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“I know I was awful, and I know now that it was needless.”

“It was needless,” she agreed, then pushed herself out of her chair. “I have no idea what you were thinking.”

“I was thinking that our arrangement was a business arrangement, and it was going to end.” Catelyn’s face fell at his words. “That’s what I thought. That’s why I said what I said—to Lydia and to you.”

“That’s the arrangement,” said Catelyn, “but you didn’t have to be so hurtful.”

“I know. And I apologize.”

She considered his words. “Well, I’m glad you’ve decided to apologize. But I think it’s time we called it quits, because—”

“No,” Rami said firmly.


“I don’t agree. That’s not why I came here.”

“If you came because you need forgiveness, then you might be waiting a long time.”

“Before you decide that, will you hear me out?”

“You didn’t hear me out at Lydia’s.”

“And that was a mistake.” He stepped closer to Catelyn, facing her from across the desk—a mere three feet between them. “I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart, that I hurt you. I shouldn’t have done that under any circumstance. But especially in light of my…realization.”

“What realization?” Was that hope in her eyes, or was he imagining it?

“The realization that a business deal with you is never going to be enough. Not on its own.” He reached into his pocket and took out a folded paper. “Here’s the signature page of the contract with Lydia. I went back and begged her to put us both on it.”

Catelyn cracked a smile. “That must have taken some doing.”

“She was furious at me for upsetting you. So, yes, it did. I almost missed my flight out because of it.”

“Such sacrifices.”

Rami spread the paper out on the desk. “I want this with you.”

Catelyn gave him a look. “A business arrangement?”

“I want this business arrangement, and everything that comes with it.” He took a deep breath. “I don’t want to repeat your parents’ decisions. I don’t want to split up and regret it—not ever. And I want us both to enter this agreement, because I want so much more with you, and that’s what it represents. I want you to become a citizen of Al-Dashalid. I want to have you by my side, always. I want you to be a member of the royal family in every way possible, because I do need you.” She came around the desk then and stood near, though she still held herself back. “I was wrong,” he said again. “It’s never enough between us. Every minute we’ve been apart has been hell.”

“Say it one more time,” Catelyn whispered.

“It’s never enough—”

“No,” she said. “The other thing.”

Rami laughed. “I was wrong.”

“It’s music to my ears,” she said, and he knew from the smile that spread across her face that she’d forgiven him.

He closed the distance between them and swept her up into his arms, kissing her as deeply as he had that first time. It felt so good. So right. He’d never walk away from her again.

When they surfaced from the kiss, Catelyn sucked in a breath. “I know it’s only been one night, but I missed that so much.”

“I know exactly how you feel,” said Rami, and he nipped at her earlobe with his teeth. He felt the shiver run through her body. “I could never have lived without it.”

“I couldn’t have either,” she said, a hitch in her voice. “I?

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