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Goosebumps spread across her arms, a shiver running down her spine and she had to fight down the crazy urge to lean back and rest her head on his shoulder so she quickly turned around. She sighed inaudibly since, impossible as it was, the man looked even more gorgeous than before.

After the night when she had embarrassed herself in front of him, Aria had spent all of her energy trying to avoid William and was quite successful in it. She knew that he wanted to talk to her since the man’s eyes followed her around every time they were in the Club, but she had ignored it the best she could. After all, Aria was sure that nothing good could come out of any sort of relationship with him since she already liked him too much to just be friends with him, and Will deserved someone better for anything else.

Aria thought that Will would stop pursuing her once he started flirting with the other girls, but she was wrong.

Afraid to look into his eyes, she directed her gaze on his chest and said,

“Hi Will.”

“Hello, Aria. How are you?” the man asked her politely, and she could almost feel his intense gaze on her, making her shiver.

“Good, thank you for asking.”

“I am glad to hear that since I was worried about you. You ran away from me, yet again, before I could make sure you were alright that night. And then you kept avoiding me any time I tried to talk to you, that it got me thinking that I did something wrong.”

Aria frowned, feeling horrible for making him think that. It was never her intention to hurt Will and yet she still somehow managed to do it.

“I am so sorry, Will. I wasn’t trying to offend you.” she said while looking at her feet.

“It’s okay, you just scared me by running away like that, especially because of the state you were in only a half an hour before. I will forgive you, under one condition though.”

“W… what condition?” Aria asked, suddenly feeling nervous until she felt warm fingers under her chin making her look up.

“Have dinner with me?” Will said, with a soft smile on his lips.

Even though he phrased it as a condition, it came out as a question, effectively telling Aria that Will didn’t mean to pressure her into anything that she didn’t want to do.

And she didn’t know what to do, as a part of her screamed at her to say no and run, but in the end, the bigger part, the one that was tired of running and hiding all the time, won out and she found herself agreeing.

“Okay.” she whispered breathlessly, not sure if Will even heard her, but the wide smile that suddenly spread over his lips told her that he probably did.

“Is tomorrow around 7, good for you?”, the man asked and she nodded, her minds still fuzzy at sight of that gorgeous smile.

“Y… yes, it is.”

“Great! I’ll pick you up then, and since I can see your brunette friend getting anxious over there, I’ll leave you to get back to her.” Will said, and leaned down, as he whispered in a low tone that sent shivers down her back,

“See you tomorrow, Aria.”


Aria was a hot mess.

By the time she left Meg’s house the previous day, she was feeling all jittery and confused. William kept giving her these long, smoldering looks throughout the day that left her furiously blushing and aroused, but the thing that seriously messed her up was what happened after she had gotten home and gone to bed.

The dream started out simply, the memory of them in Meg’s office, her in Will’s lap, as he caressed her back and whispered words of comfort making her feel warm and cared for. But that’s when all similarities ended. In the next moment, Will’s mouth was on her neck, kissing it slowly as she moaned out loud.

By the time she realized what they were doing; his hand had already started traveling south from her hair, pinching her nipples on its way until they were hard beneath her shirt and further down her stomach, making her breath accelerate.

After finding its place between her legs, caressing gently and applying minimal of pressure, Aria heard herself scream as if from afar, and that’s when her eyes flew open and she realized that she had been dreaming.

Jerking out of the memory, she looked at the phone and saw that it was ten minutes before Will was supposed to pick her up, and she started shaking with nerves.

This was the first date she had accepted since she was 18 years old and she felt terrified, as all kinds of horrible scenarios started running through her mind and making her feel sick.

She was sure that Will would see right through her, and once he saw what kind of a pathetic mess Aria truly was, he would kick her to the curb.

She ran her hand through her hair and checked her appearance again in the mirror over the sink in the bathroom.
