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“Oh that.” The King stroked her face. Rachael's mouth was open the entire time. She had never been this close to the King. Now, here he was touching her friend's face in her house. “I'm fine.” Zara added. The King pulled her into a tight embrace. Ruby gasped when she walked in. Rachael walked over to her and they left the room to give them some privacy, but couldn’t resist listening from the kitchen.

“I am so sorry.”

“It's not your fault.”

“But it is my fault; I brought you into all of this.”

Zara shook her head. It was not his fault. She allowed herself to be in this situation. She was just as responsible as he was. She rubbed his chest as if it was something she always did. He kissed her on the forehead. He pulled her closer and kissed her. She kissed him back. It was so natural. It was as if they always kissed. Rachael and Ruby watched from the kitchen. They had their hands on their mouths as they giggled silently.

The King and Zara sat down on the sofa. Ruby walked in with the drink and a big smile on her face. She gave the King the drink. He smiled and thanked her. She sat opposite him smiling. Rachael sat down next to Ruby. They both stared at the King smiling.

“Please stop,” Zara said to them.

“Stop what?” Ruby asked.

“With the goofy smiles, you're creepy.”

The King laughed. “It's okay, I can't help it if I'm good to look at,” he joked. Zara narrowed her gaze at him. He was being conceited again.

“Yes, you are,” Rachael said with a smile.

As they sat there, Ruby and Rachael rapidly fired questions at the King asking everything they could possibly think of. Zara had her face in her palms most of the time as she groaned with each new series of questions. She never questioned the King this much when she was with him. But he did not seem to mind as he answered each question, sometimes taking a moment to ponder his response. Most people were so formal around him, their childlike curiosity was new to him and he was enjoying speaking with the two of them. They were having so much fun that no one noticed Zara leave for the kitchen to cook dinner.

Almost an hour later, she reappeared in the living room. She told her sister to go set the table. “Your Majesty, come eat with us,” Zara said to him.

“I should probably be going; I’ve taken up too much of your time already.”

Giving him a cheeky grin, Zara couldn’t resist saying, “It wasn’t a request,” as she went to help her mother to the dining room. He flashed a big smile. This time the shoe was on the other foot. It was not him asking her to dine with him.

Her mother stared at the King as he came in. What could the King of Basrat be possibly doing in her living room? The King greeted her politely. She turned to look at her daughter in confusion; Zara told her that she would explain later. They all sat at the dinner table and began to eat. The mother was analysing the King.

“What are you to my daughter?” she asked him. Zara closed her eyes. Her family would not cease to embarrass her.

“I am whatever she wants me to be,” the King replied. He was not sure what she was to him much less what he wanted from her. All he knew is that he enjoyed her company much more than he had anticipated. She was sweet and funny. She was not materialistic; she was different from Tiana and Amira. She was a breath of fresh air, she was peaceful.

“Let us speak of something else,” Zara said.

“Aww, she turned red,” Ruby pointed out. Rachael and Ruby laughed at her.

“It's not funny.”

“My daughter is special, your Highness,” her mother said as she looked at Zara. “Both my girls are special, but Zara…she is important. Look after my girl, she always looks after others. She deserves someone to look after her for a change,” Zara's mother said.

“Yes, ma'am,” the King replied. He was a bit puzzled at her mother’s comment, but at Zara’s shrug, he let it go.

After dinner, Zara walked the King to the door and thanked him for coming to check on her. She did not deserve that at all. The King had come all this way to see her. “Why wouldn't I check on you?” the King asked. For him, it was exactly what he needed to do. He wished that he had come to her house sooner.

“Coming to see me will cause problems with Lady Tiana and the queen,” Zara said.


Zara realised that the King did not know about her little run-in with her. “I, erm, spoke to her a few days ago,” she said. “Nothing to worry about.”

“What do you mean nothing to worry about?”

“She did not say much, do not worry about it. Look at it from their point of view, they're not wrong. I am at fault here.”

The King sighed. She was so different. Tiana and Amira never admitted fault. They always blamed others. When the King first met Tiana, she was too eager to be the King's mistress. She never once considered the queen. Zara considered both of them and never over reached herself. The King kissed her on the forehead.

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