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“Our breakfast.” He gestured toward the plates. “Hope you’re hungry.”

She blinked a few times, taking in the scene. “Hell, yes.”

She slid onto one of two stools at the kitchen island. Their breakfast was quiet—forks scraping, coffee slurping—but perfect. Nasser found himself watching her as she savored the eggs.

“You always made the best eggs,” she finally said. “Ironic because eggs aren’t a huge thing here.”

“Well, I learned for you,” Nasser said, his heart squeezing. “Because they’re your favorite.”

Willow sent him a private smile, one that had him tumbling headfirst back into the past. He leaned forward without thinking, brushing his lips against hers. She received the kiss as though it were the most natural thing, but once they parted the surprise showed on her face.

“Whoa,” she said.

“Yeah.” He swallowed hard, unable to rip his gaze off her lips. Then he dove in for another kiss, which melted into more. Willow dropped the toast she’d been holding and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her into him, his body sighing with relief with the contact. He’d embraced countless women during their time apart, but nobody ever felt like this in his arms. Like he could breathe easy and the fast pace of his mind could slow down. Like he could just be here with her, somehow outside of time and space.

The sounds of boots scuffing against the floor made them both straighten. A worker poked his head in a moment later, then quickly apologized.

“It’s okay,” he called out in their native language. “We’re just having breakfast, we’ll be out soon.”

“I guess it’s time to get to work,” Willow said, scooping the rest of her eggs into her mouth.

Their unfinished kisses weighed on him. He wanted those kisses and so much more.

“Wait.” He grabbed her wrist when she tried to take their plates to the sink. He jerked her toward him, and she giggled as he brought her into his arms again for more kisses.

“Just to last us until lunchtime,” he whispered against her lips.

“The kisses help productivity, do they?” she asked, nuzzling her nose against his.

“I think I saw them in the construction plan.” Nasser pressed his tongue into her mouth, eliciting one last passionate kiss. “And I know you follow the plans.”

Willow threw her head back and laughed, and Nasser could bury his face in her neck, relishing this small moment of perfection.

It was times like these that he remembered just how good they’d really been together. How fun and sexy life had been at her side. How inspiring she was. How her focus and drive also affected him.

The longer he stayed at her side, the harder it was to remember that this engagement served a strict purpose. That she wasn’t really his.

But maybe it was okay to indulge in the fantasy for a little bit.

Maybe for now, he’d just get lost in pretend.


Chatter filled the open gardens hugging the palace. Dusk had settled, which meant all the torches were ablaze, lining the patio and paths throughout the gardens. White tulle and white orchids and white tapestries decorated the gathering—everything white, to celebrate the newest bride, who was also dressed in white. An elegant, hip-hugging white gown made by Calla, scoop-neck and all.

Willow felt like a true princess in the making. She still couldn’t believe this party was for her. For them. Nasser had barely left her side all night, and she was thankful for it. Calla and Vanessa had pulled out all the stops arranging this engagement party, claiming they would make it a perfect blend of traditional and Western. And they’d really pulled it off. A three-piece band played music near the steps leading up to the palace, alternating between jazz classics and traditional Amatbahn-infused numbers. The appetizers consisted of classic hummus and tabbouleh, as well as deviled eggs, Willow’s favorite.

It was the party of the year. And if this was the engagement party, she could only imagine the wedding.

“Do you need more wine?” Nasser murmured into her ear. The rough sound of his voice sent lust and love spiraling through her in equal measure. If she’d had a hard time keeping her head above ground before agreeing to this marriage of convenience, now it was basically impossible.

Because for all intents and purposes, she and Nasser had returned to their coupledom. Acting like the past two years weren’t even a thing, and the breakup to end all breakups had been a bad dream.

“Mmm, yes.

” She drained her glass and passed it off so he could snag a refill. She’d been sipping at the world’s tastiest and most perfectly chilled Sauvignon Blanc, another white detail overseen by Calla and Vanessa. Whenever she locked eyes with her sisters-in-law-to-be, she got a huge grin and a cute wave.

No, this arrangement wasn’t all bad. And besides, it just felt natural. She hugged herself, waiting for Nasser to return. They’d been chatting and laughing and fielding questions all evening, and now she was ready to relax with him somewhere private. Because naturally, that’s where the night would take them. Back to his bedroom.

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