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She stopped pacing and faced him. “I think we’ve both dodged the truth long enough.”

Adilan’s heart skipped. He strode to her side. “If you think to leave me, I warn you I will follow you to America or anywhere else in the world. I did not tell my father I wished to marry you to get the land—I told him that because it is the truth. Malid made me see it. He was the one who said I was in love with you—and that was why he wanted to save me from you. But I am not my father. I will not be happy to let you run away from me. I will follow you. I will court you. If you date other men, you will see me staring at them, willing them to go away. I knew the moment I saw you that there could be no other woman for me in this world. I love you, Michelle Reynolds. I will love you until my last breath and beyond that into paradise.”

She arched one eyebrow. “Are you done?”

He nodded and held his breath. Would she deny him? Laugh at him? He had never asked any woman to marry him—he had never cared what any woman felt. Now he knew the terror of having bared his deepest heart to another. If she scorned him, his heart would break—but he would not give up on trying to win her love.

She came over to him and put a hand on his chest. “I did not plan on falling in love with a sheikh. I am not sure I’m going to love living in Al-Sarid—so far it’s had its ups and downs. But…but every time I’ve thought about having to leave you…Adilan, sweep me off my feet. Please.”

He did, pulling her into his arms, kissing her as if his life depended on her returning his passion—for it did. He pulled her with him to his bed, swept her up in his arms and laid her down. “I don’t think I can be slow and tender right now.”

She sat up and pulled off her suit coat. “Best news tonight.”

He shed his clothes then helped her from hers. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her, and plunged into her. She gave a gasp and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Adilan,” she murmured. He came with a small, strangled shout, and under him Michelle gave a small cry.

Staring down at her, he held her close. “Stay with me tonight.

Michelle smiled. “Where else would I want to be?”

Chapter 17

Michelle watched out the town car’s window as the city of Al-Sarid passed by. The city was an amazing place, and she had grown to love it. The temperature was still warm, even with winter coming. She was so glad she’d decided to wear a light dress of sheer pink with a cotton sheath underneath. She had covered her hair with a pink scarf—it was a practical custom, given the heat and the dust.

Having lived in Al-Sarid now for three months, she had come to understand some of the language and most of the customs—so far the balancing act of compromise between her world and Al-Sarid was working.

And the sanctuary was done.

It had been a struggle—she had Adilan had argued, compromised, had to find more money to finish the project, but it was done. Adilan was always reminding her that she deserved nothing but the best things in life—she was always reminding him that a budget wasn’t a bad thing.

The driver—young and full of enthusiasm—pulled up outside rocks that still hid Al-Hilah. This was one of the arguments she’d had with Adilan. She’d argued for easier access; he’d said paradise had to be earned. They’d settled on a paved walkway that made handicap access possible.

Getting out of the town car, Michelle grinned at the bright red sports car already parked nearby. The parking lot was like everything here—it blended perfectly with the surroundings using local rocks and paving stones. She remembered the first time she’d come here and she’d been unable to put a name to the vehicle. She now knew it was a Tesla. Adilan had been able to change his plans and meet her out here after all.

Her heart skipped a beat. Even just the promise of being able to see him was enough to kick it up a few beats per minute. She made her way to the entrance, still a narrow canyon. Guards—or greeters as she liked to call them—met her inside. Since work had begun on the sanctuary, she’d not been able to visit. Some of the craftsmen were old and old school—they believed the presence of a woman would bring bad luck, and so she’d let Adilan handle the site supervision. The photos he’d sent her didn’t do the place justice.

The sand pathway still opened out into green and blue water. But now the surrounding sandstone mountains sheltered domes and structures that seemed carved into the rock.

The oasis pool spread before it, the water mirroring the blue sky above. Stones had been artfully placed, providing a perfect place step into the water. The foliage had been extended and now filled every inch of the valley. Handmade furnishings blending perfectly to create a unique space like none other.

She made her way along the path, stepping up onto the stone patio of the first mud and stone house and turning back to admire the beautiful scenery.

From behind her a deep voice asked, “Do you like it?”

Michelle turned and met Adilan’s eyes. “It is better than paradise.” She still thought he was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen in her life. He was dressed all in his usual white trousers and shirt. With his sharp features and dark eyebrows, and barely-there beard, he looked like a desert sultan who ruled over this paradise. As always, it was his eyes that captured her attention and held it.

She’d learned over the last few months that his eyes were indeed the windows to his soul. She had also learned to tell what he was thinking about just from their color—and from the fact that that darker color meant he was thinking about grabbing her and having his way with her.

“It’s better than I imagined.”

Coming up to her, Adilan put his arm around her. “I thought we would get married here. Just family. Yours and mine.” She glanced at him, puzzled. He put an airplane ticket into her hand. “I have arranged for your mother to visit. This is a first class seat.”

“But your father...her…her condition?”

He grinned. “The two of them have been Skyping to each other. It seems there is still some embers of kindness in an old love. And now that Al-Hilah is back in my family—”

“And Al-Hilah is still in mine, too,” she added.

“They have nothing to fight over.”

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