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He searched her face, trying to find the best way to elaborate on his feelings. He sputtered until he found the quickest route: “I love you.”

She blinked rapidly, meeting his gaze, question marks swirling. “What?”

“I love you, Calla. And I’m sorry for being a terrible jerk.” The breath whooshed out of him, and suddenly everything felt easier. Like these words were equal part confession and atonement, righting the wrongs he’d accumulated over the past several weeks. “I need you. I miss you. And I don’t want to keep pretending that I don’t feel that way.”

Tears filled her eyes immediately, and a look so tender and honest creased her face that Fatim thought even he might cry.

“Are you serious?” she whispered.

“I wouldn’t be telling you this right now if I weren’t,” he said, laughing a little, feeling his own throat tighten. This was absurd. But this was his Calla. She brought emotions and beauty and sweetness to his world. And his world had needed a hefty dose of that since he had closed himself off years ago. “You know me. I’d much rather never say the L word at all.”

She frowned. “But Fatim. I don’t want you to say it just because you know I want to hear it.”

He shushed her. “That’s not the case at all. I’m saying this because I feel it.” He paused, willing his voice to come out even. “You’re the first woman I’ve allowed myself to love, Calla. And it’s different for me. A little scary. But if I try with anyone, it should be you.”

Her chin wobbled and suddenly her arms were around him. She hugged his waist so hard he wheezed.

“Calla, honey,” he said.

“Oh, Fatim,” she wailed, and when she looked up, he realized she was crying. “Hearing those words from you is worth ruining my makeup!”

The kids were back now, hopping circles around the two of them. Nara urged them to go to the gala, they were late, what were they standing here hugging for?

“Give us a moment, children,” Fatim said softly. The kids skittered off again, and he and Calla started rocking back and forth slowly.

“I thought I was going to die without you,” she murmured into his chest. “But I did get a lot of sewing done.”

“That’s not going to change. You’re not here to be my servant. You’re here to be you. My beautiful Calla.” He kissed the top of her head, and then her forehead. She pulled back, and they shared a kiss so deep and meaningful that his chest got tight. “Now be honest. Do you still love me?”

She nodded, eyes watery and wide as she hooked her arms around his neck. “I’ll always love you, Fatim. I’m your queen. For now and forevermore.”

Fatim swallowed a knot in his throat. He hadn’t expected the rush of relief to hear those words. He captured her lips in a kiss, one that confirmed their passion and their future.

“I love you, Calla Safar,” he whispered into her ear. “And I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure I tell you that.”

He brought the backs of her hands to her lips, and then he led her down the hallway to catch up with Nara and Rashid.

His little family was perfect. And now his tribe would have the ruler they deserved.

One who was whole.

One who was in love.



Calla glanced up at Fatim. She was on her knees before him, a position she’d known well in her early days as the royal seamstress, and later on as the royal wife. She smirked when he started snapping his fingers.

He was nervous. And it was terribly cute.

“Hold still,” she mumbled around a pin sticking out of her mouth. Just one final alteration. That was it. And then his piece for Fashion Week would be complete.

He sighed, raking a hand through his hair. His gaze skated betwe

en the hem of his pants and the doorway leading from his dressing room the backstage area. His first Fashion Week last year starred him as her male model. It had been such a big hit that there was no question he needed to remain Amatbah’s royal model. It brought the women in in droves. Looking out on all their gaga faces as he strode down the catwalk inspired a special type of pride and satisfaction that she didn’t expect to replicate in this life.

“Honey. You’re going to be fine,” she said, stifling a laugh. This was the one thing in the world that set him on edge. For all the crises he handled on a daily basis, she’d thought walking down a runway would be a piece of cake.

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