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“What? What fucking plane? Where is it leaving from? What time? What did they leave in?” Vic rambled off questions. His fists were at his sides and his face was red as he clenched his teeth.

Tommy gave Carver a smack in the back of the head.

“Tell us now or I release my brother on you.”

Carver started rambling off information as Mason and Steven made calls to intervene the plane at Dallas Love Field. They called in the highway patrol and all law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for the limousine.

* * * *

They were a mere five minutes from Love Field airport when the limo driver interrupted Tagart.

“Sir, there are police everywhere and there seems to be extra patrols by the main roadway leading to the airport entrance.”

“Pass it. We’ll drive as far as we can and make different arrangements. Call Cobbs and see if he can get a plane to take off from DFW.”

“Oh hell, I think they’re looking for this limo.”

“Why are you slowing down?” Tagart asked, and Elise made her move. She kicked Tagart in his groin then shoved upward with her forearms, dislodging the gun from his hands.

She pushed with all her strength sending him back to his seat and the gun rolled across the floor.

She reached for the handle of the door and he hit her from behind, making her slam her forehead against the window. She screamed but turned and threw a fist, hitting Tagart in the face. She got the door open and fell to the ground. The car was still moving slowly as the limo driver was pulling onto the shoulder. She felt her skin tear as her shoulder and arm made contact with the blacktop. She forced herself to her feet then ran into the darkness. She had no idea where she was. There were fields and highway. The closest police vehicle and flashing lights appeared to be too far ahead of her. There were buildings ahead. They were warehouses that appeared dark at this time in the evening. It had to be one or two o’clock in the morning. She ran as fast as she could. The cold air collided with her skin, the realization that she only had on a bra and her jeans and boots began to sink in. The throbbing in her arm was painful and as she looked at it as she ran, she saw the blood. Her teeth were chattering from fear and the cold temperatures. Blood dripped from her forehead. She must have cut her skin when her face hit the window. She heard tires squeal and then just as she decided to run down the open field toward the highway she heard the shots. She fell to the ground with a thump as Tagart began shooting at her. She cried, knowing that she was as good as dead. She couldn’t stay put like a sitting duck. He couldn’t hit a moving target so easily. She knew that, so she stood up and ran, zigzagging as he fired his weapon missing her by what felt like mere inches. Finally she reached the buildings and tried to find a place to hide.

* * * *

“We’ve got shots fired on President George Bush Turnpike,” they heard over the radio police scanner. “We’re five minutes from there,” BJ stated as Tommy and Vic sat in his truck and drove past Love Field airport.

“Oh shit, he’s going to kill her,” Tommy said.

“We’ve got patrol cars everywhere. He can’t go any farther,” BJ added.

“The suspects are on foot. Two units on the scene. The driver has been apprehended,” the dispatcher updated them.

As they approached the scene, Vic could see all the police units and the limo.

“Hold on, baby, we’re almost there. God, please protect her,” Tommy said out loud as BJ gunned the gas to get them there as fast as his truck would allow.

* * * *

Elise was out of breath from zigzagging, and she was so damn cold as she hid behind the Dumpster near the side of the building. She could hear all the sirens, and she wanted to cover her ears, but she was afraid that she wouldn’t hear Tagart approach. Was that a helicopter she heard in the distance? She thought she heard a noise to her right and as she searched the darkness, it was too late when she felt the gun at the base of her head.

“That’s right, sweetness, I’ve got you now.” Tagart grabbed her by her hair and pulled her up hard. She screamed and he thrust her body against the brick building. She held on to his arm as he gripped her hair, pulling it hard and making her stand. The cold air collided with her body and she was shaking with fear.

“Please don’t kill me,” she begged.

“Oh, you fucked up all my plans, honey. You’re going to die.” He looked her body over, staring at her breasts that were barely covered by the scanty bra she wore. She had worn it in anticipation of seeing Vic and Tommy later tonight after work. She loved them and now she would never see them again. The tears rolled down her cheeks.

“That’s right, bitch. You’re going to die tonight.”

He released her hair and pressed her body hard against the wall. He used his thigh to spread her thighs as he kept the gun against the cleavage of her breasts.

She was shaking so badly, she wasn’t sure she could stand much longer.

“I wish I had my knife. I’d cut you up, piece by piece, then mail parts to those two deputies of yours.” He chuckled and she cried out as he moved the gun along her skin as if it were a knife.

“I’d slash you here and then there.”

She felt like vomiting.

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