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But it worked, and five hours later, he woke up with the sun blazing through the shades and his brother, Tommy, sitting uncomfortably on the lounge chair in the corner of the room.

* * * *

They were standing by the main bar and Sally was up onstage singing up a storm, doing her last number before the first round of the bull-riding contest started. Elise was in the back room with a makeup artist and wardrobe person. Tagart had sent in a crew of five people including photographer and assistants. She stared at Susanna and Ava with her eyes wide as they all complimented the outfit.

Granted, it was sparkly and very Hollywood-like, but it was also revealing. The top, if she could even call it one, was a half red-, white-, and blue-sequined blouse that tied right underneath her bustline. There were only two buttons, and considering that the top was two sizes too small, Elise’s mouth dropped as her large breasts nearly poured from the front of her barely there bra. The Daisy-Duke shorts and fancy red cowgirl boots topped off the ridiculous outfit. As she stared at herself and the way her hip bones showed from the shorts being too small, her belly ring was replaced with one that had three hanging rhinestones, and boy, could you see a lot of her tattoo.

“Incredible!” someone stated, but she was feeling a bit annoyed right now.

“Not for nothing, people, don’t get me wrong, I think you do fabulous work and all, but how the hell am I supposed to ride the electric bull in this?”

“Hot damn, woman, you are something else,” Tagart stated as he and Carver entered the room.

“I can’t do this. I can’t get onto a bull wearing this.”

Tagart made his way to her and trailed his hand along her waist before making his way back in front of her. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and he looked pleased as punch.

“You will, baby. If anyone can pull this off, it’s you. Now, we’re going to start with some shots around the bar, by the bull, and then on the bull. I also have the video crew setting things up so we can record the riders and your performance for the boss. In a few hours, you’ll be sitting back relaxing and missing all the excitement.”

“You don’t know me well at all, Tagart. This is not me.” Elise smoothed her hand down the shorts. Her fingers hit skin immediately, reminding her about how little she was wearing. She also felt a bit uneasy in her stomach from the way Tagart spoke about his boss wanting to see pictures. She wondered who his boss was, since he said he came from Tennessee. Also, it made her think about Cobbs and his operation. Sure Tagart was a conceited jerk and businessman, but could he know Cobbs? What if this situation was a scam? She felt her belly tighten and then fear gripped her momentarily. She absorbed the activity going on around her and all the professional employees from Tagart’s company. It didn’t make any sense that Tagart was doing something wrong. Her nightmares about Devlon, the way Vic and Tommy were actively pursuing her, and all her fears from Tennessee were making her paranoid. She was going to have to face her fears and her paranoia. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind best she could until she heard Tagart’s voice.

“Let’s go do this. The photographer will tell you where he wants you and what to do.” Tagart pointed toward the doorway, and a very good-looking man entered the room. His eyes widened as he looked at her.

“She is precious. Where the hell did you find her, Tagart?”

“Francisco, meet Elise.”

The man touched her cheek, tilted her chin up, and then pointed her face to one side then the next.

“Gorgeous bone structure, great, sexy lips. Maybe a little more gloss please,” he stated, and the makeup artist turned Elise’s face toward her and added the gloss. She then turned her face back to the photographer, Francisco.

“Gorgeous. Let’s move.”

They all headed out of the room and Elise grabbed Ava’s hand and Susanna’s hand. “You two owe me so big for this.”

“We’re going to owe you even more,” Ava stated, and Elise crunched her eyebrows up.

“Tommy and Vic just showed up and the guys are telling them about this whole thing right now,” Ava whispered. Elise felt her belly tighten and fear hit her hard. They were not going to be okay with this situation. They didn’t even like Tagart.

“Go try to calm them down and explain that this was your idea.”

“No worries, Susanna already did. They’re right in front of the main area where the photographer and video guys will be shooting the event,” Ava stated.

“Oh God.” Elise held her hand over her belly.

“Hey, get into your role, sweetheart. Even though we’re breaking here and there for specific shots, I need you to be exactly like you were the other night when you did your sexy cowgirl routine,” Francisco said.

“How do you know about that?”

“Tagart sent me pictures and Carver sent me a video from his cell phone.”

“Oh Lord.”

* * * *

“If one more fucking guy tries to touch her as she’s posing around the dance hall, I’m going to lose it, Tommy.” Vic took a slug of beer.

“What the hell is she wearing anyway?”

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