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He heard her car door creak open. This car was a piece of shit. Why the hell didn’t she drive a better vehicle? He was filled with concern for her safety.

“Do you know a lot about cars?” she asked, her arms folded in front of her chest as a means of protection, not that she was cold. He knew it immediately.

“I know a bit.” He looked around and saw that the engine was very old. There was rust everywhere, and he wondered how the hell this thing even ran. The alternator belt looked about to rip apart.

“I was hoping that Mel would pull through for me. At least until the spring. He’s taken good care of me for over a year’s time. I’ve grown to love him. I know it’s silly after such a short time, but giving him up doesn’t seem right.”

Who the hell is Mel? He was surprised at the spike of jealousy he felt. So this guy Mel had something to do with the car?

“He supposed to do some work on the car?” he asked.


“This guy Mel?” he asked as he closed the hood and stared down at her. God she was gorgeous. Her outfit matched, and the tall sexy boots made her legs look long and sexy. He could smell her perfume again, and he found himself inching closer to inhale more of it.

“Oh God, no, Mel is the car. It’s what I call him.”

Just then thunder rumbled, scaring them both but ultimately sending Alexa against his chest.

He wrapped his arms around her and had to hide his chuckle at her reaction to thunder. She was scared of storms?

It took her a few seconds to realize what she had done and just as quickly she tried to pull away and nearly fell backward onto her ass. He reached for her in the nick of time and pulled her back toward him. He held her against him, and she held his forearms as she looked up into his eyes.

* * * *

Alexa’s heart was racing. She was so scared she was shaking. She hated thunder. It only brought horrible memories of her past. She acted like such a scaredy-cat in front of Michael. My God, he was so sexy and handsome. She gripped onto his forearms, grateful that he caught her before she landed on her pride.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I don’t like thunderstorms.” She rambled on, and he just stared down at her.

“That’s a shame really. They can be nice to watch roll in sitting on the porch swing, wrapped in a blanket.”

She watched his lips as he formed his words, and she couldn’t help but wonder what they would feel like against her skin. She nibbled her bottom lip.

“You dating anyone, Alexa?” he asked her, shoving reality right smack into her face. She shook her head as she began to step out from his strong, warm embrace. God, the man’s arms felt so good wrapped around her. She felt safe. That was a first.

“So do you think you can fix it?” she asked, changing the subject and walking back toward her car door.

She wanted to get back inside and hide. Why did he ask her if she was dating anyone? Her? No way. Too scared and shy.

The thunder struck again, and she turned around, leaned against the door and covered her heart with her hand.

Michael was immediately in front of her. He took her hand and she froze. She looked way up into his dark blue eyes and held his gaze as she shivered.

“You really are scared of thunderstorms, huh?”

She swallowed hard as he caressed her wrist with his thumb. The sensations traveled through her arm straight to her belly. She slightly pulled, trying to get him to release her hand, but it was a lame attempt. He was touching her, and the move ran havoc through her body.

He reached up and she flinched. It was just an automatic reaction to a man. In her past, any man who got this close to her and held her wrist or hand was about to strike and was a threat.

She looked up when the hit never came and saw his shocked expression. Then his eyes narrowed and he looked pissed off.

“Baby, you’re shaking. I don’t hit women. Never have and never will. Now, you look at me.”

His tone was firm, but his hold was loose on her wrist now. His thumb still brushed gently back and forth.

“I need to call my sister.” She was embarrassed now. Her reaction to him was stupid, and now he would have questions.

“There’s no cell service out here, baby. That’s why I stopped and why I was concerned with you being out here all alone and stranded. You need to take precautions. This heap of junk isn’t good enough for you.”

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