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“Not yet.”

“I think you should proceed very carefully. Hazim is waiting for you to fail. He’s never liked the fact that our family was put in charge of the oil business. With Nimr as the senior board member, he fully expected to be named CEO.”

“I can handle Hazim,”

Adilan straightened then staggered back, holding up his hands in surrender, “But can she? If Hazim gets wind of your plan, he’ll do everything he can to ruin it. Maybe you should call this plan of yours off.”

“No.” Nassir grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat from his face. “I can’t call this off.”

“Why not?” His brother took a long swig of water then leaned sideways to peer around Nassir as the gym doors swung open.

“Because…” Nassir turned as well and sighed. There she was. Janna Davis. His bride. “She is already here.”

Chapter 3

Janna walked into the boxing gym, her nose wrinkled from the smell of sweat and blatant testosterone in the air. This was the only time Sheikh Nassir had free in his schedule today, and with a wedding this close she was having to take her time with him when she could. But still, he’d contracted her to plan his wedding for him, not win the next heavyweight title.

Bright sunshine streamed in from the hallway behind her and she blinked several times to allow her eyes to adjust to the room’s dimmer light. She took a deep breath and stared at the two sweaty, half-naked men in the ring before her. At least the money was good, considering she’d had to clear her schedule for a week to accept his request. It would be worth it if the funds ensured her mother received adequate care.

Sheikh Nassir, of course, looked just as good as he had at the wedding reception. Maybe more so, considering she could now see his muscled torso and arms, his smooth tanned skin, his strong, sinewy arms, roped with veins.

Janna took a small step back at the intense liquid heat pooling deep in her core and swallowed hard. She met his dark gaze and squared her shoulders, clutching her portfolio to her chest like a shield. “Mr. Adjalane, if now is not a good time…”

“It’s Nassir, Janna,” he said, his voice low and deep and dripping with seduction. “We discussed this.”

“Yes, we did, Mr. Adjalane.” She looked away from him, and stared at the floor as he slipped between the ropes of the ring and jumped to the ground. Janna did her best not to notice the mesmerizing bead of sweat rolling down the center of his chest, over his sculpted abs, to disappear beneath the waistband of his shorts. She’d never wanted to be a bead of sweat so much in her life.

Nassir cleared his throat and she met his gaze, heat flaring in her cheeks when she realized he’d caught her staring. And if the heated look in his eyes was any indication, he knew exactly what she’d been thinking too. Mouth dry, she forced herself to continue. “Mr. Adjalane, you’ve brought me halfway around the world to plan this wedding. There are many items we need to discuss, not to mention the fact that I haven’t met the bride yet, and…”

He stepped closer to her and her words trailed off at the sheer sexiness of his smile. “Do whatever you like.”

Whatever I like? That wasn’t how this worked. She tried a different approach. “Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. I took the liberty of creating a list.” She pointed to her bright pink leather portfolio. “We really need to discuss the arrangements. You’ll need to inform me of possible venues, what kind of ceremony you’ll be having, not to mention banquet halls and caterers and whatever else we’ll need. I’ve only just arrived in Al-Sarid and as a foreigner here, I could really use your advice. I planned Amara and Bree’s wedding, but that with a much longer preparation time.”

Nassir looked at her like she’d grown a second head as he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his neck. “I have a very busy schedule, Janna. As I said, plan the wedding as if it were your own. I don’t want to be involved.”

Shocked by his cavalier attitude, Janna tightened her arms around her portfolio and gave him a pointed stare. “I understand that this may not be the most comfortable topic for you, but you have to give some input. Or at least tell me when and where I’ll meet the bride so I can discuss these things with her.”

He stalked over to where a pile of soft white towels awaited and grabbed one. He scrubbed his hair first and then began to wipe off the sweat from his torso. He ignored her outburst and continued the conversation as if it had never occurred.

“Where are you staying?” he asked, scrubbing his hair with the towel around his neck.

“At the hotel outside your compound. Why?”

“That is unacceptable. You will move into the palace this afternoon. It will be easier for you to plan things from here.” He tossed the towel into a nearby basket and headed for the door. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I require a shower before my lunch meeting.”

“Wait.” She trailed after him out into the hall. “What about—”

“Janna.” He turned so abruptly that she almost ran into the back of him. “Unless you wish to accompany me in my shower, I’d suggest you meet me at the restaurant. Say, one hour?”

Wide-eyed, Janna stared up into his face, his amused smile, his sardonic, raised brow. “Um.” She took a step back and a deep breath, hoping to recover some of her lost sanity. “Fine. I’ll meet you in an hour. What’s the name of the restaurant?”

Nassir gave it to her along with the address, which she scribbled down on the notepad inside her planner. “My driver will see that you arrive there safely and on time.”

“All right then.” She closed her portfolio then turned as the other man from the boxing ring stepped in beside her. He appeared to be staring at her planner and with her nerves on edge, her snark got the better of her. She gave him an irritated look and did her best to keep the annoyance from her tone. “What?”

“I’ve just never seen a pink leather business planner before.” He shrugged.

“May I introduce my youngest brother, Adilan Adjalane,” Nassir cocked his head toward the other man beside Janna.

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