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Standing, Martino moved to a sideboard. He came back with two tumblers with whiskey. Zach took a sip. “Ah, so this is where you keep the good stuff. Anyway, that Charlie—been trying to get hold of her land. Leased it to me, and damn, if she’s not sitting on oil enough to make a man smile.”


Zach glanced around. He stood and leaned closer to Martino. “Woman’s sitting on millions and she don’t know it.” He threw back his drink. “And now that that Lucy Ennis has me thrown off the place all because she was shaking her little fanny at me and I noticed.” Zach faked a high voice. “‘Oh, don’t put your hands on me! Ha! As if she’s not begging for it!” He threw an arm over Martino’s shoulders. “I just need a way to make that woman sell!”

Martino shrugged off Zach’s arm. “I think you’re fooling yourself if you think there’s oil on Charlene Hopkins’ land.”

Grinning, Zach pulled out a piece of paper. “Oh yeah. Read that report.” Frowning, Martino took the paper and went around his desk. He sat down and glanced at the page. Zach waved at it. “Geologist’s report. Got a fellow over here from Houston. One of the best. That land’s got oil all right. But Hopkins won’t sell—not with that little friend of hers in the way. That’s why Lucy’s hanging around here—don’t I know it. She’s making like she’s Hopkins’ best friend, so Hopkins will cut her in on that land. That’s what little Miss Gold Digger wants—a rich haul.”

Eyes bright, Martino looked up. “You really think Lucy Ennis is that close to Charlene Hopkins?”

“Close as blood kin, those two. Hell, you should have seen Hopkins come after me with a gun when she figured out I’d copped a feel out behind the barn.” He winked at Martino. “Bet you know what I mean. If I could figure a way to put the screws to that Lucy Ennis, I’d do it in a hot minute.”

Eyes narrowing, Martino smiled. “There might be a way—if we join force.”

Zach sat down again and sipped his whiskey. “Go on. I’m listening.”

Chapter Eleven

Zach left the casino to make his way back to Charlie’s. He found a light on in the kitchen. He also found Sunny had somehow made his way into sleeping on the couch. Sunny gave him a tail wag, a yawn and went back to sleep. In the kitchen, Charlie sat at the table, eating a slice of apple pie. She gestured towards the plate. “Is it all set?”

“Tomorrow’s the day.” He sat down, cut himself a slice of pie and took a bite, holding the pie in his fingers. Crust flaked onto the table. “Where’s Lucy?”

“Went to bed, but she’s probably pacing her room. She’s not as tough as she acts.”

Zach nodded. “Yeah. I get that.”

Charlie put down her fork and fixed a hard stare on Zach. “Don’t you be something else she has to cover up and get over. If this doesn’t’—”

“It’s going to work out.”

Charlie tipped her head to the side. “Just how do you know?”

“It’s business to know people, know how they’ll react.”

“So—not so much of a cowboy?” She shook her head. “Damn if you’re not as stubborn as Lucy.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Getting up, she waved at the pie. “Clean up after yourself, Zach. I don’t much like a man who leaves a mess behind.”

Zach finished his pie and sat at the table. He had a funny feeling that she knew exactly who he was. She could have looked him up on the Internet, and probably had. She was also very protective of those she loved and Lucy Ennis was at the top of that list. He put his hands through his hair. So what did he do after tomorrow? He pushed out a breath and decided he’d have to figure that out after tomorrow.

The day dawned with clouds scudding in under a sharp wind. Zach rose early to feed Sunny. He pulled on his jeans, a plaid shirt and his boots, feeling more like a fraud than anything. Well, that would end after today. He didn’t stick around for coffee, but headed out to meet up with Martino. He left Sunny at Charlie’s house and took the ATV out to Charlie’s barn.

Martino’s black Lincoln was already pulled up in front of the barn. Zach gave a nod to Martino’s driver, a skinny kid. “Thought you were coming alone.”

Martino smoothed his suit lapels. “I don’t drive. Kid’s my cousin’s youngest. Have to do something with him.” He glanced at the kid and waved for him to get back in the car. “Damn kid knows video games and not much else, but what can you do. Everything set?”

Zach nodded. “You have the paperwork?”

Pulling the paper from his pocket, Martino showed it to Zach. When Zach tried to take it, Martino pulled it away. “This is my part. So how about you making good on your part?”

With a smile, Zach nodded again. “Sure thing. Partner.” He got on the ATV and headed back to the house. Charlie was waiting for him. He still hadn’t seen Lucy, but he couldn’t wait. “Ready?”

Charlie pulled in a breath. She climbed onto the back of the ATV. “Ride ‘em, cowboy.”

“More like rope ‘em,” Zach said. He took off fast and tore back to the barn.

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