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When he turned to locate the barista again, she was gone.

* * * *

“Who is the hottie at the coffee bar, Toni?” Tina asked her when she came over to the corner to check on another order of raspberry brownie bites for a couple sitting down a few seats from the businessman

“Who?” Toni asked as she took the small platter.

“Oh, don’t even deny that you didn’t check him out. He ordered your favorite morning beverage to boot. He winked at you, too. I even saw him checking out your ass.”

“Tina. Stop that,” Toni said then headed back over. She placed the platter down onto the counter between the couple, and the good-looking businessman, dressed in a designer suit and red power tie, observed. His eyes widened, he sniffed the air, and then smiled. She walked over.

“Decide on anything?” she asked him. She absorbed the sight of his features as he leaned back in the chair and glanced at the menu and then the raspberry brownie bites and assorted fresh raspberries and strawberries with it. She could tell he was interested in the dessert.

He had beautiful, thick black hair. His eyes were a light blue, and he was a big man. Probably six feet three, and filled with muscles under that suit. She noticed as he walked to the coffee bar, the way his belt was flush against his abs. He probably had great abs. He stood out in the crowd of patrons. She could see some of the businesswomen checking him out, and others were as well. He was that good looking, that noticeable.

He cleared his throat, and she was shocked that she was staring at him, and hadn’t noticed him watching her.

“I’m so sorry. Daydreaming,” she recovered as she ran her fingers along the counter. She noticed immediately how large his hands were. He had long thick fingers. He was definitely a big man. She looked up at him and their eyes locked.

“That’s quite all right, honey. Maybe you could make a recommendation between these two items.” He leaned forward, as if wanting her to look closer at the menu. She didn’t have to. She knew the damn thing from front to back. She made everything on it. But she found herself leaning forward. The man smelled good, too. Even better than those raspberry brownie bites, and they were an old favorite of hers.

“This one here, the peach and mango tartlets with fresh berry garnish on the side, or the raspberry brownie bites? Or maybe the mini cheesecakes with cherry topping, or blueberry topping or—”

She started laughing. The poor man was overwhelmed. When she tilted her head up at him, he had a scowl on his face. She immediately felt her belly tighten. He was fierce, a man who expected respect. She should be freaking out, but instead her nipples hardened and her belly did some sort of twist and turn deep within her. She was so turned on by this stranger it was unnerving.

“What’s so funny?” he asked very seriously, and holy shit, did her body react in an entirely different way than she expected. Her breasts tightened, she felt a quivering between her thighs, and her heart raced. She didn’t know what to say. And then he winked.

“You’re probably used to this. You’ve worked here for a while?” he asked, placing the menu down.

“Yes, a long time.”

“Okay, so tell me what the best thing is to have for a first timer.”

“Well, I like everything on the menu, but since it is your first time, may I suggest the raspberry bites. Next time you can try something else.” He held her gaze as he slowly nodded his head. It was like he was thinking something different than what she meant. Her cheeks felt warm again, and she knew the best thing to do was to hightail it out of there.

“The next time?” he asked her, then gave a small smile.

She shrugged her shoulders. “I know you’ll like anything we have on the menu.”

He leaned back and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You’re that confident, huh?”

She placed her hands on her hips and raised one eyebrow at him in challenge. “Yes, sir.”

“Hmm.” He looked at the menu, then at the tray of brownie bites in front of the couple a few seats down, then back at her.

“So, the brownie bites?”

“Yes please,” he said and she smiled. When he smiled back, he looked charming. As he crossed his arms in front of his chest, she caught sight of his fancy cuff links. Were those real diamonds? she wondered as she hurried to place the order and assist with other customers.

* * * *

Emerson pulled out his phone and punched in some information. In no time he was in his system and looking up the owner of this little café. It was very charming. Glancing around the room as he sipped his café au lait, he noticed the many business people, as well as regulars. The owner had the place decorated beautifully, with various seating arrangements. Some were benches along the windows, and each had a bright-colored throw pillow on it. There were several booths, triangular shaped, with room for four on one long piece and then room for another four on multicolored velvet seats. Fancy, yet appealing to the eye and inviting. There were also smaller tables, a bit more intimately lined around the edges of the cafe, and in each corner was a special single-seater with a side table. The walls had fine art displayed as well as a section with more abstract designs.

He noticed that as a group of people left, more people arrived. It was quite busy.

He spotted the barista again as she returned to the coffee bar, assisting two other young women.

He glanced at his cell phone and hit some more buttons, trying to find out more about this place. A series of reviews popped up on Bing, and they were all four and five stars, aside from a two-star rating. He scanned the review. A person complained that the place was dirty. Emerson looked around him. It was spotless. As a matter of fact, it was better than any place he’d ever stopped into for coffee or a snack. Hell, it was cleaner than a lot of high-end restaurants in the city.

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