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She didn’t like the way he said those words, but she had to ease herself out of this conversation.

“Well, that’s understandable. Good luck with it. I need to get back to work.”

“Sure thing. I’ll see you tomorrow night for the event. I can’t wait to watch you do your thing.” He looked her over again. What the hell? How many times could the guy check out her body? She felt almost violated and as if bad thoughts were going through that guy’s head. She didn’t like him, just like she didn’t like Tagart. Her gut told her to warn Keith away from them, too. Something just didn’t seem right about Carver and Tagart at all.

Chapter 10

Tommy picked Elise up from Dixie Chix. Vic was going to be a bit longer after getting an arrest and having to process his prisoners. She couldn’t help but feel proud of them and their profession. But she also worried about them, now that they had shared some of their experiences in the department.

Tommy was no longer wearing his uniform, but instead a pair of camo pants and a Delite Sheriff’s Department hooded sweatshirt. He looked just as lethal to her. They entered his house, she followed him upstairs, and after dropping her overnight bag onto the rug, she played shy.

“How was work tonight, honey?” he asked her as she looked up at him from across the room. He had hungry eyes as he slowly approached her.

She moved around, playing hard to get as she answered him.

“It was busy. G-Force and Big Dog had to break up two fights. Sally sang a lovely duet with Billy. It was ‘Don’t You Wanna Stay,’ and they sang it beautifully together.”

“That’s kind of a sexy song. How did Mason and Steven take it?”

“Oh, they were just fine.”

He wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up against his chest.

“Better men than me,” he whispered as he leaned down and covered her mouth with his. She immediately kissed him back, and as his hand caressed under her skirt to her ass, giving it a squeeze, she moaned. Tommy explored her mouth with his tongue and her body with his hands as she held on to him, absorbing the feel of hard muscles beneath her fingertips. Soon they were both moaning, and then he was releasing her lips.

“I want you, baby. I need you,” he told her as he held her gaze with his beautiful hazel eyes. Tommy reached for her blouse and began to unbutton it, and she reached for those sexy camo pants he had on. As her fingers hit his firm, thick waist, she shuddered in anticipation.

“After inspecting this skirt, I say it’s too damn short unless you’re with me or Vic. Got it?” he scolded as he maneuvered his fingers beneath the elastic of the waist and pushed her skirt down to her ankles.

“Are you going to buy me a whole new wardrobe, Tommy? ’Cause, all my skirts are this length and I like them like this.”

He pushed his pants down and threw off his sweatshirt and T-shirt then grabbed her, lifting her up into his arms.

“Are you sassing me, girl?” he asked while cupping her ass with his hand and letting his long, thick finger caress back and forth between her ass cheeks.

She felt her pussy clench and leak in response to his touch.

Her breasts felt full as she pressed her chest against his and cupped his handsome face between her hands. She stared into his eyes and her heart soared with affection for him.

“I need you inside of me, right now,” she whispered.

He held her gaze then licked his lips.

“In the shower, baby.”

Her heart was racing as he carried her toward the master bathroom. She took advantage of the opportunity to appreciate his backside and the way his large, muscular upper body flexed as he walked. From shoulders to hips, to ass to thighs, he was all muscle and all hers. She couldn’t resist touching him and caressing his back with her hand as he turned on the faucets and got the shower ready.

“You’re beautiful, Tommy,” she told him, in awe of the sight and of the realization that he was hers and she was his. They were going to be making love in the shower, and hopefully Vic would get home in time to join them.

Home? Oh God, this is their home, not mine. But, to think that I could live here with them and have both Vic and Tommy be part of my everyday life. She froze and wrapped her arms around herself.

“Hey, what’s wrong? I was liking you touching me like that.” He caressed the sides of her arms.

She stared up at him. “Is this really happening?”

He smiled at her as if he completely understood how she felt.

“Yes, this is really happening. I’m about to make love to my woman in the shower, and just maybe, Vic will get to enjoy you in here, too. Now come on. The water is ready and I can’t wait.”

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