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“You heard me, Sean. I’ll go with you to the police if you want to turn yourself in.”

He lowered his eyes. He felt like such an asshole for getting into this situation, but he also felt relieved that his sister was willing to put the past aside and help him.

“Thanks, Tia. I’ll think about it.”

“I need to go.”

“Okay.” He watched her turn and leave. He couldn’t believe it. She had been successful. She left the abuse and the bullshit behind her. Yet she still sent money to their parents, and he knew why. Tia was always sweet as could be. Even when she got hit for doing nothing wrong, she apologized and tried to not do anything to set her father off.

But it never worked. The man loved to hurt his children, and their mother was no different. A tear formed in his eye. Was it too late for him? Could he really turn himself in with Tia’s help and start over? Maybe here with her?

He shook his head. He’d think about it. Maybe Tia Rose was right after all.

* * * *

Tia Rose got off the bus, and was running thirty minutes behind. Her encounter with her brother was weighing heavy on her heart. She just didn’t know what to do about him. Should she have given him the hundred dollars? Should she have called the police or insisted that he go with her right then and there? She didn’t know. What was done was done. But as she walked down the dark streets, three blocks from her home, that uneasy feeling hit her again. She felt as if someone were watching her. Sean said that he hadn’t called her or threatened her over the phone. She believed him. She believed that he truly had changed somewhat.

He still needed to grow up and stop hanging around riffraff. She was shocked at the news that he left their parents home four years ago. She really needed to stop sending them money. The decision weighed heavy on her mind. Maybe if her brother turned himself in to the police and pleaded his case, she could give him some money, help him to find a job, and get on his feet. Their parents weren’t there for him, just like they weren’t for her.

She turned around quickly as she heard some noise coming from the alleyway she had just passed. Her nerves were getting the better of her. She was so damn shaky and skittish, that any noise was scaring her. She looked around frantically. The streets were quiet. There was someone walking in the opposite direction on the opposite side of the road. But she didn’t feel safe. The reminder of the phone call, the feeling as if someone was watching her now, played her nerves like a violin. As she rounded the last corner, she heard something. She turned in a circle. No one was there. Why am I freaking out? That call to me today was probably a wrong number. No one would attack me on my way home. This is a safe neighborhood.

She looked ahead. One more block. She could see the entrance to her apartment. Was that Hudson and Jagger’s car parked outside? She started to walk faster. Someone was definitely watching her.

She hurried and without thinking first, she stepped out into the roadway just as the light changed. A passing car honked loudly. She screamed and then covered her mouth. She looked around her as she stepped back, and waited for it to turn green. She looked behind her. No one was there. But she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She was breathing heavily. Her heart felt as if it would jump from her chest and take off for safety without her body.

Turn green, turn green, turn green. Come on, Goddamn it!

The light changed and she practically ran down the block. Jagger and Hudson were there. The tears were streaming down her cheeks. She needed them. She needed the safety of their arms. She needed—

She threw herself into Hudson’s embrace and he caught her. She didn’t hear a word either one said. She felt them caressing her hair her back and asking what was wrong.

Oh, God, either I’m losing my mind, or someone really is trying to kill me.

* * * *

Hudson held Tia Rose tightly in his arms. He was concerned, to say the least, and one look at Jagger, who was scoping out the area, made him feel even more on edge. She was crying, and then as she settled down, wiped her tears from her eyes, she started laughing. It wasn’t a normal type of laugh, but more of a nervous, scared reaction. She was trying to play off her fear now.

“Tia, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Hudson asked. Jagger placed his hand on her shoulder from behind and she jumped. Then she shook her head.

“Oh, God, I swear I think I’m losing my mind.” She tried to pull away. She reached into her purse. “I’m sorry I was late. God, I was walking along and I thought that someone was following me. I had this bad feeling and so I kept walking faster. I wasn’t paying attention, I guess I scared myself stupid, and I nearly got hit by a car.”

“What? Are you okay?” Hudson rubbed her arms, and stared down into her eyes. They were red and her chest was all blotchy. He could feel her shaking. She was definitely scared. She looked so petite right now, too, and that was when he noticed the sneakers.

She followed his line of sight.

“I always put on sneakers when I have to walk a lot of blocks. Most New Yorkers do that.”

“I know, baby. You just look so petite.”

She smiled, and then she hugged him. Jagger moved closer, and pushed the hair from her face.

“You’re shaking,” Jagger said.

She turned to him and pulled back from Hudson.

She looked around them. She still seemed upset.

“Let’s go inside. Please.” She grabbed Hudson’s hand and pulled him with her. Her grip was firm and he looked at Jagger. Jagger shrugged his shoulders.

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