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Chapter 1

There was a large crowd on the dance floor in Dixie Chix doing the “Boot Scootin’ Boogie.” Everyone was decked out in his or her finest cowboy and cowgirl attire, thanks to Sally’s idea for a rhinestone cowboy night every other Saturday. Apparently their male patrons felt a bit left out with ladies’ night on Thursdays.

Alexa chuckled but remained near one of the sidebars closer toward the back rooms. She was shy and also a worrywart. It was something that her sister Sally was trying to help her overcome, but it was difficult. Especially with the recent near tragedy that happened to Susanna and to Paula. Alexa was on constant guard. She glanced around her, knowing that none of her uncles could appear because Susanna had ensured they remained behind bars for at least ten years. It was just something inside of her that made her want to hide. Unlike her sister, who was currently joking around and laughing with a bunch of the guys from the motorcycle gang, the Delite Warriors. She wondered if she could call them a gang, or maybe there was another word for it. They were like a club or a group, but that seemed lame considering that the majority of the men were badasses. Their occupations consisted of everything from military men, federal agents, entrepreneurs, and other major professions she knew nothing about. She absorbed her sister’s routine. Sally would chat up a storm then refill their beers and talk to them. Sally called it shooting the shit before she had them ordering shots and drinking up a storm. She was a good bartender but an even better singer. Maybe someday Sally would gain enough nerve to climb up onto the Dixie Chix stage and give Friday’s open mic night a whirl?

Alexa tapped her boot to the beat of the music. Their house band, called Cowboy Up, was rocking out another old favorite of hers by Toby Keith. She took a deep breath and stared down at her blouse a moment noticing that one of the top buttons came undone. She didn’t want to send the wrong message by showing off too much skin. It was bad enough that Sally brought her the sequined blouse. The camisole she wore beneath it was a shade darker and covered a good amount of skin. A glance toward her sister again and she felt a tinge of jealousy. How could Sally act so friendly and outgoing after all they went through? Alexa couldn’t even see herself engaging in a long conversation with a man. Just the thought made her palms sweaty and her belly quiver. Maybe someday she’d gain some confidence. Thinking about it, her sister Sally hadn’t gotten up onstage to show her talent. Maybe if she did that, then Alexa would have the guts to talk with one of the attractive cowboys who rode with the Delite Warriors? She felt the tightness in her chest, and two particular faces filled her mind. In an attempt to change her thought pattern she glanced around the room then toward the other bar. One look into the gathering of Delite Warriors and she spotted Chad Phillips. With blue eyes and blond hair cut short and neat like a true military officer, the women surrounded him. All the men were surrounded. It seemed those tight black T-shirts they wore with the Delite, Texas, emblem on the chest really drew attention toward them. Then of course when they sported those traditional leather jackets with the American and POW flags on them, they looked rugged and wild. Her heart raced at the thought of speaki

ng with Chad, never mind his brother, Michael. She wouldn’t have a chance with either man because she was as quiet as a mouse and had no plan of changing her personality any time soon. They were older, more experienced by the looks of all the women around Chad, and she was invisible to them.

She sighed. Then pretending to look elsewhere, she kept glancing back trying to remember what he looked like tonight. She swallowed hard as she remembered why Michael, the older brother, wasn’t there. He was doing some sort of special work for the government. They were supposedly retired, yet they disappeared every now and then for the special work they referred to. She’d heard through the grapevine and the gossip around town. Sammy Quintock was a local gossip girl, and she had given Alexa the lowdown after noticing Alexa checking both men out.

She took a deep breath and glanced back toward Chad, wanting to see him one more time before she walked over toward Elise to see how she was doing. When she did, she was shocked to find Chad looking her way.

Oh God, he is so fierce looking.

Chad was six years older than her. He was over six feet tall and in impeccable shape. Michael, the oldest of the two brothers, was 7 years older than her. Michael appeared experienced and mysterious, and truth be told, he frightened her yet made her have palpitations. He disappeared from time to time and sometimes for weeks before he would return and dodge questions about his trips. Chad was the same way. He disappeared often and dodged questions, too. His answer was always that his trip was work related. Not knowing what either man did for certain made her nervous. But then again, it didn’t take much for Alexa to get nervous.

Chad seemed so relaxed about answering questions, yet he didn’t stand for anyone being pushy. He didn’t want to tell, and so he didn’t tell.

She often wondered what he was up to, and in her creative mind, she conjured up some interesting possibilities. They all ended with her naked and underneath Chad and even Michael in her bed.

She saw Chad nod his head toward her, acknowledging he saw her but not wanting to wave. Why should he when he was so super cool and older? One of the women around him might think he was flirting with her. Yeah right. Like that would happen.

She was such a moron. She nodded back, and he squinted with one eyebrow as if he had expected a different response. She watched him place his mug of beer down on the bar then look back at her. He was going to come over to her. She freaked out, and before he could get up off the stool, she turned and went the long way to get to Elise’s bar.

Her heart was racing, her palms all sweaty, but she was alone again the way she liked it. She didn’t need hot, sexy Chad Phillips coming over to her and starting a conversation. She needed to be left alone and living almost like a hermit.

* * * *

Chad reached for his mug of beer and tried to figure out Alexa Brook. She was so pretty and had the face of a porcelain doll. She was delicate and petite at five feet five inches. She was always hiding and tonight was no different. He didn’t know why she intrigued him so much. There was something about her. The way she thought she hid herself and tried to get lost in the crowd but failed. Did she really think that someone as beautiful and sexy as herself would be invisible? He turned on the stool. His eyes followed her and the way her hips naturally swayed. She wore longer skirts than most of the other women. Her thighs were barely visible, but when she moved abruptly, and if he watched closely enough, he would catch a glimpse of her tan thighs. She wasn’t a bit fat, and with a body like hers he wondered why she hid it. Chad could also tell that she was well endowed. The loose-fitting tops that nearly buttoned to her delicate throat couldn’t hide her natural curves. So many nights he imagined unbuttoning those blouses and exploring her secret body to revel in her beauty and to know that he was special.

He took a slug of beer as his own thoughts consumed him for the time being and washed out the sounds of chatter from his biker buddies. Driving his Harley on cool fall nights helped him forget his past and the troubles that now plagued him and Michael.

He glanced at his military watch and worried about Michael. He was due back from another mission. Why they kept doing this shit he didn’t know. Was it the thrill and the adrenaline rush? Was it their lack of care for their own lives brought on by the years of torment and pain of their childhood? Who the fuck knew why they continued to risk their lives for government causes in foreign lands where they risked dying alone and never being remembered. Why was it so easy to give up a life he worked so hard to achieve? They were supposed to be retired. So how come every time the commander called with some sort of special favor, they jumped to respond?

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