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“We’ll call you later,” Chad stated, and she headed out the front door.

* * * *

“I can take the team out right now, including their woman,” Miguel Felez told Solandro Cruz, over the cell phone.

“No. I want them to suffer. Follow the woman. She could come in handy. I will be in the States within the next few hours.”

“I understand, sir. Have a safe flight.”

Miguel closed up the cell phone and glanced around the area. The woman was gorgeous, very young and petite. She wouldn’t put up much of a fight, and she might even pique Solandro’s interest. He loved blondes. The last one he kept for a week before he killed her.

Chapter 12

Chad looked at his brother, Michael. Michael was dressed in full military assault gear. All black, night vision glasses hanging on hip, multiple guns, extra ammo, grenades, smoke bombs, and he was prepared to send a message back. Fuck with one of ours, and suffer the consequences. Chad took a deep breath. This time he felt different. This m

ission, the last few days spent at the funeral of one of their closest friends, Nate, and consoling his sister, nieces, and nephews had been difficult. He thought about the things he wanted. Every thought about the future, about the next hour, the next day, the next ten years, focused on Alexa. He wanted forever, and Michael did, too. They just needed to do this one more thing. One final hit to Santos’s operation.

“We’re ready in five,” the commander of the assault team stated. Chad looked at Michael. He gave his salute, and they shook hands.

“See ya when the smoke clears,” Michael stated.

“Not unless I see you first,” Chad replied. It was something they did whenever they were both involved with a dangerous mission. All they had in the world were one another and their unit.

But now things were different. Now they had Alexa.

The five minutes passed quickly, and Chad was grateful. They exited their vehicle on command and the invasion began. Thirty-five men. Most just regular military officers, SWAT experts, and part of a division in the Texas State Police force that were trained for operations like this one. Chad, Michael, Mason, Dale, and Virgo volunteered to help out. Their revenge was coming momentarily.

* * * *

Michael was separated from Chad. He didn’t like the way his gut clenched, and he pushed it off and tried to focus on his part in this mission. If he kept thinking that something would go wrong and that he might never see Alexa again, then he was fucked. If he couldn’t keep his head in the zone, then he risked dying. Not this time and not over a simple raid like this one.

In a matter of seconds there was a counterattack. He dove for cover, half the men were inside the building already, and the explosions illuminated the night sky. It was pitch-black out there as well as in the building. He put on his night vision glasses, kept his gun aimed and ready as he slowly made his way closer to the building. After a quick glance to the left, he saw three men, all dressed like him and knew it was his unit and perhaps even Chad. “Got your back,” Virgo radioed in, and Michael acknowledged him with a “roger that.”

The doors to the building swung open and people poured out.

“Freeze! Police!” one of three men yelled as they pointed their guns at the charging crowd of about ten people. It was too late when the three soldiers realized it was a setup. Machine guns were aimed, the sound of rapid gunfire filled the area, and Michael saw them die on the spot. Virgo returned fire and so did Michael. They took out the crowd of killers until more gunfire was exchanged behind them.

“Fuck, Michael, it’s a setup. They knew about the raid.”

“Call the unit back. Retreat so we can regroup and catch the runners,” Michael replied. He heard Virgo radio out to the others. Dale and Mason responded but not Chad.

“Did you get Chad?” Michael asked as he eased his way back from the building.

“No response.”

“Fuck. Chad, where the fuck are you?”

He thought about the fear that gripped him early and how much greater it was now. Could something have happened to Chad? There were bodies everywhere as he moved back from the location. He caught sight of Mason and Dale. Dale was injured as Virgo helped him back. Michael looked around frantically as some of the other soldiers retreated, and then a massive explosion occurred. It lit up the night and was followed by numerous other small explosions as the drug factory went up in flames.

* * * *

It had been a good thirty minutes before lights were brought in and the surrounding area illuminated. Due to the desolate location of the building, firefighters could not be dispatched to put out the flames. They waited as it burned and counted the number of US soldiers killed. Still there was no sign of Chad.

“He’s not among the dead. He’s got to be out there,” Virgo stated.

“Out where? Across the fucking border? He could be crumbled under that mass or fucking rubble, man.” Michael was losing his cool. What would he tell Alexa?

The sound of a voice over the static of the radio chimed in each of their ears.

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