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“Are you okay? Mason hinted that you might not be but that you weren’t dead.”

“He can be so nice sometimes.”

“Yeah, I haven’t seen that side of him yet.”

“I have, but it is rare. Baby, don’t be scared and upset. Chad got hurt, but it’s no big deal. He’s seen a lot worse.”

“How bad is it?”

“Not bad. Just some stitches on his arm. He’ll survive. We’re on our way back from Dallas. We needed to check on something. We’ll be home in about two hours. Can you get a ride to our place?”

“I have Mel. I’ll meet you there.”

“I thought Mel was dead. I don’t like that piece-of-shit car of yours. You need something more reliable. Chad and I will take you shopping on Monday.”

“Mel is fine, Michael. Please tell Chad that I can’t wait to see him, too.”

“I will, baby. I need to go. Be safe.”


She hung up the phone and felt a bit better. At least Michael called and apologized for not calling sooner. She would have to learn to understand this secret business they were involved in. She heard that broadcast and remembered some significant information about the bust. It involved a massive amount of drugs, some high-and-mighty drug dealer from Columbia, and an investigation that led to the death of an undercover agent. That had to be Michael and Chad’s friend. She felt the chill as the cold air penetrated her long-sleeve shirt. She really should have brought a sweater. But soon she would be cuddling between Chad and Michael and hopefully in bed. She smiled as she walked back toward the boutiques.

* * * *

“Is she really pissed off?” Chad asked as he looked over the note from Nate.

“I’d say so. We really haven’t been honest with her about our jobs.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. We’re done with this shit. The other night was a fucking close call. I could have been blown to fucking smithereens.”

“Don’t even talk about it. I got some gray fucking hairs from worrying about you.”

Chad chuckled. “You know, I had Alexa on my mind the entire time. I hate being away from her. I don’t like the feelings I have when we’re apart and especially now. I don’t know why, but I’m worried about this fucking case. I’m worried about what we’re going to find on this thumb drive. Have you heard from Virgo, Mason, or Dale about the updated info on the visitor from Santos’s operation?”

“No. Just that if our intel is correct, then the person is in the United States right now.”

“Fuck. I don’t like this. Step on the gas and get me the fuck home to my woman,” Chad stated as he gently rubbed the bandage on his arm.

“You got it, soldier. Alexa is going to freak out when she sees that bandage.”

“I know. I’m just hoping that she’ll be ready to take care of me in case I need some extra assistance getting around.”

“Oh give me a break. You’ve had worse injuries than this. Don’t you dare act like a fucking invalid to get her to nurse you.”

Chad smiled. “You gonna be jealous?”

“Fuck yeah.”

Chad laughed as Michael accelerated.

* * * *

Virgo was walking down the street when he noticed an unfamiliar face near Georgio’s Italian Delicatessen. Just then Alexa walked out of the shop, carrying a cup of coffee. The guy looked at her and smiled, but she shyly turned away. She was a good woman. She wasn’t a flirt or the cheating kind, and he was happy for Michael and Chad. They had risked their lives enough times and now it was time to live. The other night was a close call for all of them. Virgo figured if the rest of the team was backing out of the job, then he might as well do it, too. His unit was his family.

“Hey, gorgeous, what are you up to?” Virgo asked Alexa, and as she realized it was him since they had met before, a huge smile crossed her face and her beautiful blue eyes lit up.

“Hi, Virgo! How are you?” she asked, and he was caught off guard as she leaned forward and stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She really was a sweetheart. A guy as big and muscular as him would love to hold a woman like her in his arms. She was sexy.

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