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Nassir took her hand on the railing and laced his fingers with hers. “What happened?”

“I basically took over for her, walking my siblings to school each day, helping them with their homework, doing the laundry, buying groceries. I basically became a mini-adult. But it’s okay. My philosophy has always been life is what we make it.”

“That is a good philosophy.” The heat in Nassir’s grin warmed her. “Your optimism is one of the things that drew me to you, Janna. Then you came here and I got to know you better and I knew that there was so much more to you than your sunny disposition. That you, too, had known real hardship and pain and sacrifice, and that I wanted to keep you close and protect you and give you all of the things in life that you deserve but have never had.” He faced her at last and stared down at her, his eyes full of fire and emotion. “It was wrong of me to hide my intentions, but I’m telling you now. I love being around you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

Dazed, Janna blinked up at him. Yes, she’d fought her growing attraction to him these last few weeks. Yes, she’d even fancied herself in love with him once or twice or more, but this was all happening so fast. Could she dare trust her feelings for him so soon?

She gazed up at him, at his earnest expression and the desire in his eyes. She’d never had anyone pursue her like Nassir had, never had anyone who seemed so genuinely interested in making her happy. Perhaps there were worse things than a quick wedding and everything here seemed so perfect, so right. Caught up in the moment and the man, she nodded. “Okay. Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Nassir.”

“You will not regret this, Janna.” Nassir swept her into his arms and held her tight to his chest, tipping her chin up with his fingers to kiss her. His tongue licked her bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. When she parted her lips slightly, he surged forward, kissing her deeply until they were both breathless with need.

Janna finally, reluctantly, pulled away and whispered. “I want you.”

Nassir moved his lips along her jawline and nipped her earlobe, “Then you shall have me.”

Janna squeezed her arms tighter around his neck and kissed the underside of his jaw, moving her lips upward until they covered his once again. She’d wanted him unbearably for over a week and now her sexual frustration boiled over in an unstoppable flood of desire. She’d have let him have her right there on the balcony if he’d wanted.

Nassir seemed to have other plans in mind, however, as he picked her up and walked back to the elevators. Once inside, he plundered her mouth again as the car descended along with her inhibitions. The doors opened to what appeared to be a private apartment, and Nassir set her down then led her into the spacious, well-appointed set of rooms.

“Come, kalby.” He took her hand and led her through to a luxuriously appointed bedroom then and laid her down on black silk sheets. The blinds were drawn and he pushed a button next to the bed to fill the room with soft muted light.

Above them, the ceiling above the bed was a giant mirror. She watched as Nassir shed his robes and gained a new appreciation for what she’d always considered tacky bedroom decor. Once naked, he stood before her unashamed as he pulled her to the edge of the bed to remove her slacks and button down shirt. At last, she lay before him, naked and ready.

“You are so beautiful, kalby.” His tone turned reverent as he mapped every inch of her body with his lips and his hands, kissing his way down her chest, stopping to pay homage to her breasts then continuing on to her navel.

Janna couldn’t get enough of him, his strong shoulders and muscled chest. His tight, brown little nipples that hardened at her touch.

When he used his hands to part her thighs, she felt a moment of unease, but he quickly covered her body with his own, and the heat of him dissolved the question as quickly as it was formed.

“Janna, tell me you want this as much as I do.” He parted her thighs and moved between them. “Tell me you want me inside you, pleasuring you.”

She writhed beneath him, revelling in his heat, his hardness against her softness. “Yes, I want you too. So much. Just go slow, please. I’m new at this.”

Nassir stilled above her, forcing her to look at him. “Janna. Kalby. You’ve never done this before?”

“No.” Janna frowned. “Is that a problem?”

“No.” He smiled down at her and kissed her gently, a myriad of emotions flickering through his beautiful ebony eyes—desire, happiness, possession. “I will treasure this gift forever, kalby.” His words tightened around her heart and brought tears to her eyes. “Now wrap your arms around my neck and your thighs around my hips.”

Janna followed his instructions, moaning low and deep as he fingers traced over her wet folds, once, twice, then a single finger slipped inside her to knead her swollen clitoris. No one but herself had ever touched her this way and if felt incredible. He seemed to know exactly how to touch her for maximum effect. He leaned in closer to whisper in her ear, “You are so ready for me, kalby.”

“What does that mean, ‘kalby?’” she asked, arching hard against his talented hands.

“My heart.” He kissed her deeply, thrusting first one, then two fingers inside her slick channel, stretching her body for him, preparing her for his invasion. He increased the pressure on her throbbing clitoris as he pumped his fingers within her, curving them slightly to press upward about an inch inside her and her entire body tightened with need.

Release loomed close, closer, so close she could taste it.

“You’ll have to teach me more of your language, if I’m going to stay here.”

Nassir chuckled. “Do not worry, kalby. I will teach you many, many things.”

His questing finger grew more insistent and the pressure inside Janna grew to unbearable levels. “Oh,” she moaned, bucking harder against him. “I’m close.”

“That’s it, kalby. Let go for me. Give me your passion.”

Janna’s head fell back and she closed her eyes, surrendering to the want inside her. Soon, her muscles tightened and her world exploded in a shower of white-hot sparks as she came hard against his hands, warmth flooding through her body as her inner walls fluttered against his fingers. Over and over and over until she slumped against the cool satin sheets, sated and boneless.

Before the last contractions subsided, Nassir raised himself above her and slicked on a condom, then poised his hard cock at her wet entrance. “Janna, I can’t promise this won’t hurt.”

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