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“That’s true. Mel’s been giving you shit lately,” Sally teased and Juliet laughed.

“She talks about that car like it’s a guy,” Juliet added.

“Yeah, it’s about the same, too. Unreliable, smelly, and she can’t get out from underneath it,” Sally teased.

“Ha, ha, ha. I just hope to get through the winter and maybe in the springtime I’ll start looking for something better.”

“Sounds like a plan. So how is buying a camera going to make a better future for ya?” Sally asked.

“Are you thinking about getting into photography? I hear that the community college in Cellar County is offering some different night classes. You should check them out,” Juliet said.

“I think buying the camera and fooling around a bit will be a great start, and then I’ll consider looking into the classes. I’d better get going. I want to get there when the store opens and then maybe take some pictures in town. I’ll see you ladies tonight at Dixie’s.”

They waved to her as she headed out the door.

She was glad that she wore her brown skinny jeans, a long-sleeve black shirt, and a thick brown sweater. The calf-high brown boots matched the sweater, and she would be warm enough if the temperature dropped.

As she started up Mel, she heard a little stutter in its sound and hoped the beat-up car didn’t fail her any time soon. She was really looking forward to starting the new hobby.

Fifteen minutes later Alexa walked into Bart’s Surplus Store. It was very large with two floors of everything from hunting gear to exercise clothes. There were sneakers, boots, fishing supplies, and even swimming gear. As she looked at the different types of cameras and what they offered, she felt a little confused. Did she want one that did video, too, or simply still shots? Did she want single shots or rapid? As Bart’s nephew, Tanner, explained about the differences and what she may need the camera for, she began to get a lot of ideas. Being able to take a series of action shots by holding the button down appealed to her.

As she narrowed her choices to three cameras, she stared at their prices. They were costly, and with the bag, the extra supplies, and battery they were definitely an investment and beyond just a hobby. She was excited and nervous about the purchase. She’d never had the opportunity until recently to really do anything like this for herself. Decisions were made for her. She was constantly told what to do and when to do it. If she questioned or even hesitated, she was struck or ordered to her room. Her hands were shaking as she stared at the cameras.

“Tough decision, huh?”

Alexa turned toward the deep, masculine voice and had to look up and up until she locked gazes with Michael Phillips. His piercing dark blue eyes held hers, and he smiled. The man was at least six feet four inches and totally filled with muscles. Even his jaw and cheekbones were defined just like the rest of him.

“Uh, yes, I guess.” She shyly turned back toward the counter of cameras.

“Ya know, Chad and I know a bit about photography.”

She looked back at him and nibbled her bottom lip. She didn’t know anything.

“I’m just getting started. A hobby really.”

He raised his eyebrows at her and her selection of the expensive cameras.

“What kind of camera did you have before?”

She looked away from him as she felt the twang of sadness inside.

“I never owned a camera.”

“Well, darling, I think ya better consider something less intimidating,” he suggested, and she felt as if he were insulting her capabi


“I can handle it. Thanks.” She turned away from him and stared at the cameras. She didn’t want to make a financial decision like this based on getting pissed off by Michael Phillips, Marine and secret whatever. So what? He and his brother were known around the town? What made him an expert on cameras anyway?

He touched her sleeve and she stepped back immediately. He narrowed his gaze on her and looked taken back. Way to go, Alexa, now he’ll think you’re a freak.

Instead of pointing out her anxiety of being touched by him, he pointed to another camera, seemingly less intimidating as he tried to explain its potential as a starter camera.

“You see, it does a lot of the same things these two do, but it is two hundred dollars cheaper. You don’t need all those extra lens covers or that additional lens. It can only be used in direct sunlight. This one is versatile.”

He continued to explain so much about the camera, the lenses and capabilities, and she realized that Michael did know his stuff.

“Thanks,” she whispered as Bart’s nephew reappeared, giving a handshake and a hello to Michael.

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