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Taking Rebecca’s hand, the Sultan placed it in Zaid’s. Placing his hands on their shoulders, he stepped closer and kissed first Rebecca and then Zaid.

“Then, you have my blessing.”

Calum, who had been watching all this, made an “Eww” sound, which made the Sultan laugh again.

Leaning down, he scooped Calum up in his arms and hugged him. “My grandson doesn’t seem to like kissing,” he announced to the room as laughter was heard throughout.

“Now, if there’s nothing else?” the Sultan asked.

“Father. If I may, I’d like to address our guests.”

“Feel free,” the Sultan told him.

“I apologize for tonight’s spectacle,” Zaid began. “My fiancée, Rebecca Reid, was the envoy appointed to accompany the delegates with the diplomatic touring party visiting Sharjah. She exposed the poverty in Rajak and Timina to me, and she helped me to see the government forces behind the continued cycle of poverty that persisted despite our best efforts to fund revitalization programs and bring new jobs into the region. But, instead of investigating the problems and trying to correct the root issues, we’ve continued blindly throwing more money into these communities only to have it stolen right from under our noses.”

He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing.

“What I’m saying is that by working with Rebecca to figure out the real problems in our poorer communities, I have realized that the only way to solve them is to stop hiding them and actually address them. With Rebecca’s help, I will continue the work we have started here. There is no legitimate reason why every person in the Emirate can’t be successful.”

He felt a surge of pride as the guests at the ball applauded him. He laughed to himself because he had done exactly what his brothers before him had. He had taken one event and repurposed it for something entirely different, turning Jazia Ball into a campaign to save all the peoples of Sharjah.

He grabbed Rebecca and pulled her to him, embracing her in his arms as he planted his lips on hers in a long, slow, sensual kiss.

As the DJ turned the music back up, Zaid heard his father call out, “Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we’

re going to have a wedding.”


The ballroom was decorated in green and gold, Rebecca’s favorite colors. Even the carpet had been changed for the wedding from the usual deep red to the deep green Rebecca had chosen. The round tables were covered in green tablecloths with gold trim, and every seat was taken. This wedding was special since Zaid was the last of the Sultan’s sons to marry.

In the back of the room, where the procession started down the aisle, Zaid and Rebecca stood like the topper on their own wedding cake. The wedding party walked in front of them, from the wings to the center, and down the aisle toward the front.

Ahmed and Melanie crossed from either side to join in the middle and walk down the aisle together, followed by Khalid and Casey. Lastly, Calum and Amy met in the middle and walked down as best man and maid of honor.

The groomsmen, including Calum, all wore traditional white gowns with the black robes over their shoulders like the Sultan wore. The bridesmaids wore plain green floor-length dresses. Their heads were uncovered, which was unconventional, but there wasn’t much about Zaid and Rebecca’s marriage that was going to be traditional or conventional.

In front of the podium stood both an officiant and a priest, waiting for the bride and groom to start their slow walk down the aisle together. Their arms were twined together, as they smiled at their guests. Zaid wore a white gown with his black and gold robe over his shoulders.

Rebecca’s emerald green dress was decorated with ornate gold embroidery. Her auburn hair was hidden behind a headpiece that covered her head but kept her face uncovered, at Zaid’s request.

They reached the front of the aisle and stood at the podium hand in hand. Looking down at their hands, he squeezed hers, as she smiled at him. From the moment she had said yes, Zaid was sure his heart was that much lighter as he looked at the love shining in her eyes.

It was the beginning of their new life, and, honestly, for Zaid it felt like they were picking up where they’d left off five years ago, where they never should have left off.

As he stood there staring into his bride’s beautiful eyes, he couldn’t help but wonder how things would have gone if he hadn’t been the Sheikh of Sharjah. Would they still be getting married? Would they have ever found each other again?

He knew that no matter what, he loved her, and he would have loved her no matter their circumstances. But still, he couldn’t help but ask himself what their future would have looked like had he been just a normal man instead of a Sheikh.

She smiled at him as the ceremony began, and he knew that none of his questions or doubts meant anything in front of her. This was their life, and they were going to make the most of it. Together.

They recited their vows and exchanged rings, signifying their commitment to each other. Zaid looked back at Calum at one point and winked at his son.

Then, the time came. They both answered, “I do,” and they were introduced to their guests as Sheikh Zaid Al-Qasimi and Rebecca Reid Al-Qasimi, choosing to keep her last name since Calum was still a Reid as well.

Then, Zaid wrapped an arm about the petite waist of his bride and pulled her to him.

After the kiss, the ballroom erupted as their guests celebrated and cheered for their union. Her new father-in-law sat on his large throne-like chair and clapped for the newlyweds. They stepped down from the dais to join their guests on the floor of the ballroom.

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