leaned down, resting his forehead against hers.

The brunette looked breathtaking as his eyes study her with silent intensity. Her warm breath ghosted across his face and made goose bumps spread across his skin. She suddenly shut her eyes, letting out a small whimper and it was that soft sound that was his breaking point, her following gasp muffled by Will’s mouth, as he captured her soft lips.

The heat seemed to travel through his veins, warming him up as he pulled the girl closer. Just as he felt a rush of arousal trying to overwhelm him, she started to draw away breaking the kiss.

When he opened his eyes what he saw had him instantly freeze. Aria was shaking with her blue eyes full of tears, which made him feel confused.

“Aria, are you alright?” he quickly said as the dread washed over him at the thought of hurting or offending her.

“You shouldn’t have done that… I... I am sorry Will, but I can’t do this.”

“What do you mean? Look I am sorry if you felt pressured or something, it will never happen again, I promise you. I won’t even touch you until you say otherwise.” Will promised, not even caring that he probably sounded a bit desperate by that point.

He got so caught up in his desire to touch her that he didn’t even spare a moment’s notice to her feelings on the matter.

He watched with growing dread as the girl kept going backward, shaking her head, while tears threaten to spill down her face.

“I am so sorry Will but I can’t do this. Please, just go and leave me alone.” she whispered, and then quickly stepped into her apartment and shut the door in Will’s face.

Hide and Seek

She was hiding under the bed, her breath coming out of her throat in gasps and her body trembling as the sound of them laughing and calling her name and treating this whole thing as some sort of a twisted game of hide-and-seek, grew louder.

“Come out; come out where ever you are!” Aria heard their voices from the other side of the door and started shaking, her breathing becoming harsh and broken, as she tried to muffle the broken sobs aware that she needed to keep quiet lest they found her.

Why was this happening to her? The question kept repeating in her mind in an endless loop.

Was she being punished? She didn’t know what was it that she had done wrong since she had tried to be a good girl.

Just leave me alone! She desperately wanted to scream out, the words already halfway up her throat, but she managed to catch them since the last thing she desired was for them to find her.

The door creaked as it opened and she froze.

“I know that you are here pet; you can’t hide from daddy. You have been a very bad girl, Aria, and bad girls deserve to be punished…”


Aria woke up feeling exhausted once again, since the dreams kept repeating every night, now even worse than before, leaving her tired and depressed more than usual.

She climbed out of the bed and dragged herself into the bathroom. Splashing cold water over her face she looked up into the mirror and grimaced; she looked horrible.

The bags under her eyes kept getting bigger and bigger and her face was all blotchy and pale.

The last couple of weeks had been bad on her as Aria became an emotional mess ever since her failed date with Will. She felt bad for reje
