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Mike sat up in his bed, the covers falling to his waist. Miles of bare skin glowed in the lamplight. The man had sinful muscles and hard planes that left her mouth hanging open and her heart thudding. She shut her mouth, swallowed, and tried for a firm tone. “Could use your help.” She was sure her voice sounded far too husky.

He pulled a bare leg out from the covers—and she realized he was naked. Resisting the urge to keep looking, she turned. A minute later he came to his door, zipping up his coveralls. “What’s up?”

“Board came loose. I don’t want to go out there alone.”

Frowning, he stared at her. “Hell, no.”

He strode for the kitchen and she followed. They’d left the hammers, nails, and spare boards in the kitchen. He grabbed a hammer and started for the back door, but she grabbed his arm. His skin still seemed warmed by sleep—and the hairs on the back of his arms tickled her fingers. But she hung on. “Let me.”

He shook his head. “I’m going out. You keep the lamp on and lifted so I can see.”

She didn’t let go of him. “My…my dad went out in the last storm.”

His crooked grin lit his face. “It’s going to take more than a wind to knock me down. Didn’t I tell you I played quarterback—I’m used to way too many guys trying

to take me out.”

She pulled in a breath and grabbed the lamp. “Hurry.”

He fought the door open. Rain swept in, cold and stinging. Darkness covered the world, making it seem a deep void, empty of everything except that howling wind. Karen wet her lips and tasted the salt water. Pushing outside, Mike fought his way to the fallen board. He hefted it up and Karen tried to shield the light from the wind. He got the board in place, pounded it back and staggered to her.

The wind kept pushing at him, trying to drag him away from the hotel.

She put the lamp down and had the wind snuff its light. Working more by feel, she grabbed Mike’s arm and dragged him in with her. Wet now, shaking, they both struggled to close the door against the push of the wind.

Finally, it latched.

Karen leaned against the door. It wobbled under her as if the wind was trying to get back in and grab them again. She shivered and closed her eyes, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

“Thanks.” She heard him mutter the word and turned to face him.

She had to look up, but his face seemed just inches from hers now. He seemed warm and solid next to her. Another gust shook the kitchen and Karen jumped.

Mike slipped his arm around her waist and gripped her side tightly.

She shivered again. She should move away—put some distance between herself and this stranger. But she didn’t want to.

He felt solid—and safe. She closed her eyes for a second and leaned into him. Just a few seconds. She could feel his heart beating just as fast as hers. She could feel the heat radiating off his body, he stood so close.

The wind gusted again, battering. Karen jumped. Mike pulled her up against his body even more. His other hand wrapped into her hair and he pulled her head back so that she had to look up at him. He wrapped her up in his bare arms. She was suddenly panting for air as she looked up at him. But the world—that dreadful howling wind and the storm—faded into the background.

Bending down, he touched his lips to hers. She’d never been kissed like this—just a sweet touch of his lips, a lick of his tongue. She tasted of salt water and something else…something she liked. She gave another shudder, but not from the cold, and parted her lips to pull in a breath of him.

Pulling back, she let out that breath. “While I appreciate your help, I can take care of myself.” She backed a step away. “You need to keep your hands to yourself.”

Even in the dark room, she saw his grin flash. “Honey, you should know better than to challenge a guy who likes challenges.”

Before she could say another thing he’d swept her up in his arms again. This time his mouth descended on hers. He stole her breath—and her will. He swept in all charm and warmth and power. His arms wrapped around her tighter and he pulled her up against him. His tongue swept across her upper lip. She gasped and he pushed into her mouth. She could feel his nipples harden through their damp clothing. She gave a groan and gave up.

She didn’t know how long they stood there, only that it seemed to last forever. He cradled her face with his broad palms, his body pressed against hers, and finally he pulled back. Breathless and panting, he told her, “Still want me keeping my hands to myself?”

She pushed against his chest. He stepped back but she knew she wasn’t pushing him. She jabbed a finger into his chest. “Do that again and you will be sleeping outside.”

Turning, she headed out of the kitchen and for her own room.

There was no way a guy who could kiss like that was ever the settling down type. He’d kissed her like he knew just how to kiss a woman. She had to remember she didn’t need a guy like that around. She’d had one before and she knew they didn’t stay—and they didn’t keep their hands and the rest of their body out of trouble. She was not getting mixed up with him. No… never again.

Chapter Four

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