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“Midnight,” Tommy replied.

“Okay. I’ll call you later.” She held on to Vic’s arms as she stood on tiptoes to kiss him. He made the kiss last longer then finally released her lips and smiled.

“I like when you take a kiss from me,” he told her.

“It seemed like you were the one taking the kiss.”

He gave her a squeeze then released her so that Tommy could kiss her good-bye.

“See you in a while, baby. You be good now, ya hear.” She felt the palm of his hand smooth over her ass and squeeze right as he covered her mouth and kissed her thoroughly.

When he finally let her go, she held on to him and her eyes remained closed.

“That just isn’t fair, what you two do me,” she admitted, and Tommy gave her a sad face.

“We’ll take good care of you later, darling. Now get inside before you catch a cold.” Tommy tapped her ass, and she locked her door then headed inside, waving behind her as she entered the back door to the dance hall.

* * * *

It was Friday night, and Dixie Chix was hopping. Sally was singing a duet with Billy, and Elise, Juliet, Alexa, and Paula were watching Mason and Steven.

“Man, do they look pissed off right now,” Alexa said then chuckled.

“I don’t know what the big deal is. I mean they know she’s their woman. It’s just a song,” Paula said.

“I think it has a lot to do with that baby she’s carrying,” Juliet said with a smile.

“Do all men get that overprotective when their woman is pregnant with their child?” Elise asked.

“I would hope that it means they really care and love her and are so thrilled about the baby, they want to keep them both safe,” Paula stated.

“That’s awesome,” Elise whispered, and she wondered for the first time in her life what it might be like to have a baby and be a mother. Immediately she thought about Vic and Tommy. They would make excellent fathers. But they hardly knew one another. And she had so much to share with them. What if they got angry about her past and the fact that she stole a prize calf to pay a thief who killed her boyfriend and lover? Her stomach clenched tight, and she didn’t like the feelings of uncertainty.

Sally’s performance ended and everyone cheered including Mason and Steven, so they must have been okay with it after all.

“Hey, Elise, can I have a minute?”

Elise turned around to find Keith, one of the bull riders in the contest.

“Sure, Keith. Come on over here.” Of course her friends raised their eyebrows at her and gave a few winks. She hoped that they didn’t think she was flirting with Keith.

She walked down to the corner of the bar near a set of high tables and stools that were vacant.

“What’s going on?” she asked him. It was then that she saw the uneasiness and concern on his face.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“I want to know how much you know about Tagart and that guy Carver. I mean, are they legit or what?”

“I don’t know what you mean. I know they work for a company that helps to promote events like this one we’re running.”

“Well, aside from that, I’ve heard that he has connections to the real bull circuit. Like, he might be able to get me in there. I’m just wondering if it’s legit, because you know, I’d have to travel and my girlfriend Bella means the world to me.”

“Well, did Carver or Tagart say they had these connections and that they’re interested?”

“Sort of. It was more like, you need to do a few sideshows and work up your name, and then if all goes well we could begin promoting you under the business label.”

“I see. Well, do you get paid for the sideshows.”

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