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Steven held his breath and clenched his teeth. Somehow making love to her tonight felt even more po

werful than ever before. He relished in the sensations and the depth of their connection. Like this, the three of them were united as one.

“Please move. Do something please,” she begged of him, causing Steven to pop out of his euphoric thought pattern and focus on making love to his woman. They were going to be together forever.

* * * *

Sally felt incredibly aroused and almost as if she were going to lose her mind. Steven and Mason began to thrust into her one after the next. She couldn’t keep up with their penetrations. She was overwhelmed with emotions, sensations, and the fullness that having her two men inside of her brought on.

“Yes! Yes, harder, harder!” she yelled, and both men satisfied the need she felt. They thrust together, making her lose her breath and scream her release. Mason followed and then Steven, ending their lovemaking with two more strokes in her ass and then a slap to her ass cheek.

She jerked and Mason chuckled as he kissed her mouth then hugged her against him.

“You two are trouble.” She held on to Mason. Steven slowly pulled from her ass and rubbed her cheeks then leaned down and kissed her where he had spanked her. Then Mason reached back and gave her ass a smack.

“Double trouble. The two of you,” she whispered, closing her eyes and absorbing that she was in love for the first and the last time in her life.

Chapter 10

Sally was heading into work at Dixie Chix. Mason was working and so was Steven. They planned on meeting her there. She was so happy. It had been a few weeks since she moved in with Mason and Steven. That night, after she performed for the first time at Dixie Chix, they had expressed their concerns for her well-being as well as their need to have her with them more often. They shared the fact that they missed her when they were apart and how crazy they felt telling her about it. She had to laugh, because she was feeling the exact same way. This was all part of their relationship growing and building stronger. Sure, they would make some mistakes along the way, but, they were together and would get through it together. Although it seemed like things were moving fast, she knew moving in with them was the right decision. She was so in love with both of them and they were insistent on being with her and protecting her. It was so strange because, without them, she felt so lost and kind of sad. She wasn’t certain if it was a normal feeling, but she didn’t like it. Moving in with them and beginning their life together eased that ache during times when they were apart. They talked about starting a family and going on a vacation together. Life was absolutely perfect.

As she made her way down the road, she slowed down for a stop sign at a small intersection. As she started to step on the gas, it was too late when she noticed the dark blue truck barreling straight for her. They didn’t look like they saw the stop sign. They were going to hit her. She stepped on the gas to try and escape the hit. Fear clutched her belly as the truck collided with the rear of her car, sending her into a spin that set off the air bags right after her forehead hit the steering wheel.

She was stunned and the car then slammed into a utility pole, smashing in the passenger-side door.

She instantly knew that she was injured. Her vision blurred and then she passed out.

* * * *

Steven headed straight to the scene of the accident with Toby alongside him. He pulled up his truck, noticing the amount of damage to the vehicle as well as the number of police. Mason looked terrified as he stood by Sally’s damaged car. Steven knew at that moment that Mason hadn’t explained everything to him over the phone. All Mason said was that Sally was in a car accident and get to the corner of Princeton Street and Hide Avenue.

Steven got out of the car and Toby took off toward the damaged vehicle.

“What’s going on? Is she okay? Where is she?” he asked as Toby began barking and scratching at the passenger seat.

Simultaneously, Steven saw the blood and all the broken glass.

“He fucking took her, Steven. Garret and Keiffer smashed into her car to run her off the road. She’s hurt and they took off with her. BJ sent his guys to ask the neighboring houses if they saw how Garret got away.”

Steven looked around frantically. He saw Toby pawing at Sally’s bag, and he whined as he sniffed the blood on the seat.

“How long between when the accident was reported and she was grabbed?” Steven asked.

“Hey, Sheriff.” Tommy Ollsen came running toward them.

“The neighbors all saw the accident, and then two men pulled Sally out of the car. They said she looked unconscious,” he stated, but Steven could tell that he was trying to ease their worry.

“What else?” BJ asked.

“They headed out on foot. That way across the fields toward Farmer’s Pass.”

At that moment Toby began barking to get Steven’s and Mason’s attention.

“He’s got a scent, Steven. If Garret is headed toward the woods surrounding Farmer’s Pass, then we’ll need the dogs to catch them before they get to another vehicle,” Mason stated.

“I’ll go with Toby now. I’ve got my gear in the truck,” Steven said.

“I’ll send some men with you now. We’ll connect with Mason on the other side of Farmer’s Pass and see if we can cut them off in between there and the main highway,” BJ said.

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