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Janna fidgeted in the small chair, trying not to search for Nassir in the people passing outside the bakery window. He’d instructed her to do whatever she wanted and now that she’d had a chance to immerse herself in a bit of his culture, the idea of East meets West appealed to her. And you couldn’t get much more Western than a big old tiered wedding cake.

Unfortunately, the cakes on display at the shop were all decorated in bright colors representing every color of the rainbow. Every spectrum except the traditional white or ivory she needed. The shapes were also a problem—squares and even triangles instead of elegant circles. Something out of the norm might be fine for the groomsmen’s cake, but definitely not for the main show.

A bell jangled above the door and Nassir entered at last. Janna stood and smoothed her hands down the front of her slacks and grabbed her planners’ portfolio. Maybe with Nassir around the shop owner would be more attentive. He’d all but ignored her since she’d walked in.

As expected, at the first appearance of Nassir, the shop owner hustled around the counter and bowed before him like he was royalty. “Sheikh Nassir, I am humbled to have your presence in my shop.”

Nassir merely stared down at the man, his expression a mix of forbearance and annoyance.

Tired of being treated like a second-class citizen and with her head still aching, Janna stepped forward as the man straightened. “We would like to get started, please?”

The man continued to address Nassir as if she didn’t exist. “Sheikh, may I show you our most exclusive selections. Over here we have a—”

“Excuse me?” Janna said, louder this time, not even attempting to keep the anger from her voice. “I am the one planning this wedding. It is me you will need to address.”

Nassir smiled, one of his crooked half ones that sent her heart tripping. He leaned over and whispered something to the shop owner, whose eyes widened.

“As you wish, Sheikh.” The man turned to Janna, all politeness and servitude. “How may I help you?”

She glanced up at Nassir, her tone accusing. “What did you say to him?”

“Nothing. I simply mentioned that if he wished to have the honor of making my wedding cakes, he must keep you happy.”

“I see.” She sighed and did her best to relax her tense shoulders. “Let’s hope he treats your bride better than he has me.”

“I can assure you he will. Now, I believe the owner has a private space set aside for us.” He gestured for her to precede him through a door off to the side of the room. “Please?”

“Fine.” Janna started into the showroom. “He’s supposed to have several samples ready for you to try. All you need to do is decide which flavour you like best. That will be the main cake. The others he’ll make into sheet cakes for the rest of the guests to eat. Given the size of your list, his ovens will be going twenty-four seven.”

“No. We will not require that much cake. A large portion of those invited live in other parts of the world.”

“Great.” Janna tapped her fingers on her planner to dispel some of her excess energy. Still for so long, waiting on him, had put her on edge. Well, more on edge than she’d been already. That stupid kiss had really knocked her for a loop. “Did you tell her about our kiss last night?”


“Your bride.” Janna gave him a perturbed look. “I can’t believe you told her and she’d still be okay with me planning the wedding.”

“I told her.” He watched her carefully. “And she is fine with it.”

“She’s fine with it?” Janna shook her head. “No woman in their right mind would be fine with another woman kissing their fiancé only days before their wedding.”

“She is…very forgiving.”

Janna doubted his story, but she had bigger problems to deal with than his doormat bride at the moment. Besides, arguing with the man was like talking to a wall. Infuriating. “So, how many out of this multitude do you think will actually attend?”

“Five hundred. Maybe a few more.”

“Only fifty percent?” She opened her planner and made a few notes. That was a huge difference. She’d need to adjust everything, from food to place settings.

“I am sure you will handle everything beautifully.” He tipped her planner down and smiled. “Shall we pick out our cake now? Then you may tell me what else you need help with.”

She swallowed hard and shut her portfolio. Stern Nassir was sexy enough for her overtaxed nervous system. Kind, polite Nassir was damned near devastating. She took the arm he offered and allowed him to lead her to a secluded corner alcove where a table was set up with two chair and a plethora of cakes.

After sampling a few bites each, she turned to Nassir. “What kind of cake doe

s your bride like?”

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