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They waited a few more minutes.

“Okay, this is crazy. I’m going out.” Elise opened the back door and headed outside. She was walking down the ramp and toward her car when she heard the gunshot. She immediately fell to the ground and covered her head as the windshield exploded. She heard tires squeal in the distance, but it was too dark to see anything, and she wasn’t lifting her head to see.

“Elise!” Juliet screamed her name as she headed out of the back door. Elise felt the glass covering her and didn’t move. The sound of more voices yelling filled the air.

“Juliet, I told you to stay inside. What the fuck don’t you understand about my order!” Carl yelled at her.

“Elise, are you hurt?” Richie asked, and she didn’t move a muscle.

“I don’t think so, but I feel glass all over me.”

“Stay still.”

“Oh God, Elise. What the hell happened?” Juliet asked.

“The police are on their way,” Richie stated.

Elise could hear the sirens in the distance. Carl, Richie, and Juliet were trying to remove the pieces of glass from Elise’s hair and body. She heard the tires squeal and then heavy footsteps.

“Is she okay? What happened?”

She knew it was the twin deputies, Tommy and Vic Ollsen.

“She walked outside and I heard a gunshot, and then her windshield exploded,” Juliet stated while her voice shook.

“Elise, are you hurt?” Tommy asked her as he leaned down next to her on the ground.

“I think I’m okay. I got down immediately and covered my head.” She realized that she was lying down on the ground in a very short skirt. She hoped that her ass wasn’t sticking out.

“Oh God.” She felt fingers near her thighs as the men pulled pieces of glass from her.

“It’s just Vic and I, Elise,” Tommy stated firmly. She sensed Carl and Richie moving away, and then she could hear both men reprimanding Juliet.

Damn it, she should be terrorized and freaking out right now, being covered in glass after someone shot her windshield out while she stood a mere foot away. Instead, she was trying to figure out which brother’s fingers were touching her where.

“Please tell me that my ass is covered.”

“Just barely.” Vic grunted then she felt the tug on her skirt and then fingers near her upper thighs next to her panties.

“Oh crap, did I just say that out loud?”

“Yeah, you did. You and I are going to have a talk, young lady, about listening to orders,” Tommy stated firmly, and she began to move her arms.

“Wait, Elise, there’s a piece of glass.”

“Ouch,” she stated as the glass cut her skin.

“Lie the fuck still. You’re in enough trouble as is, Elise. Don’t move!” Vic yelled, and she froze.

They were really angry with her, so why the hell was she feeling so damn horny and aroused?

Why didn’t I just stay inside with Juliet?

* * * *

Garret and Keiffer were laughing hysterically. “Did you see the look on Elise’s face and then her jump to the ground like that? Holy shit, that was awesome,” Keiffer stated as they drove Garret’s truck back to his place. They parked inside the garage and hurried inside.

“Why are we rushing? It’s not like they’re looking for us,” Keiffer said.

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