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“If it isn’t her, then perhaps it was one of her retinue, but we found a small mortar and pestle, which still had trace poppy elements in it in a small box in her dressing room. And as you know, attempted regicide carries a penalty of death.”

Sighing heavily, “This I know. But are we sure that it was intentional?”

“Well, there’s more, your Majesty,” James said. “Do you know what Rohypnol is?” As the King shook his head no, James sighed. “It has many nicknames, but the one you might know is ‘roofies’.”

The King was too speechless to respond. Taking a deep breath, “And this was in my system too?”

Shaking his head no, James added, “You would have had to consume it within seventy-two hours for us to know for sure; it tends to leave your system fairly fast.”

Speaking slowly, “But you found some? In the palace?”

Nodding grimly, “Yes, your Majesty.”


“The queen’s quarters.”

“What? How could this be?”

“If I were to guess, I would say that your women are tired of waiting on you and have decided to take matters into their own hands. It’s not as if they can get pregnant by osmosis. Your refusal to consummate either relationship seems to have taken its toll on both women.”

“I don’t love them.” Sighing deeply, “It seems as if I’m a major contributor to all this unhappiness and it’s time I did something about it. I’m going to need your help, my friend.”

“Anything, your Majesty, but whatever you do, I would suggest that we proceed with caution.” Nodding, the King waved his friend out, as he sat back in his chair.

His mind was awhirl as he contemplated the news. He had to admit that he hadn’t really considered either of their feelings in all this. His reasons for marrying Amira and bringing Tiana in as his mistress were purely political. And while producing an heir was considered the next step, the King simply wasn’t interested in having children with either woman. He could almost understand their willingness to take such drastic measures, but not at the risk to anyone’s life. Changes would have to be made and soon. Turning his mind away, he thought of Zara. A princess. While she didn’t come with any dowry, her title alone would be sufficient to stop the gossip that was bound to ensue in the coming days and weeks. And after watching her with her mother and little sister, he couldn’t help but imagine how beautiful she would look pregnant with his child; she would make an excellent mother.


Alma went to the King's office. She gave him a deep bow before she spoke. She told him that everything was done. She had finished the preparations. The King thanked her and told her to carry out his last instruction.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked him.

“I am.”

“You know that this will unleash war in the palace.”

“I am aware.”

Alma nodded. She bowed her head and left his office. The King knew it was going to be trouble, but given the recent turn of events, he knew that now was the best time to act


Zara walked into the palace doe-eyed. Alma had shown up on her doorstep and asked her to return to the palace with her. She told her that it was the King's command. As Zara walked into the palace, the maids were looking at her. Some of them were from the laundry and remembered her being fired by the queen. The others had heard about her through gossip. Zara felt uncomfortable with all the stares.

Alma led Zara into a large and beautifully decorated suite. There were three maids waiting in the living room. Alma turned to Zara, “These will be your quarters,” she said to her. Zara's eye flew open.

“What?” Zara was not sure she had heard her correctly.

“The King had these quarters especially prepared for you. Those will be your personal maids; they will serve you and provide you with anything you may need.”

“What is happening? Why do I have maids and my own quarters?”

“The King will dine with you tonight and he will explain everything.” Alma bowed her head and left. Zara looked at her new maids. They bowed their heads to her.

“I am Maria, this is Sabrina and Farrah. Please let us know if you need anything.” Zara nodded absently as she began to wander around.

The place was large. She could easily fit the home she shared with her mother and sister and still have plenty of room. The bedroom was spacious and decorated in the same colour scheme as the living room. The bathroom was heavenly. The shower was big enough to fit ten people, the tub was similarly large and the sinks were white with gold inlay. The walk-in closet was already filled with clothes, shoes, bags, coats, accessories and jewellery. There was a door in her bedroom leading to a balcony with a beautiful view. The whole place was beyond her imagination.

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