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“It’s not going to be enough,” Hannah said aloud, though there was no one in the room with her. She’d risen early and come to a study overlooking the ocean, a notebook in one hand and her phone in the other. It was time to plan the wedding.

But her original idea—stripped and sterile—wasn’t going to be enough. She wanted more.

One day, she’d show her child photographs from her wedding day, and standing there in a sundress wouldn’t do.

She needed a great dress and beautiful flowers, and that was just the beginning.

It was going to be a Herculean task, getting married on Santorini when she was an American citizen and Kyril was sheikh of Al-Dashalid, but she relished the challenge. She smiled down at her notebook. Planning had gotten her this far, to a stunning Greek island. She could plan a simple wedding.

Thirty minutes later, the bubble of her hopes had burst.

For one thing, there was a waiting period in Greece. And for another, she had exactly none of the documents she’d need to apply for the license. Kyril probably didn’t, either. Why would he travel with those kinds of things? He hadn’t been planning to get married here, and neither had she.

“Deep in thought?” Kyril appeared next to the desk, a plate of toast in hand. It touched her, the simple gesture, but it didn’t repair her dashed hopes.

“Deep in despair. There’s so much red tape. If we wanted to get married here—” She did another quick calculation. “It would take the rest of the time I have left for my tour. I’d have to skip all the rest of the things I planned, and we’d have to rely on FedEx. Maybe the embassy could help with some things, but there’s no way they could expedite—”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Hannah blinked up at him. “Pardon?”

Kyril didn’t look like a defeated man. In fact, he looked practically giddy. “I’ll take care of it, darling. Don?

?t worry another moment. Meet me at the town hall in two hours.”

“Do you—wait. How can you possibly—what are you planning, Kyril? Do you even know what’s involved?” She stumbled over the words, stunned.

“This is something I can do for you.” Kyril leaned down and kissed her. “Please, let me.” He made for the door, then turned back and put the plate of toast gently on the desk. “Breakfast,” he called. “And relax. There are many wonderful books in the library here.”

“Books!” Hannah barks out a laugh. So Kyril could get the documents sorted somehow. But what about the dress and the flowers? There was still the matter of something to wear. Something white and gorgeous and fitting for the occasion.

Nothing could stand in her way.

In under two hours, Hannah had found and purchased a wedding dress from a dressmaker in Santorini, had it sent to the yacht, and then arranged for flowers to arrive soon after. She made her way toward the town hall with her head held high, anxious for the moment she’d get to exchange her pink sundress for the white gown she’d bought. If Kyril could work his miracle with all the documents and forms, it wouldn’t be long.

Kyril stood outside the town hall, looking quite proud. “An interesting choice,” he said as she joined him, taking his hand.

“For what?”

His smile only grew wider. “You’ll see.”

They stepped inside together.

“Welcome,” said a tall man in a dark suit, the corners of his eyes crinkling with joy. “I’m so glad to perform this ceremony for you, Kyril. One of our best visitors.”

“The mayor,” Kyril said, his voice low and smooth.

Hannah found herself swept along on a fast current. Another employee came out, pointing out places for her signature on three separate forms. A woman bustled out of a side room with a small bouquet of flowers from a window box. A third man joined them, and Kyril led Hannah into place in front of the mayor.

He gave a warm speech in Greek, but Hannah hardly heard the words. Her heart was pounding. Any moment now, her single life would be over and done with. It was more nerve-wracking than traveling across the world, and yet Kyril’s eyes called to her, steady and warm…

“Hannah, do you take Kyril to be your husband? Do you vow to care for him for all the days of your life?”

Hannah stared at him.

“It’s your turn,” whispered Kyril.

“Yes,” she said and swallowed hard. “Yes.”

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