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Catelyn’s arms went around his neck, and then her palms settled on his shoulders as he sank to the floor, taking her jeans—and her panties—to her feet. He stripped them off and threw them to the side.

The open shirt with the bra beneath it was killing him slowly, and when he stood again he was too rock-hard to think about the bed. Catelyn pounced, diving in for another kiss, and he lifted her into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist. He braced her with one hand while he undid his belt and shoved his pants down. The moment his thickness made contact with Catelyn’s hot slit, she bucked against him.

Rami felt wild. He needed to claim her—take back the time, somehow, that they’d had to spend apart that day. With his lips pressed to her shoulder he backed her up to the wall of the suite, pinning her there. She wriggled against him, trying to take him in, but he held himself back, kissing her, teasing her.

“This is how I’ve felt all day,” he murmured into her ear. “Waiting for you to come back from all those other people…”

“That was obviously a mistake,” Catelyn gasped. “I should—I should never have…” She let out a moan that was pure frustration. “Rami, don’t make me—”

“Don’t make you what? Make you wait? Turnabout is fair play…”

“It’s not fair.” Her blue eyes were shaded with lust. “It’s dirty.” Then a smile spread across her face. “And I like it that way…”

Her hips found the perfect angle, and Rami let her slide home, connecting with such a deep thrust that it forced the air from Catelyn’s lungs. “Oh—”

“I love it when you sound like that.” The words slipped from his mouth unbidden, all his senses captivated by the wet, tight feeling of her along his shaft. He pumped in a hard, furious rhythm, and Catelyn held on. He could tell by her pulses and clenches that she was already close. Her breath hitched, hitched—

As she exploded around him, Rami caught her cries in his mouth, devouring them, and he came hard, the tension releasing with his orgasm. His mind went perfectly blank and clear. Catelyn pressed her lips, hot and soft, against the side of his neck.

“Your heart is beating so fast,” she whispered, a little laugh following it.

He let her slide slowly to the floor, then dragged his fingers to the place where her pulse beat at the side of her neck. “So is yours.”

“We must be made for each other,” Catelyn whispered, eyes dancing.

“We must be.”

“We must be—” Her eyes flew to the clock on the bedside table. “On time for the rodeo! Rami!” She scolded him as she scrambled for her clothes, running back into the bathroom to paint on those jeans for the second time. He watched her go, the round curve of her ass delicious as she ran. A moment later, he heard the water running. “Aren’t you coming?” she called.

“Where?” He reached for his pants.

“Into the shower,” she said, and his entire body hummed with pleasure and confidence. “We don’t have much time…”

“I wouldn’t waste it.” Rami followed her then, stripping off his clothes and climbing into the hot stream with her. With Catelyn smiling up at him, he felt ready to conquer the party.

No—the world.


It was going so well. Catelyn took a sip of the most delectable cocktail she’d ever had in her life, savoring it while she listened to Rami talk to a couple—Mr. and Mrs. Corbin—who were at the top of the food chain in the little town where Lydia owned her estate.

“I’ve found that scarcity plays quite the role in any business,” he said, looking Mr. Corbin in the eye. “So many things are made precious by the fact that they are so unique.” He looked at Catelyn when he said this, and she felt her cheeks heat up in spite of herself.

“You’re too much,” she told her husband with a grin, then turned her attention to Mr. and Mrs. Corbin. “It was so good to see you here,” she said. They’d been talking about the Corbins’ restaurant chain for the perfect amount of time. Rami glanced at her again, and she felt the question in his eyes—time to go? She gave him a tiny nod, accepted another round of congratulations from the Corbins, and let him lead her away.

“When did you have time to study?” she asked him in a low voice.

He laughed. “Study?”

“You know everything about these people. I can feel all that knowledge simmering beneath the surface.”

Rami’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t feel that I’m overdoing it.”

“No,” she said quickly. “You’re not. I’m just…impressed at how much local knowledge you have.”

“I wouldn’t have any of it if it weren’t for you.” Rami put a hand on the small of her back and steered her toward an opening in the crowd. “You made it pretty clear that Lydia likes to be noticed and praised. Praise means nothing if it’s without context.”

“So you taught yourself the complete context.”

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