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“You need to lighten up. You haven’t gone out in nearly a year. Even when you were with Vince, he didn’t take you out much,” Farah said then sipped her drink. It was something red, and by her facial expression after taking the first sip, it was something strong.

“I know. He didn’t like taking me out. He was always getting into confrontations with men who he thought were looking at me.” She looked around the club. It was a really nice place. It was upscale and looked classy.

“Hey, he was an asshole. We established that. You’re over him. Now it’s time to stop thinking about him and start thinking about the possibilities,” Tina said, joining the conversation.

“The possibilities,” Mia added. Then the others looked around them.

“Tall, dark, and handsome maybe,” Giselle said as she stared toward a man she obviously was describing.

“Blond, sexy, and oh, what a great smile.” Mia gave a little wave before she sipped her drink.

Toni chuckled.

“How about double the sexy?” Tina gave Toni a little bump with her elbow. Toni tried to see where Tina was looking and as she did, she felt her gut clench and her mouth drop. Emerson.

“Did you know he was going to be here? How the hell did you know that he was going to be here?” Toni demanded of her friend. She smoothed out the short black skirt and hoped that the blouse she wore wasn’t too low cut, as she sat on the barstool.

“Will you calm down? What makes you think that I knew he was going to be here?”

“Because I know you. There are no coincidences with you, Tina. What have you done?” Toni asked, but before Tina could deny with some lame answer, Toni heard Emerson’s voice.

“Hey, Bliss,” he said, and Toni heard her friends sigh. She swallowed hard.

“Hi. What are you doing here?”

He raised one eyebrow at her then eyed her body over. God, every time he did that, her breasts and her pussy reacted to him. He was so dominant. That was obvious.

“Honey, what am I doing here? The question is, what are you doing here? I would never have expected to find you here at The Phantom.”

“Oh really? Why is that?” she asked in challenge.

He looked at her friends as she slid off the barstool, and he moved closer. He gently placed his hand on her waist then leaned down and whispered into her ear.

“You shouldn’t be here alone. It’s not a chance that I’m willing to take.” His warm breath collided against her skin. There was a light hint of the smell of bourbon, combined with his enticing aftershave. The man was dressed in style, yet casual with his dark dress pants and black button-down shirt. He looked incredible. Toni felt her heart race. She loved the feel of his warm, large hand against her hip. She tried to remain calm.

“Not a chance you’re willing to take? What do you mean?” she asked him. Then he reached up and twirled one of her dark curls around his finger. He gave it a gentle tug.

“I won’t risk some other guy trying to move in on you. Not when you’ve gained my interest, sweetheart. Not happening.” He tugged it again then smiled as he gave her hip a squeeze. She felt the intensity and truthfulness of his words. It seemed to her that Emerson had no problem making such a statement to her, yet they hardly knew one another. She couldn’t fall for his charms, his suave personality, or the dominant way he made demands and statements. The fact that her panties felt damp on top of it just added to her need to heed caution.

“Well, I don’t think you have to worry. It’s girls’ night out, and only for another hour or so. We all have work tomorrow.”

He smiled then glanced at her lips, as if he were debating about tasting her.

Taste me, please taste me.

Don’t taste me. What the hell am I thinking?

“Well, it’s good to get out every now and then. You can’t work your life away. In fact, you should go out with me, this Saturday night. I can stop in to see you Saturday, we’ll talk some more.” He caressed her hip with his thumb. God, she loved the feel of his hands on her. She didn’t feel fearful of his touch. In fact, she craved more. He was hot.

“I’ll see about that,” she replied. He heard someone call his name, and when he turned, she looked toward the side bar and there were three men standing there. He gave a wave, as if letting them know that he saw them.

“I have to go now. I’m so glad I got to see you again.” He took her hand, brought it up to his lips, and kissed her knuckles. “I’ll see you on Saturday. Be careful, and have a good time.” As he released her hand and walked away, she followed him with her eyes. She noticed the other women looking at him, and then he turned to find her watching him and she didn’t care. He had a great ass, an enticing personality. She smiled and waved.

“Holy shit, he is so fuckable,” Tina whispered into her ear.

“Way fuckable,” Farah added then took a long sip of her drink as if she needed to feel the alcohol. “You are so lucky. God, what I would do to have a man look at me like that and want me,” Mia added. Her friends all agreed and began to fantasize about men, and about the possibilities. Toni couldn’t even concentrate on their talk. She was too hypnotized by Emerson, and the way he held her as if he had every right to. The way he kissed her knuckles and told her that he didn’t want to chance another man taking her.

Oh God, please let him be for real. How great would it be to be loved, and to not go to bed alone every night, and wake up alone every day? What am I thinking? The man probably just wants to have sex with me. She thought about that a moment and instantly she relaxed, knowing that didn’t matter.

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