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Zach’s eyes glittered. “Yeah, that’s why you gave her a deal you’d never give to anyone. You are so in over your head. Bet you wake up thinking about her, and go to bed with her being the last thing on your mind?”

Mike’s face flamed hot.

Zach’s grin widened. “She makes you laugh—and irritates you to no end? And you’d put your life on the line to save hers?” He frowned. “In fact, you did just that. How much money did we put into that hotel?” Pulling the papers out of Mike’s hand, Zach stared at the number. He gave a low whistle. “We are never recouping that.”

“We’re an institute now—we don’t have to recoup. And this is going to be our crown jewel. We’ll fly big buck donors to the island to give them a taste of a world that’s disappearing—just like with the ranch. We’ll talk about saving small places like this, keeping them around for another few decades.”

Zach shook his head. “Got it all figured, huh?”

Heading over to the couch in his office, Mike flopped onto it. “Everything except how I can see her again.” He spread his hands. “She’s got me hog tied. Can’t come without an invite. And she hates me!”

Zach came over and stood in front of Mike. “Karen must be one hell of a woman if she’s got you this tied up in knots. But if you’re this far gone, you have to figure out what you’re willing to do to get that woman back on your side. And if you can’t go in the front door, try the back. Hell, didn’t I teach you anything.”

Sitting up, Mike stared at his brother. “Back door?”

Chapter Eighteen

Karen was glad to finally have some silence in the resort. She’d had nothing but hammers pounding and workers crawling around everywhere. The huts had been gutted and redone, all with local craftsmen coming in to do custom furniture. The main building of the hotel now gleamed with fresh paint, and she’d ordered new, stronger shutters to help the hotel ride out any more storms.

The roof had been redone and the pool glittered—clean and appealing, with a new swim-up bar. Next month she’d have an expanded kitchen and be able to start offering meals not just to guests but anyone who wanted, and would pay for, a meal. She had a stack of resumes to review for the expanded staff. Her head was spinning, and what she wanted now more than anything was to bring on some help to deal with managing all of this.

What if she failed now? What if Pops was right and she had no business running a resort? What if…

She cut off the thoughts. She couldn’t afford to fail—she wasn’t going to fail her parents. She lifted her chin. She also was going to prove to Mike that she could do this without him! She let out a breath. But, oh, how she missed him—missed arguing with him, missing having him in her bed, missed his bright blue eyes and…

Oh, stop it, she told herself.

A horn honked and she glanced outside to see Seneed’s yellow van. She headed outside, grinning, wondering if the new drapes she’d ordered had arrived.

Seneed got out of the van and gave her a wave. “Hey, Karen. Mind if I take some photos. The place is looking great!”

Karen turned and looked at the hotel. She was certain it had never looked better. She glanced at Seneed. “Why do you want photos? You’re welcome to come by anytime and see the place in person.”

Pulling a digital camera from her van, Seneed came over to the porch. “What do you think of a sunset view? Too cliché? And Mike’s paying me. He needs them for the website and marketing campaign he’s planning.”

Karen stiffened. “Marketing? That’s what he’s planning. Dammit, I didn’t put anything about the marketing in the contract. That’s where he’s going to go for all the control!”

Seneed stared at her. “Okay, pot, looks like kettle has done you one better. Boy, are you two ever made for each other.”

Rounding on her, Karen waved a hand. “We are not—?”

“Both control nuts.” Seneed shook her head. “Both super A-types who like not only to call the shots but check up to make sure they’re done right, too.” She grinned. “He’s not my type, and you’d drive me nuts, but you two fit. What—you think you didn’t know him long enough? I’d like to find a guy who’d do for me what he’s done for you—and all on your terms. That’s more than hard to find. And, Karen, someone needs to tell you this—it is okay to lean on people every once in a while.”

Karen shook her head. “I’m not—it’s not—”

“Now you’re going to tell me you aren’t really gone on the guy, having been running out here every time someone drops by, like me. Yeah, and I haven’t seen your face fall when you see it’s only me. You got it bad. More than bad.”

Karen sat down on the porch step. “I know. I know. But I—well, I just about threw him out of here. And I made it impossible for him to come back unless I invite him. And what if I ask and he’s lost interest?”

Tipping her head, Seneed moved around for another shot of the hotel. “What, like lost interest in that he’s not emailing me and asking for those photos? Not putting up a website for this place?”

Karen waved a hand. “That could be just business. He’s invested in the place. I’ve not only paid off Lyle’s loan, I’ve sunk a ton of his money into the place. Maybe he’s worried I’ll flop without that marketing he’s planning.”

Rolling her eyes, Seneed sat down next to Karen. “You are the most stubborn person…well, maybe your dad was worse. But, you know what, he took a risk buying this place. Him and your mom. Now you’re telling me you’re not made of the same stuff as your folks? I’m not buying that. You love this place—you’ll make it work. I know that because I know you.”

Smiling, Karen put an arm over Seneed’s shoulders and hugged her. “How in the world did you get so smart?”

Seneed grinned. “Comes with the camera—you watch enough of the world through the viewfinder, you see things.” Lifting her camera, Seneed snapped a shot of Karen. “Question now is—what are you gonna do about getting your man back in your bed?”

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