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He leaned down and kissed her belly.

“You make me want things I’ve never wanted before. It’s too much,” she confessed.

Michael and Chad lifted up so that they lay on their sides facing her. They both leaned on an elbow and placed their hands on her belly. She was flat on her back as she crossed her ankles and hoped that they were ready to talk some more.

She realized that the alarm sirens had stopped and the sound of thunder continued to hum in the far distance.

“I think the storm is through,” she told them.

The sound of two cell phones going off at once interrupted the moment. Michael and Chad jumped up and reached for their phones. One look at one another and that was it. The entire mood changed.

“Come on, baby, we need to take you home.” Chad reached for her hand and pulled her against him. He hugged her tight as she wondered what went wrong. Who was on the phone? Was it another woman or perhaps women? A jealous feeling consumed her as she grabbed her bag and followed Michael. His abrupt behavior and complete coldness toward her set her back straight.

“Chad will drive you home. Something with work came up.”

Michael kissed her on the cheek then headed in a different direction looking very serious. Chad pulled her swiftly to Michael’s truck. The rain was light and the sky pleasant looking. The storm had passed, and the area showed few battle wounds from the tornado. She, however, was a completely different story.

Chapter 7

“I don’t know why you insisted that we come here,” Michael stated as he stood by the bar along with Chad, Mason, and his brother, Steven.

“Because you want to see Alexa as much as I do. It’s been three days since our

date. We’ll be lucky if she even acknowledges us,” Chad replied.

“You didn’t tell her that business came up?” Mason asked.

“No, we didn’t explain anything and we shouldn’t have to. This is why we can’t pursue a relationship with her right now. There’s too much going on and any day we could have to leave,” Michael stated with a scowl on his face.

“You don’t have to go. The two of you could call it quits. I’m definitely thinking about it,” Mason stated.

“You need to talk with Monte first and get some leads on other work,” Steven stated.

“I could always live off your paycheck, Dr. Aldean. Not! I’ve got enough money saved to retire and live the good life. I really don’t need a job,” Mason stated, teasing his brother.

“Then just do it,” Steven replied then took a sip from his beer.

“Hey, jerk offs! I’ve got a bone to pick with you,” Sally interrupted the four men. Michael and Chad were both surprised by the sudden outburst from Alexa’s sister.

“I should throw the two of you outta here for what you did to my sister.”

“Oh crap. The little lady is pissed,” Mason stated, and Sally flipped him the bird. Steven laughed.

“Slow down, honey, we didn’t do anything to your sister,” Chad interrupted.

“Oh no? That’s funny because she’s acting like you did. Dropping her off with no explanation as to why you ended your date so abruptly. I bet you got some booty call, didn’t ya. You knew she wouldn’t put out because she’s got class and you two think you’re something special.” Sally stuck her finger into Michael’s chest and gave a little shove.

“Well, let me tell you something, Mr. Special. You and your brother don’t deserve her. She’s been through hell and back and had to deal with asshole men all her life, so I suggest you fuck off and never approach her again.”

“Sally! What are you doing?” Alexa asked as she pulled on her sister’s arm.

Michael was overwhelmed by the outrage and the information Sally stated. Alexa went through hell and back and dealt with asshole men? What the heck? Then his focus was immediately on Alexa. Damn, did the woman look fucking gorgeous. Her long blonde hair flowed over her shoulder in a side pony. She wore a shimmering emerald green blouse that was low cut and revealed the cleavage between her breasts. The short, tight black skirt accentuated her hips and thighs and the kicker were the heeled black knee-high leather boots. She was fucking hot.

“Sally, please stop this. You’re embarrassing me. Let’s go.” Alexa grabbed her sister’s arm to make her leave.

“Alexa, wait, we came here to see you. We wanted to talk about the other night.”

“She doesn’t want to hear your lies, Chad.”

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