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“Well they’ll need good dogs and great trainers. You should seriously consider it,” Chad said.

“I will,” Mason replied as he watched Sally talking with another group of guys. Steven was doing the same thing. Every time Mason and he came to Dixie Chix, they spent the night watching Sally, getting all aroused but ignoring their attraction to her because of their own fears and hang-ups. Mason felt like he never should have touched her that night or given in to his desire. She was too sweet, too young and good for the likes of him. He didn’t like to feel emotion. He liked being coldhearted. It kept people away and made it less painful when they left or died. He took another slug of beer. He wasn’t sleeping well either. Not since the night he’d held Sally in his arms and got to feel her. She’d come undone and smelled intoxicating. Fuck.

Mason looked over at Steven. He was no better. He shared with him what had happened that night in the bedroom. Steven seemed jealous and angry. Steven wasn’t over Jess and the fact that she cheated on him even though he treated her like gold. Steven told Mason that he was rough around the edges, ornery most of the time, and a real pain in the ass to live with, but he never had or showed any interest beyond sex with any woman except for Sally. He sincerely worried about her. When Alexa was in trouble and they all needed protection, Mason and Steven were immediately over at the women’s house watching over them and especially Sally.

“You two wait too long to ask her out and someone’s going to scoop Sally right up,” Chad teased then took a slug of beer.

Mason looked at an unhappy Steven. “We’re going to need to talk, brother. This can’t go on much longer.”

Mason had a fierce expression on his face.

“I’m no good for her. She’s sweet and young and needs an undamaged man. She doesn’t need a washed-up soldier.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, washed up? You went out in style. You’re too fucking hard on yourselves. Sally needs compassion, just like Alexa. Those women were abused, you know. They lived their lives in fear and especially of men. You two can provide protection, security, and obviously love,” Chad stated, and both Mason and Steven stared at him in shock.

“Love? What the fuck are you drinking? Don’t be trying to spread no rumors like that. We hardly know the woman. Sure we care about her and we’re interested but where the hell did you get love?” Steven asked.

“Neither of you have mentioned aloud about any part of her body to us or the other guys. You respect her. You know that you could see yourselves with her long term,” Chad added.

Mason and Steven looked at one another.

“I suck at commitments.” Steven turned and took another slug of beer.

“She deserves better,” Mason said then turned away from Michael and Chad just as Steven did. Mason glanced at Steven and could tell that he was pissed off and lying. They were both interested in Sally and way more than any woman they’d ever known or slept with. Mason absorbed the sight of Sally’s long brown hair, the way she filled out the red camisole she wore, and how the skirt showed off her sexy legs. She was a knockout.

“We’re fucked,” Steven whispered. Steven followed Mason’s line of sight as they drank from their beer bottles and spotted Sally. Once again, she was surrounded by guys and talking up a storm, laughing.

“Yes we are,” Mason replied.

* * * *

Sally was getting ready to sneak out of the house when she opened her bedroom door. She gasped as she stared at Alexa. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest and she was giving Sally the once-over. Alexa uncrossed her arms.

“You’re going on a date with him aren’t you?”

Sally looked out in the hallway, grateful that others weren’t in earshot, and she pulled Alexa into her room.

“Okay. Do not flip out. Yes, I am going on a date with Garret.”

“Oh my God. Are you sure about this?”

“Yes. Why are you asking me that? I need to do this.” Sally walked back over toward the full-length mirror to look at her outfit. Dark brown skinny jeans, high black boots, and a black turtleneck sweater completed her outfit. She wore her long brown hair down and added some bracelets to her wrist before checking her lipstick.

“I’m worried about you. And what about Mason and Steven?”

Alexa turned to her, shocked at her sister’s words.

“What? They don’t even know I exist. Why the hell should they matter right now? I mean come on, Alexa.”

“Don’t give me that. I see the way they look at you and the way you look at them. As a matter of fact, I think something happened already between the three of you.”

Sally turned toward Alexa. How the hell could her sister know about that night? No, she was bluffing. Alexa was good at getting her to give up secrets and information. Sally was surprised she hadn’t shared the event with Alexa sooner. Truth was, she was embarrassed. She let Mason touch her so intimately.

“Nothing happened between us. Like I said. Neither of them know I exist. Garret does. He’s been very sweet and flirting for weeks.” Sally wanted what Alexa and the others had. She was tired of feeling lonely and scared. She wanted a man to hold her in his arms, kiss her, desire her, and be there for her to lean on. She wanted it so badly her heart ached for it.

“I’m worried. I’m just not sure that Garret is right for you. Don’t just go out with someone because you want a boyfriend.”

Sally was shocked. “Nice. You think no one wants to date me? I’ve been asked out by dozens of guys, Alexa.”

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