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A big, cleansing sigh escaped her. “I took the test a few hours ago. But I suspected it. I woke up sick as hell this morning. And the emotions…” She swallowed a knot in her throat that threatened to turn into more tears. “Oh my Lord, the emotions.”

“Mm-hmm.” Vanessa patted her knee. “We know exactly what you’re talking about.”

“It will get better,” Calla murmured supportively.

“Eventually,” Vanessa clarified.

“Maybe once the baby is born…” Calla offered.

Willow laughed despite herself. “Great. So how much more of this do I have to look forward to?”

“Definitely a year,” Vanessa teased. “I promise you’ll be able to handle it, though. And it’s worth it.”

“Sooo worth it,” Calla affirmed.

Willow sighed again, resting her palms overtop her belly. Her gaze wandered over the ornate bookcases lining the walls, and a restorative moment of silence settled between them.

“I can’t believe there’s a baby in here,” she murmured, dragging her gaze to her stomach. “Or a grouping of cells that will become a baby.”

“It’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?” Vanessa squeezed her hand.

“These Safar boys are pretty fertile,” Calla cracked. “Getting us all knocked up without even trying.”

Willow laughed, a real belly laugh. “It’s so true. I guess we couldn’t have asked for a better group of guys, though, huh?”

Vanessa’s and Calla’s grins sparkled. Something heavy and important throbbed between them. Something that completely erased Willow’s worry. With these two, she felt like everything was going to be okay, for the first time since finding out.

Like they really were her sisters already.

“Let us know how we can help you,” Calla said gently. “I can hook you up with my midwife.”

“She was my midwife too,” Vanessa added.

“I should probably go with the Safar midwife, then, right?” Willow cracked.

“She’s the best. She’ll help you with any questions you might have. And for the day-to-day stuff, well…you always know where to find us,” Calla said.

“Because we’re your sisters,” Vanessa said, which brought tears to Willow’s eyes again.

“Oh, my God, I’m gonna cry,” she wailed.

“Hopefully tears of happiness and not sadness because I called us sisters!” Vanessa teased.

“Honestly, coming back to Amatbah felt like coming home. But this time, it feels more like home than ever before.” Willow drew a breath, looking between Calla and Vanessa. “And I think it’s because of you two. It really feels like the Safar family is complete now.”

The three ladies hugged again, and Willow’s emotions stayed stable enough for the three of them to talk about pregnancy apps, the first trimester, and even pregnancy sex, which Vanessa swore by.

“And when it comes time for maternity clothes,” Calla added, “We’ve got you covered.”

“More than covered,” Vanessa said with a laugh. “We have you seasonally outfitted for every event and occasion.”

“Oh my goodness, that’s right,” Willow said. “You two have the maternity fashion line!”

“You can have your pick of the clothes,” Calla promised. “And if you don’t see something you like, I’ll make it for your personally.”

After talking a bit more about the pregnancy and their excitement, the three ladies started a walk toward the garden, where Calla would be meeting the nanny and Fatim’s eldest two children once they got home from school. They strolled arm in arm down the palace hallways, and Willow felt as carefree and happy as ever. They came out into the stone-laid patio, the bright sun beaming down and the scent of jasmine in the air, to find all three brothers there.

The way Nasser turned to look at her told her a lot. Most of all, she saw love there. Pure affection shining out of him as his gaze shivered over her.

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