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Within moments, the King’s colour began to return to normal and he took a full breath. Laughing in relief, the women hugged each other as the doctor ran in followed by James.

“What is the meaning of this?” demanded James as he saw the King lying on the floor. As both women went to jump up, the King stretched out his hand to stop Zara.

“Thank you,” he told her. Squeezing his hand, Zara got up to make room for the doctor.

“What happened?” the doctor questioned as he quickly checked the King’s vitals.

“We were having dinner and then he turned pale and collapsed,” replied Zara. “He started turning blue and since he didn’t appear to be choking and we ate the same thing, I assumed it was some sort of allergic reaction. I was lucky to find an EpiPen in the first aid kit.”

“And how would a maid know to use this?” questioned the doctor.

“Uni,” Zara replied, doing her best to keep her temper under control. “I was a year away from completing my master’s degree in nursing.”

“Well, we’ll see,” the doctor replied as he motioned for James and one of the guards to move the King to his bedroom. “You can go now,” he ordered, but the King stopped him as he spoke quietly. Nodding his head, the doctor looked at her. “Wait here.”

Zara nervously paced the room while the doctor examined the King. Alma had been shooed out of the King’s bedroom and when she found Zara, she offered her something to drink. Zara laughed as she declined, still unsure what happened to the King, and sat down. What seemed like hours later, even though it had only been less than one, James came out with several plastic bags. Motioning to Zara, he asked her to point out what the King ate and drank as he carefully collected samples.

A commotion was heard outside as one of the guards opened the door to tell James that both the queen and Lady Tiana were demanding entrance. Shaking his head no, James told the guards to see that both women were escorted back to their rooms and to remain there under guard until the threat was determined.


Amira paced her room in anger and frustration. As the queen, it was her right to be with her husband. She still wasn’t sure what happened and no one was speaking up. And what was that maid doing in there? She was not one of his regular maids. What was going on?

Tiana was blazing a similar path in her room as she paced the floor. She was surprised to find Amira outside the King’s quarters when she arrived. She was supposed to be dining with him this evening. As she wrung her hands in agitation, she continued to pace while they waited for news, as to what happened.


As James finished collecting samples, the doctor called him back to the King’s bedroom. When he arrived, the King was sitting up in bed and looking much better.

“Zara, how is she?” the King asked as soon as he walked in.

“Who? The maid?” James questioned.

“Yes, did she become ill?”

“No, she seems well, although concerned about you. That was quick thinking on her part,” James replied.

“Yes, she said that she had been going to nursing school.” Before James could question why the King knew so much about a palace maid, the doctor interrupted.

“It looks as if it was an allergic reaction, your Highness. Do you have any other allergies other than to opiates?” At the King’s shake of his head, “Then who knows about this allergy?”

“Family, Amira, James, Alma, you of course,” the King replied. “I presume that it’s in my medical file.” At the doctor’s nod, “That’s about it.”

As the doctor gathered up the samples and prepared to leave, he looked to James. “See that he’s not alone tonight. If there are no further complications, he should be fine tomorrow, but I would recommend complete bed rest for at least one full day. In the meantime, I will have the food tested. If opiates are found, well, then it appears that this was deliberate.”

As James walked the doctor to the door, he instructed Alma to remain with the King until he returned. Beckoning to Zara, he motioned to one of the guards. “It’s late. Please see that Zara is provided with transportation home.” Turning to Zara, “You will report for your regular duties as if nothing has happened. And I don’t need to remind you not to speak of this until we know all the facts.” Zara was still too shocked to speak and only nodded her head before following the guard out.


The next morning, the King paced his quarters. The doctor wanted him to remain in bed, but he felt fine. They still didn’t have the test results back yet and he was worried about Zara. Both Amira and Tiana were still restricted to their quarters despite their constant demands to see him. He had to admit that he was relieved not to be bombarded by them at the moment.

Zara. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. It was her quick thinking and response that saved his life. He hadn’t had an allergic reaction since he was a boy and accidently played in the poppy fields near his cousin’s house. When they found him, he was near death. Ever since then, he’d been careful to avoid contact and his medical file clearly stated allergies to all opiate drugs. If it wasn’t for Zara, he wouldn’t be here.

Dinner last night had been enjoyable up until he collapsed. She was a great distraction from Amira and Tiana. With her, it was not about politics and power. She was compassionate and charming in her shyness. He loved the sound of her laughter and made a point of finding ways to make her laugh. And he loved when she would break out of her shell and be herself. Other than his brother and occasionally James, most people were too uncomfortable with his status and position to relax around him. Even Amira and Tiana behaved with a certain level of formality around him, except when they were going at each other, then it was as if he didn’t exist. As he looked out the window, he thought about painting Zara. Perhaps it could be an enjoyable activity for the both of them. He had not painted in a while as he had lost all inspiration to paint nor had he the time. But given that he was supposed to be resting, what could be more relaxing than painting?

Chapter 8

Zara and Rachael were huddled together talking when Alma walked into the laundry. Everyone knew she was the King's head maid and they greeted her with respect when she walked in. While there was much talk that something had happened to the King the night before, no other information had been released other than he was doing well and other than a few people, no one knew that Zara had been present when it happened or there would have been no end to the questions. She approached Rachael and Zara.

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