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“You never gave me an answer,” Rami said, standing up from between her legs, shoulders back, chin high.

“About what?” Catelyn panted on the bed and forced herself to sit upright. It took several deep breaths to get herself under control.

“How wicked I am.”

She stood up and took his tie in her hands, deftly undoing it one last time and tying it in an elegant knot at his neck. “You’re not wicked at all. You’re…you’re a prince.” She rose on tiptoe and kissed him, tasting her own sweetness on his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Now, where did I put those panties…”

“It’s too late to find them now,” Rami said firmly. “It’s time for the party.” He tucked her hand into his elbow and led her out the door.

“Are you sure you can stand…knowing what I’m wearing?” Catelyn teased while they made their way down the hall.

“Are you sure you can stand knowing what I’ll do the next time we’re alone?”

Catelyn’s heart fluttered. “No,” she said, an irrepressible grin on her face. “No, I’m not sure at all.”


Catelyn stopped by a large mirror in the entryway of the palace ballroom, checking her hair one more time. It still, thank god, looked perfectly sleek—not at all as if she’d just been the recipient of two orgasms that had made her feel so good and loose she could have taken a nap.

“You look gorgeous,” Rami said simply, and offered his arm again.

The hum of voices came loudly through the door. It reminded Catelyn of all the wedding receptions she’d entered as a wedding planner. This would probably be roughly the same. Nobody was going to notice her, anyway. Not next to Rami.

Two attendants opened the doors for them, and they stepped through into the ballroom, a massive room filled with tables covered in pure white tablecloths. Flowers burst from crystal vases in the center of each table, and black-suited waiters moved among a crowd of people decked out in their finest.

But she’d been wrong.

The moment the doors closed behind them, it was as if a ripple went out through the party. Everyone turned to look.

It was nothing like entering a wedding reception, aside from the decorations. When people saw her in her all-black uniform at a reception, their eyes slid away, relegating her to a background character. This time, people looked at her openly.

She scanned the crowd. Some people gave her small smiles, some frowned at her—but all of them looked. Catelyn was used to entering large rooms like this, but a blush rose to her face. She’d felt so perfect before she stepped into the room. So elegant. So flawless. But that didn’t mean she felt that way beneath the surface. An uncomfortable shiver went down her spine. Her parents had worked hard to look perfect, too. But inevitably, they cracked under the pressure of keeping up the facade.

Catelyn felt that possibility pulsing underneath her skin as Rami gave a royal wave. It acted as a signal and people—most of them—tore their eyes away as they pushed on into the party.

Handshake after handshake. “It’s good to see you,” Rami said, over and over, and, “This is my wife, Catelyn,” and, “We’ll have to discuss that later, won’t we?” The more people they talked to, the more the light dancing in his eyes dulled. It was unpleasant, watching his shield come back up until finally he took his arm from her and left several inches of space between them.

Catelyn swallowed hard, looking for a familiar face. But she didn’t see anyone. Not Daya, not Adira…not even Issam. They were somewhere in the crowd, she was sure, but where?

Rami was taken aside by a man. “Kassim Abadi,” Rami said by way of introduction. “My wife, Catelyn.” His smile didn’t seem genuine. It was only meant, Catelyn knew, to smooth the way into the conversation.

“I hope you won’t mind if I claim a few minutes of your husband’s time,” Kassim said. “I have to speak with him about a rather urgent matter.”

It was always urgent, and Catelyn flashed a forgiving smile. The moment she turned away, she let it fall and stepped away into the crowd.

She stood alone, fuming. Rami had effectively abandoned her. He hadn’t even warned her that it would be like this. He was so attentive, so full of desire, when they were alone together, but here… At the thought of being in the bedroom with him, her mouth watered. She wanted more of it, despite how oblivious he was being. For a moment, watching the people swirl around her, she let the battle between her emotions rage. Wanting him. Hurting that he was hardly helping her to navigate this event.

Well, that was silly. Catelyn was a grown woman, and she didn’t need any man to tell her how to attend a party. She only wished he’d put more effort into it. Then again, there was a ticking clock on their relationship…

It was too much. She put the thought out of her mind and went to find a refreshment. A few minutes later, gripping a glass of sparkling water, she made her way to the head table.

To her relief, she found Adira sitting there, waiting for the dinner service to begin. She smiled up at Catelyn and patted the seat next to her. “You look…overheated,” Adira said. “Is it too hot in here?”

“No,” Catelyn said, trying and failing to force a smile onto her face. “Just…on my own.”

Adira narrowed her eyes. “Is Rami neglecting you?”

“I wouldn’t call it that,” Catelyn said, trying to feel out the situation. “I knew when I married him that he would be busy with official events. I just didn’t realize that it would come so soon.”

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