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“Oh God. There’s four of them. They have guns, Chad.”

“Run, Alexa!” Michael yelled.

They could hear scuffling and then men yelling in Spanish. The sounds of gunfire echoed over the phone.

“Oh God, no.”

“Let’s move, Michael, come on!” Chad grabbed Michael’s arm.

* * * *

Alexa climbed over the passenger seat and opened the car door. It hit the side wall of the ditch and barely left enough room for her to squeeze by. Her head throbbed and blood continued to drip from the gash.

She heard them yelling at her in Spanish, but she did as Chad had told her and she ran. She slipped in the mud, got caught up in the high grasses, but trudged on despite the sounds of thunder. But then they started shooting at her. There wasn’t any place to take cover. Not a tree, not a building, nothing. She turned to look around her when something sharp pierced her arm. She cried out in pain and fell to the ground. As she lifted her hand from her arm, she saw the blood. They shot her. Oh God, I’m going to die.

* * * *

There were police and other ex-military men on the scene. Michael and Chad conversed with everyone so that they were all on board here. This situation was a great fear for all of those involved with their secret government jobs. Many of the men around Michael and Chad had settled down, had families, and knew that they were now in danger.

“We’re tracking the vehicle. The commander is calling in all possible ways to help us out. We need to capture and kill these guys,” Virgo stated.

“He knows where they’re headed. We call off the locals, BJ. This is a military operation now,” Michael stated firmly, and BJ nodded then walked over to his truck and began to call out on the radio to stop pursuits.

“Chad, there’s blood by her car and also out there a ways in the field. It’s a lot, Chad,” Mason informed Michael and Chad, and both men looked pissed off.

“You think they shot her?” Virgo asked.

“We have to assume the worst. She hit her head on the steering wheel. We know that much. We heard the gunshots over the phone and them ordering her to stop running in Spanish,” Dale stated.

“Let’s get the location on their destination and move in. I’m waiting on the commander. I need volunteers,” Michael stated aloud, and every man there raised their hand.

“Thank you. Get your gear and wait for my command,” Michael stated as the commander’s call came in.

“Commander, what do you got?”

“We have them. They headed to a location about fifteen minutes outside of the city of Dallas. I have units on standby for your orders. The surrounding buildings will be discreetly evacuated. Also, now that we have a name and face to go with Solandro Cruz, we can prove his involvement in various illegal activities besides assisting Santos in his drug cartel. He is wanted for questioning in murdering multiple men and women.”

“Women?” Chad asked.

“It appears that he doesn’t like to keep his women for the long term. He does what he wants with them then kills them. We’ve seized all his assets. We’ve also seized his private jet that he arrived on and all other financial accounts we can. I have lawyers working on strangling this guy. Even if by some far chance he does survive and escapes to Columbia, he is broke and so is Santos.”

“Thanks for the update. We’ve got the address. I’m organizing teams. I need intel on the building now.”

“Already sending a team to meet you there. Be safe and catch this asshole.”

“Okay. We’ve got a location. Chad and I want our woman returned safe and unharmed. Use your heads. Any information I send to you will be in drips and drags. He’ll kill her and he’ll kill any of you without a thought. I don’t want any more of us dead. We’ve lost enough good men over destroying the Santos operation. Let’s take out the trash.”

The men dispersed and Michael and Chad got into the truck with Virgo, Dale, and Mason.

Chapter 13

“What is it that you want me to do?” Miguel asked Solandro.

Solandro stared at the blonde. She’d passed out from her injuries. The gash in her head had finally stopped dripping blood. One of his men wrapped her arm as best he could, but the bullet was still wedged inside of it. The blood was seeping through the bandage.

“Let’s get this meeting over with and head to the airport.”

“And the woman?” Miguel asked. Solandro stared at her. She was quite lovely. Young, too, maybe less than twenty-one. If she didn’t die from her injuries, she may be some fun. But was it really worth the battle to drag her across the globe? She would get blood on the new rugs of his priva

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